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IRC log for #dataverse, 2018-09-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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Time S Nick Message
08:34 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
08:34 cdsp-rmo pdurbin: aaaaaand it's gone :'(
08:35 cdsp-rmo I created a dataverse (I had to log multiple times to access the root page, then for creating the dataverse, strange)
08:35 cdsp-rmo then I wanted to create a dataset in the dataverse
08:35 cdsp-rmo when I clicked on "create a dataset", I had the publishing error
08:36 cdsp-rmo so I told to myself "oh right, the siteUrl is not defined, let's define it"
08:36 cdsp-rmo so I created it, then stopped glassfish, start glassfish
08:36 cdsp-rmo and the previous error "can't log in french" appeared
08:37 cdsp-rmo (I did the command "LANG=C mvn package" to build the war when I deployed yesterday)
09:50 tcoupin joined #dataverse
10:44 pdurbin :(
10:51 tcoupin Hi everyone
10:52 tcoupin To deploy DV in my institut, user needs to be able to provide an existing DOI when create dataset
10:55 tcoupin I started develop and have now an input to provide DOI on dataset creation
10:55 pdurbin tcoupin: hi! If you're on "develop", you can try this new "Import a Dataset into a Dataverse" API endpoint:
10:57 tcoupin ok
10:58 tcoupin currently I can provide an existing DOI but publish the dataset fail
10:59 tcoupin What is the purpose of "identifierRegistered" in dvobjects ? Can I use it to avoid publishing the doi ?
11:03 pdurbin When publishing fails, is there a stacktrace in server.log?
11:04 pdurbin I'm looking at "identifierregistered" at and from the name I assume it switches from false to true after a dataset has been published. Not sure.
11:15 tcoupin I use the import api with an existing doi whitout release paramater
11:17 tcoupin I cant publish the imported dataset, with same error "his dataset may not be published due to an error when contacting the <a href= target="_blank"/> EZID </a> Service. Please try again."
11:18 tcoupin On auto release with api, a boolean is added to the command to prevent making doi public
11:21 tcoupin when i create a dataset, identifierRegistered is true before publish
11:21 tcoupin false for harvested dataset
11:22 tcoupin i assume identifierRegistered is true when identifier was created by dataverse installation
11:24 pdurbin You have to be in California to use EZID:
11:25 pdurbin Instead of EZID, you will need to select another persistent id provider:
11:30 tcoupin Publishing work for dataset whitout existing doi
11:32 pdurbin Ah, that's good.
11:32 pdurbin EZID still works outside California today but soon it will stop working.
11:33 pdurbin It sounds like you may have found a bug with that new "import" code.
11:33 pdurbin Right? Does it seem like a bug?
11:37 pdurbin If there is something to fix or documentation to clarify, please open a GitHub issue.
11:41 tcoupin yes bug =>
11:52 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
11:52 tcoupin seems strange :
12:00 cdsp-rmo hello tcoupin
12:00 cdsp-rmo have you set -Ddataverse.siteUrl ?
12:00 cdsp-rmo (jvm-options)
12:01 cdsp-rmo pameyer told me about that here
12:01 cdsp-rmo it seems it is needed to publish
12:02 tcoupin not set
12:04 cdsp-rmo I have a question for you on my side
12:05 cdsp-rmo about the login problem ...
12:05 cdsp-rmo you don't have the problem anymore ?
12:05 tcoupin no
12:06 cdsp-rmo simply by doing "LANG=C mvn package" ? Then deploy it back on glassfish, stop and restart ?
12:06 cdsp-rmo (have you stop and start glassfish later since the moment it worked ?)
12:09 tcoupin glassfish was restarted more than one time ;)
12:10 tcoupin glassfish is running in a docker container so locale is en too
12:10 tcoupin-test joined #dataverse
12:13 cdsp-rmo that's strange then
12:14 cdsp-rmo because it worked yesterday (after a laborious process), but when I restarted glassfish today, pouf, the problem was back ...
12:14 cdsp-rmo I think dataverse hates me :D
12:15 tcoupin17 joined #dataverse
12:16 tcoupin joined #dataverse
12:17 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:19 tcoupin cdsp-rmo: available for a video using rendez-vous by renater ?
12:21 tcoupin joined #dataverse
12:24 cdsp-rmo hum
12:25 cdsp-rmo never used that
12:25 cdsp-rmo that would use ful, but the thing is my working env is on a fix computer, and I'm in an open space
12:25 tcoupin
12:26 cdsp-rmo so, not really indicated for mic or else
12:26 tcoupin yes
12:26 cdsp-rmo but if it's not a problem to use a chat, then it's ok
12:26 tcoupin phone perhaps ?
12:27 cdsp-rmo I don't have a phone
12:27 cdsp-rmo :D
12:28 cdsp-rmo is it really a problem to not be on vocal ?
12:31 cdsp-rmo (sorry to be such a pain, but my office is not the best for conf calls :S )
12:43 tcoupin no pb
12:51 cdsp-rmo I think I will handle the login problem by over riding it in the code
12:55 tcoupin cdsp-rmo: what have you done on my laptop ??? why is my dataverse in french now ??
