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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-07-28

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:20 djbrooke joined #dataverse
02:38 djbrooke joined #dataverse
04:19 djbrooke joined #dataverse
04:22 djbrooke joined #dataverse
04:26 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:34 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:50 pameyer joined #dataverse
13:53 pameyer pdurbin: is there a jenkinsfile around somewhere?
13:56 pdurbin pameyer: you're making me think I should re-open :)
13:57 pdurbin pameyer: would you like an account on our Jenkins server? Shouldn't be a problem.
13:57 pameyer 1936 might be too much overhead. installing jenkins isn't a problem; but I'd be guessing at the job defination and pipeline
13:58 pdurbin I'm happy to copy and paste to you any configs you'd like.
13:59 pdurbin Such as the configs for the three chained Jenkins jobs described at
14:00 pameyer that'd be great - I'm not sure if the job def (aka jenkins-cli $host get-job $foo) will be something I could figure out or not
14:01 pameyer no hurry (aka - it can wait until you don't have other stuff to do)
14:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:14 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:30 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
14:35 bsilverstein pdurbin: meant to mention to you yesterday, #3919's branch has a code coverage boost of 0.7% :D
14:55 pdurbin bsilverstein: fantastic!
14:56 pdurbin pameyer: I'd like to get farther along first and I'll probably have more questions for you.
15:00 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:33 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:35 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
15:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:05 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:18 jhand joined #dataverse
16:44 pdurbin pameyer: does this "file package" screenshot look right?
17:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:47 pameyer pdurbin: "look right" how?
17:52 pdurbin pameyer: heh. I'm trying to bring all the pieces together. Kicking off the old import/crawling code on "validation passed".
17:52 pdurbin I'm just proud that I got a "package" to show up.
17:53 pameyer gotcha - looks right for something from batch-import to me
17:53 pdurbin cool
17:53 pdurbin pameyer: what do you expect to see instead of "myUploadFolder1"?
17:54 pameyer ?
17:54 pdurbin Do you see "myUploadFolder1" at ?
17:54 pameyer yes
17:55 pdurbin good :)
17:55 pdurbin should I hard code it to that? ;)
17:55 pameyer ok - now I've got context ;)
17:56 pameyer batch import api parameter; but since new endpoints will be calling that...
17:56 pameyer I'd go with the dataset identifier
17:56 pdurbin huh. ok
17:57 pdurbin so PXTYLE or whatever
17:58 pameyer for default identifier scheme, yup
17:58 pdurbin I know what you mean.
18:07 pdurbin This code has changed a lot since I last looked at it.
18:14 pdurbin pameyer: right now I'm sort of guessing what JSON the DCM is going to send on success and failure of checksum validation. Has this been finalized?
18:14 pameyer still flexible
18:14 pameyer want some more test scripts?
18:15 pdurbin are there existing test scripts?
18:15 pameyer not *existing* yet
18:15 pameyer not for dcm -> DV ( validation ok | validation fail)
18:16 pdurbin you don't need to cook up something special for me right now
18:20 pdurbin ok, files are now being uploaded here, for example: /Users/pdurbin/dataverse/fil​es/10.5072/FK2/WWXTUC/WWXTUC
18:20 pdurbin the "WWXTUC" seems a little weird but whatever :)
18:42 pameyer it's an artifact of putting everything into a subdirectory
18:43 pameyer when they're published, it'd be visible as `10.5072/FK2/WWXTUC/`
18:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:08 pdurbin well, with "doi:" at the front
19:08 pameyer I'd meant filesystem or rsync path
19:08 pdurbin I'm probably confused about what you mean but that's ok.
19:08 pdurbin oh, oh
19:09 pdurbin makes sense
19:10 pdurbin pameyer: speaking of still flexible, how does this look? jsonFromDcm: {"userId":133,"datasetId":268,"status":"validation passed","apiToken":"e95c18d8-3368-4722-bf​29-3c9e17c9b8d1","uploadFolder":"REWBQA"}
19:11 pameyer why put the API token in the JSON, instead of re-using from the http header?
