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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-04-26

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:16 pdurbin hey there jls_ucb
03:12 jri joined #dataverse
07:01 jri joined #dataverse
07:04 jri joined #dataverse
12:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:34 Frank joined #dataverse
12:35 Frank Hi this is Frank from AUSSDA
12:35 Guest73945 Just a quick question about postgres
12:35 Guest73945 Is there a database diagram I can use to help understand the flow of data through the database?
12:43 pdurbin Shoot, missed him. I wonder if he means something like this:
12:54 soU joined #dataverse
13:17 Frank joined #dataverse
13:17 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
13:23 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
13:24 test56465mh joined #dataverse
13:25 icarito[m] test?
13:25 test56465mh test2?
13:27 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
13:27 pdurbin_m icarito[m]: welcome!
13:27 icarito[m] the gateway doesn't seem to work, only one way messages
13:27 test56465mh testing again
13:28 icarito[m] oh I see messages both ways now
13:28 icarito[m] hi pdurbin_m I don't see you from matrix but do from IRC
13:30 pdurbin_m Yeah, I find Matrix confusing. I'm a simple man. I like IRC. :)
13:31 icarito[m] yeah, it has + and -    the good thing is that it integrates with other things other people use like gitter and slack, in a much simpler way than IRC
13:32 pdurbin_m Well, Slack recently killed their IRC gateway.
13:33 dataverse-user26 joined #dataverse
13:34 dataverse-user26 Hi there, I'm trying to create an account however I'm not able to provide a password "complex" enough. I've tried different combinations of letters and numbers. Would someone be able to advise why this is the case?
13:35 dataverse-user26 left #dataverse
13:35 pdurbin_m dataverse-user26: hi! Which installation of Dataverse are you using?
13:35 icarito[m] anyway nice project here I may eventually put some data in dataverse for the meantime I'm loving the Dat project in general
13:39 pdurbin_m jhand is from Dat. We love Dat.
13:40 pdurbin_m karissa too
13:40 pdurbin_m icarito[m]: do you think Public Lab has any research data?
13:42 icarito[m] pdurbin_m: as the sysadmin, I think all of the photos at are a good dataset to preserve - but I'm not involved with research exactly
13:42 icarito[m] personally I wrote a Python Web IDE and am adding support for DAT to it
13:43 icarito[m] I applied for Mozilla Open Web Fellowship with it to the Datproject, so I'm aware of jhand  - twitted to him recently on it :-)
13:44 pdurbin_m Nice, jhand visited a year or two ago and gave a great talk on Day.
13:45 pdurbin_m icarito[m]: it would be awesome if you added support for Dataverse for your IDE too. :)
13:47 pdurbin_m and MapKnitter looks interesting. thanks
13:47 icarito[m] :-) yeah actually now thinking about it - it's a bit like Jupyter but without a backend - it supports transpiled Python and Markdown
13:47 pdurbin_m dataverse-user: are you dataverse-user26? Password question?
13:48 icarito[m] pdurbin_m: actually also has a dataset
13:49 pdurbin_m cool, if you know the spectralworkbench people, please feel free to reach out to them
13:49 pdurbin_m icarito[m]: have you heard of BinderHub?
13:51 icarito[m] I have tried some notebooks on binder but it felt slow and unreliable possibly it was my internet connection
13:51 icarito[m] pdurbin_m: is a project
13:52 icarito[m] e.g. jywarren is the contact just like with
13:52 pdurbin_m oh! ok
14:03 pdurbin_m icarito[m]: I opened this issue:
14:08 icarito[m] cool. Jappy IDE is much more lightweight in that it doens't need a backend at all - but my use case is teaching coding so I haven't given much thought about processing datasets yet :-)
14:08 icarito[m] btw Jappy IDE is available at
14:08 icarito[m] :-)
14:09 icarito[m] currently it's served over Dat too but I'm adding write capabilities
14:09 icarito[m] currently it already was using webdav experimentally for shared files / and websockets for collaborative editing
14:10 icarito[m] a "jupyter p2p" version for researchers would be really fun
14:10 icarito[m] eventually we'll have webasm based pythonc compliant interpreters
14:27 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:35 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:09 pdurbin icarito[m]: great stuff. thanks!
