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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-24

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:29 garnett joined #dataverse
03:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:02 garnett joined #dataverse
09:57 sivoais joined #dataverse
10:07 sivoais joined #dataverse
12:02 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
13:47 lwo joined #dataverse
13:50 pdurbin lwo: hi! did you see my email? :) Dataverse puppet module -!to​pic/dataverse-community/C-ym7r2AI5Y
13:51 pdurbin hmm, iqlogbot didn't make that clickable. let's try
13:51 pdurbin I've been leaving comments on :)
13:51 lwo Well. quite..... :)
13:52 lwo And I see those coming into... I think I like to have more such observations.... there is some tweaking to do I think.
13:54 lwo But mainly I hope the module's development can eventually take place in the community, it if gets along.
13:54 pdurbin lwo: I thought I'd try to at least give you a little feedback right away :)
13:54 pdurbin lwo: right. that's why I emailed the list... to see if others are interested
13:55 lwo Thanks for that. And there is Docker of course.
13:56 pdurbin hmm! are you into Docker?
13:57 lwo Not in practise, but it looks appatising for us over here. JUst one place to build and then ship. It will save time
13:58 pdurbin right. I've kind of been waiting for someone to express interest in Docker :)
13:59 lwo THen Iĺl drop a line in the Google group in August.
13:59 lwo I will receive some tutoring then.
13:59 pdurbin well, I don't know Docker very well myself but it seems like the glassfish community is getting into it:
14:00 pdurbin payara too:
14:00 lwo Everyone is it seems.
14:00 pdurbin yeah
14:01 lwo Can you imagine that all we need to do is build a docker and people can install it
14:01 lwo In seconds
14:01 pdurbin I can imagine it at least :)
14:01 pdurbin I let the Docker enthusiasts know we're are least talking about Docker: :)
14:01 lwo It takes me 20 minutes to build sometimes with puppet, especially because the packages repos are slow, etc
14:02 lwo Well I am going to do some experiments with that.
14:03 lwo I like to know though, what needs to be done for the PR to become acceptable ?
14:03 lwo Like continuing the same plug-and-play the current Vagrantfile setup has perhaps ? Can the Dataverse team supply requirements ?
14:05 prologic joined #dataverse
14:05 prologic sure
14:05 prologic how can I help? :)
14:06 lwo O hello ProLogic
14:06 prologic hi
14:07 pdurbin lwo: I think I'd pull it in right away if 1. the default was my existing shell scripts and 2. it was made against the current dev branch (4.0.2 which is really 4.1, sigh).
14:07 pdurbin prologic: welcome!
14:08 lwo Ok... that looks like a default environment setting for #1.
14:08 lwo But..... haha... 4.0.2 and 4.1 ?
14:08 pdurbin yeah: Rename 4.0.2 to 4.1 · Issue #2348 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:09 lwo Ah!
14:10 lwo I originally intended the 4.0.2 PR
14:10 lwo But was unable to get the new branch after trying out this
14:11 pdurbin ah, we created a new branch since you started. sorry :)
14:12 lwo Well, thats ok. I am glad you keep busy which is good for all of us :)
14:12 pdurbin heh. we try
14:13 lwo So I'll just watch some further comments.... and take up the two points you raised here already
14:13 lwo Meanwhil eI will return to another test regarding Varnish
14:13 pdurbin great!
14:13 pdurbin varnish and dataverse?
14:14 lwo For now... Varnish and loadbalancing our search solution....
14:14 pdurbin ok
14:14 lwo Varnish can monitor backend nodes if there still healthy you see.... and Apache lets everything though.
14:16 lwo I'll be seeing you. Thanks Phil for your comments and please let them come in.
14:16 lwo See you prologic.
14:16 pdurbin lwo: thanks again!
14:16 lwo left #dataverse
14:24 prologic left #dataverse
15:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:03 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:29 garnett joined #dataverse
21:32 agarnett joined #dataverse
22:56 garnett joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.