19:11 pameyer and would it break things to add "datasetIdentifier":"REWBQA" ?
19:14 pdurbin Are you sending the API token in the header?
19:14 pameyer I tend to assume that's where a dataverse API token should go
19:18 pdurbin I can change it. I'm flexible too. :)
19:21 pdurbin pameyer: is this better? jsonFromDcm: {"userId":141,"datasetId":286,"status":"validation passed","uploadFolder":"JUITEZ"​,"datasetIdentifier":"JUITEZ"}
19:21 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:23 pdurbin pameyer: oh, I'm supposed to pass "totalSize" too, right?
19:24 pameyer yeah
19:24 pdurbin pameyer: do you need userId? Steve was asking if he can take it out.
19:25 pameyer nope
19:25 pameyer I don't need it
19:34 pdurbin pameyer: how does this look? jsonFromDcm: {"datasetId":301,"status":"validation passed","uploadFolder":"DO7BKX","datasetId​entifier":"DO7BKX","totalSize":1234567890}
19:36 pdurbin corresponding screenshot:
19:39 pameyer looks reasonable to me
19:42 pdurbin Cool. I'm still not in love with "datasetIdentifier" as the name for the directory of files and thumbnails and whatnot for a dataset. In the Java code, to get this string, you call dataset.getFileSystemDirectory().
19:42 pdurbin to get the fully qualified path
19:46 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:47 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:57 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:11 pameyer pdurbin: Dataset.getIdentifier()
20:12 pameyer I added javadoc, but I'm pretty sure I didn't add that function
20:16 pdurbin yes but
20:18 pdurbin Maybe we should have dataset.getFileSystemDirectoryAbsolutePath vs. dataset.getFileSystemDirectoryLeaf or something. The second would be the final directory in the path.
20:19 pdurbin I just posted comment with the JSON and screenshot from earlier to
20:19 pdurbin pameyer: is the DCM ready to send that JSON?
20:20 pameyer I have to replace commented out TODO lines and check the syntax
20:20 pameyer define "ready"
20:21 pdurbin In my tests I'm pretending to be the DCM sending that JSON.
20:22 pdurbin Somebody should test the DCM sending that JSON. Do you want that to be me or you or Kevin or all of us? :)
20:22 pameyer since I'm typo-man; I vote for all of us
20:23 pdurbin heh, ok. that's what I was telling djbrooke this morning
20:23 pdurbin that we need to own this feature
20:24 pdurbin I also put a bug in his ear about moving the repo to IQSS.
20:25 pdurbin pameyer: previously, we stopped at "can you download the rsync script from the DCM via API?" We didn't care if the script only printed "hello world". For this issue we now need to execute the rsync script, right?
20:25 pameyer not necessarilly
20:25 pdurbin huh, ok
20:25 pdurbin This issue needs more "definition of done" then. I'm confused. :)
20:26 pdurbin or... what did we call it... acceptance criteria?
20:27 pameyer if there's a directory with a name matching `uploadFolder` for `datasetIdentifier` with a valid manifest when the "happy-path" API is called, that should suffice
20:27 pameyer "sad-path" API doesn't even need that
20:27 pameyer does that help?
20:28 pdurbin I guess. You seem to be saying that we can can manually do the job of the rsync script. We can put the files into the right place on disk and create a manifest file.
20:28 pameyer correct
20:29 pdurbin And then we hit the new API endpoint we added to Dataverse. With curl? With the DCM?
20:29 pameyer current version of the DCM uses curl to make dataverse API calls
20:29 pdurbin interesting
20:30 pdurbin thanks
20:30 pameyer no problem.
20:31 pameyer I don't have as much automated testing infrastructure as you do; so I try to make the interface points something that's somewhat obvious and easy to check in isolation
20:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:54 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:57 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
21:34 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:47 pdurbin makes sense
21:49 pdurbin left #dataverse

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