12:57 Jim64 joined #dataverse
13:01 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
13:01 cdsp-rmo wait
13:01 cdsp-rmo what ?
13:02 tcoupin i restart my firefox, and dataverse was in french after new deploy
13:03 cdsp-rmo 0o
13:03 cdsp-rmo well, I do have my application in french since I used the latest develop branch
13:03 cdsp-rmo not you ?
13:05 tcoupin i force firefox to use en with "Quick Accept-Language Switcher"
13:05 tcoupin but it seems to be session dependant
13:08 Jim54 joined #dataverse
13:11 Jim54 Hi all! Is there any guidance out on moving existing files to s3? It looks like I should just sync my files/authority dir(s) with the bucket and prepend s3://<bucketname>: to the DataFile storageidentifiers. Is that correct? Anything else (aside from having s3 set up in general)?
13:15 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
13:16 Jim__ joined #dataverse
13:18 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
13:21 tcoupin cdsp-rmo: when I open dataverse in chrome (no plugin to change locale), DV is in french BUT label in login form are in english
13:22 cdsp-rmo yes !
13:22 cdsp-rmo I realized this
13:22 cdsp-rmo very strange
13:22 cdsp-rmo hum
13:22 cdsp-rmo for the login page I have "nom d'utilisateur" and "mot de passe", but the rest is in english
13:22 cdsp-rmo I "solved" my problem by hardcoding my password in passwor tests
13:23 cdsp-rmo so I can do my dev without troubles with the rest, waiting for the thing to be solves ^^
13:23 cdsp-rmo you can still login ?
13:23 tcoupin on login page, title is "se connecter" but labels are username/password
13:23 cdsp-rmo Or you can't anymore ? Is it just the french language bothering you ?
13:23 tcoupin and login work
13:24 cdsp-rmo damned
13:25 cdsp-rmo do you have troubles to create dataset ? It seems my ezid is badly configured
13:26 cdsp-rmo do you use the apitest account for ezid ?
13:27 tcoupin
13:28 cdsp-rmo52 joined #dataverse
13:28 cdsp-rmo52 I saw your troubles for publishing
13:28 cdsp-rmo52 but I can't even create a dataset on my side
13:28 cdsp-rmo52 manually, I mean
13:30 tcoupin
13:32 cdsp-rmo52 yes, but right after that, he said it still works ><
13:35 cdsp-rmo52 also, how are we supposed to use dataverse as dev if the ezid doi is down ? I can't found a datacite api test account around
13:47 pdurbin Jim__: hi! You had a question about moving to S3?
13:48 pdurbin cdsp-rmo52: tragic that your dev environment is broken again after all that work yesterday :(
13:49 pdurbin donsizemore: tell us more about the job ad you posted:
13:49 pdurbin tcoupin: thanks for opening that issue about publishing
13:50 cdsp-rmo52 well, I decided to comment the login thing and now the doi call
13:50 cdsp-rmo52 and keep going with my dev
13:51 pdurbin cdsp-rmo52: ok, so you're not completely blocked. good!
13:51 cdsp-rmo52 yep :)
14:04 cdsp-rmo52 pdurbin: I have a question about the dataset import
14:06 cdsp-rmo52 a field like "Subject" is required for a dataset. So, I was wondering: what should I put there ? Given it is not really part of ddi standards, how am I supposed to fill this field ? :S
14:25 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:45 Jim__ @pdurbin - was looking for info on transferring existing files to s3 after switching to S3 storage as discussed in the config guide.
14:47 Jim__ it looks simple - sync the files and prepend s3://<bucketname>: to the storageidentifiers in the dvobject table, but wanted to know if that was documented or if I'm missing needed steps, etc.
14:49 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:53 pameyer cdsp-rmo52: "subject" wasn't really meaningful for our installation (everything wouldn've had the same subject).  I put some functionality in our fork to auto-select if there was only a single subject in the citation metadata, removed all the other subjects, and hid it
14:54 pameyer tcoupin: if you're in docker, you definately need siteUrl to publish (like cdsp-rmo mentioned).  this didn't used to be the case, and I'm not entirely sure what changed the behavior; but it's tripped me up in the past
14:59 pdurbin Jim__: the best thing might be for you to email about migrating to S3 because it's something Harvard Dataverse did within the last year and the ticket would probably reach the people who performed the move. You also might find some tips in
15:03 pdurbin cdsp-rmo52: in addition to what pameyer said about subjects, we could talk about the "N/A" option if you want:
15:06 Jim__ joined #dataverse
15:06 Jim__ Thanks - this looks like step ~7.2 in the checklist mentioned in that issue - I'll ping support for details...
15:08 pdurbin Jim__: sure, if you keep clicking through issues you'll find a couple google docs. I can link them here if you'd like.
