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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-01-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:33 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:51 dcoloma joined #dataverse
05:37 metamattj joined #dataverse
05:49 metamattj joined #dataverse
05:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:32 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:12 dcoloma joined #dataverse
09:12 dcoloma joined #dataverse
09:33 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:55 dcoloma pdurbin: as promised, the pastebin with some feedback
10:49 dcoloma joined #dataverse
11:21 pdurbin dcoloma: thanks!
11:23 dcoloma pdurbin: so, I have installed the certificates, but I need to reinstall dataverse
11:23 dcoloma when doing so, I have an issue with the smtp server, I get a message "Could not establish connection to xxxx"
11:23 dcoloma "the address you provided for your Mail server.  "
11:24 xvx joined #dataverse
11:24 dcoloma I think now the machine is open to the Internet there might some port restrictions that make impossible to reach the mail server
11:24 pdurbin yeah, you'll need to use your own SMTP server
11:24 dcoloma is there any way to bypass that while I sort out with the IT people
11:25 pdurbin hmm, maybe you could run an SMTP server on localhost
11:26 dcoloma pdurbin: so, what is exactly the check the installer does? connecting to port 25?
11:31 pdurbin you're sure it's the installer and not glassfish? here I don't use the installer: (the perl script)
11:33 dcoloma pdurbin: not sure if I get you, this happens when executing the perl script
11:41 pdurbin ok. hmm. let's see what happens on a test server (phoenix)
11:42 pdurbin
11:44 pdurbin oh, wait. hmm. I'm not awake enough yet
11:47 pdurbin dcoloma: if you're looking to bypass that check you could hack around at
11:47 dcoloma pdurbin: trying to do it :)
11:50 pdurbin may be easier to just install postfix or sendmail on localhost
11:50 pdurbin that's what I do in the Vagrant environment
11:51 pdurbin
11:51 pdurbin defaults to localhost:
11:51 dcoloma pdurbin: smtp bypassed
11:52 pdurbin \o/
11:52 dcoloma pdurbin: now the installer is telling me "WARNING! Database dvndb already exists!  "
11:54 dcoloma pdurbin: any hints on how to make it work?
11:55 dcoloma pdurbin: --force?
11:56 dcoloma just tried... what could go wrong? :-)
12:00 pdurbin dcoloma: if you don't care about your data, you could drop your database and blow away and files users have uploaded:
13:08 dcoloma joined #dataverse
13:37 dcoloma_ joined #dataverse
13:47 dcoloma joined #dataverse
13:52 pdurbin dcoloma: I'm curious about "It was unclear to me when glassfish was launched". Why is this important? Would you like me to document that the installer will start glassfish?
13:54 dcoloma pdurbin: yes, for instance
13:55 dcoloma pdurbin: I didn't expect the installer to launch it
13:55 dcoloma pdurbin: as there are some scripts that should be doing for successive launches
13:55 pdurbin ok
13:56 pdurbin would you rather that the installer "fail fast" if glassfish isn't running. bark at you that you need to start glassfish?
13:56 pdurbin that's what it does when postgres isn't running, I think
13:57 dcoloma yes I think it would be useful
13:58 pdurbin I wonder what it does if Solr isn't running. It may not care.
15:11 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:42 yoh joined #dataverse
16:26 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
16:26 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse: | logs at
17:37 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:38 xvx joined #dataverse
19:07 cnk joined #dataverse
19:52 dcoloma joined #dataverse
20:39 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:17 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
22:18 bencomp joined #dataverse
22:26 bencomp joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.