17:11 pdurbin andrewSC bricas knikolla pameyer: postgres replication stuff:
17:25 jri joined #dataverse
17:46 pameyer pdurbin: cool
17:49 pameyer I remember there being a GUI option for scaling - look for a one in a circle (or a zero in a circle, before the first one has finished starting)
18:02 pdurbin pameyer: I could swear I saw an up and down arrow at one point but I can't find it now. :/
18:04 pameyer pdurbin: the curse of GUIs
18:04 pdurbin I just looked again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18:42 andrewSC bomb dot com
18:51 Tyrel left #dataverse
18:54 pdurbin andrewSC: hmm? :)
18:59 andrewSC postgres stuff w/ kubernetes
18:59 andrewSC looks like there's a little bit left re: your comment though
19:14 danmcp joined #dataverse
19:14 danmcp left #dataverse
19:32 pdurbin yeah, it's just the beginning, I guess. neat stuff though
20:03 pameyer pdurbin: do you know if any of the info load testing for openshift is anywhere in non-video format?
20:08 pdurbin Excellent question. There's a little bit here: ... mention of ApacheBench and JMeter
20:08 pdurbin via
20:08 pdurbin pameyer: why do you ask?
20:10 pameyer thanks for the links - I'll check the presentations
20:10 pameyer I was asking because of curiosity - my intuition is that glassfish was a bigger scaling bottleneck than postgres; but the pull requests started there
20:11 pameyer since you mentioned they were doing load testing, I was hoping to see some data from them showing that my intiution was wrong; and that postgres was a bottleneck that was hit sooner than glassfish
20:12 pameyer aka - first rule of profiling: measure it first, to figure out where the slow step is
20:15 pdurbin I'm expecting a pull request for scaling glassfish in . I wouldn't sweat the order in which the pull requests came in.
20:15 pdurbin It's always better to get your code merged first. Then the other person has to resolve merge conflicts. ;)
20:16 pdurbin pameyer: you're such a scientist with all your measuring and data
20:17 pameyer that too ;)
20:23 pdurbin They're load testing Glassfish, not Postgres.
20:24 pdurbin I bet they'd be happy to show the data. I'll ping them.
20:24 pameyer right - but if load on glassfish doesn't translate to load on postgres, then postgres isn't the failure point
20:24 pameyer cool - thanks
20:25 pdurbin I think your intution is correct, that Glassfish is much more of a bottleneck that Postgres.
20:25 pdurbin In production we've never run more than one Postgres server, I don't believe. But we had three Glassfish servers for years.
20:32 pdurbin I emailed them and will keep you posted, pameyer
20:33 pdurbin knikolla: I *think* they're deploying to the MOC when they run these performance tests.
20:35 pameyer pdurbin: thanks
20:36 pameyer any idea if MOC does openshift now? I'd thought it was openstack
20:48 pdurbin why not both?
20:48 pdurbin I think it's both. I'm not sure. Let's ask knikolla sometime.
20:51 pameyer good point
21:14 jri joined #dataverse
21:14 knikolla pameyer: pdurbin: we do openshift as well now.
21:16 pameyer knikolla: cool, thanks
21:53 pameyer left #dataverse
22:28 pdurbin knikolla: cool. thanks
22:28 pdurbin Whoops, I didn't mean to say the same thing. How unoriginal of me. :)
22:32 knikolla pdurbin: haha, for a moment i thought it was a duplicate notification.
22:33 pdurbin heh
22:34 pdurbin knikolla: have you tried deploying Dataverse to OpenShift? Just curious. I've only deployed to Minishift (on my laptop).
22:35 knikolla pdurbin: i haven't
22:36 pdurbin Ok, have you played with OpenShift much?
22:43 knikolla pdurbin: I would really like to, however I haven't had the time.
22:44 pdurbin Cool. I have a long list of things I don't have time to play with. :)

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