15:09 pdurbin Jim__: the google doc linked from here seems to be the final cutover day checklist:
15:28 Jim__ got it - that appears to confirm what I was thinking and gives the queries needed. Thanks!
15:32 pdurbin sure thing
15:32 pdurbin pameyer: question about astyle when you have a moment
15:34 pameyer pdurbin: sure
15:45 pdurbin pameyer: would you be offended if I replace what you wrote about astyle with "run `mvn checkstyle`"?
15:46 pameyer depends - does it work better?
15:46 pameyer ;) seriously, no
15:47 pdurbin cool, I'll take it out. I'll ping you for code review in a bit
15:47 pameyer I'd thought the checkstyle PR was about checking code, not reformatting it
15:47 pameyer no problem - I took a quick look when it came in
15:47 pdurbin well, this will be a new, smaller pull request
15:50 pameyer gotcha
15:50 pameyer hopefully checkstyle can handle the "only reformat the code you touched" part
15:51 pdurbin nope
15:51 pdurbin well, it'll tell you which lines are in violation
15:54 pameyer with > 600 of those, that may not be too helpful.  but maybe I should wait until you *ask* for review
16:06 pdurbin pameyer: ok, I clicked "request review"
16:06 pdurbin Jim__: still there?
16:21 pameyer pdurbin: reviewed
16:21 pameyer and ~200 vs > 600
16:29 pdurbin 200 vs 600? not sure what you mean
16:29 pameyer reported violations
16:30 pdurbin astyle reports more or fewer?
16:32 pdurbin "There are 199 errors reported by Checkstyle 6.18 with checkstyle.xml ruleset."
16:32 pdurbin So I guess you're saying that astyle reports more.
16:35 pameyer no - when I ran the original PR, I thought its configuration reported ~600 checkstyle violations
16:35 pameyer I might be remembering wrong, of course
16:36 pdurbin oh, possibly. the newer pull request only has two checks: no tabs and where to put left curly braces
16:37 pdurbin the older pull request had addition checks. I'm not even sure what they were all for
16:45 pdurbin andrewSC: fixed:
16:53 pdurbin pameyer: this should make you happy: :)
16:55 pameyer pdurbin: I like being able to know when stuff's broken
16:55 pdurbin me too
16:55 pdurbin speaking of broken stuff, phoenix is now reporting failed API tests on "develop"
16:56 pdurbin any interest in running your docker-aio tests?
16:56 pameyer I saw - I kicked stuff off on my end
16:56 pameyer didn't see anything broken last night; but being systematic
16:56 pdurbin awesome. thanks you!
16:56 pdurbin yeah, no failures on develop as of 8pm last night
16:57 pdurbin I'm doing another run on phoenix right now. Additional pull requests were merged. Maybe one will magically fix the failures? :) Doubt it.
17:01 pdurbin pameyer: issue created:
17:06 pameyer probabably doesn't do me any good to test ddc41f58c1cc21449eb5d1f9a69a13be7915ca8d ; since I forgot to pull develop first :<
17:31 pameyer I'm wondering if a test handle server exists, and if so if the configs for it have issues
17:32 pdurbin phoenix is not configured to use a handle server. it uses DataCite
17:32 pameyer well, I'm not sure why else I'd be seeing key exchange failures in the server log
17:32 pameyer :doh: other than CA certs, potentially
17:33 pameyer but that's for after lunch
17:46 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:22 pameyer donsizemore: does dataverse-ansible rely in the default ezid credentials?
18:23 donsizemore @pameyer they're configurable as group_vars:   doi:     authority: "10.5072"     protocol: doi     shoulder: "FK2/"     provider: EZID
18:23 donsizemore @pameyer (and could be passed to ansible-playbook as --extra-vars if need be)
18:23 pameyer well, develop removed the default username/password from the install
18:24 donsizemore @pameyer should i go ahead and update the role?
18:24 pameyer probably ;)
18:24 pameyer might be worth double-checking that you need to first though
18:49 pdurbin pameyer: Steve and I fixed and closed the API test issue I opened because (per my latest comment), the phoenix server is happy again. If docker-aio is showing failures after you pull the latest from develop, do you mind opening a fresh issue?
18:50 pameyer pdurbin: as usual
18:50 pdurbin hmm? :)
18:51 pameyer don't I usually open issues about broken stuff?
18:51 pdurbin yes, yes, and thank you! :)
18:51 pameyer glad you two got it sorted though - I got pulled into other stuff
18:51 pdurbin actually if you end up making a pull request there's a bit of a doc change we should add
18:52 pdurbin This is no longer true: "Out of the box, Dataverse is configured with a test username from EZID"
19:16 pameyer the "out of the box" issue is the one that I don't have a great idea about how to sort out, based on the comments on the various issues
19:17 pameyer *might* be able to spin up cheetoh and hook things up that way
19:17 Mahsa joined #dataverse
19:18 Mahsa Good afternoon, I checked with our IdP and they are providing us with more attributes, although we still are not receiving them.
19:18 Mahsa I checked the Shibboleth logs and found that the attributes are skipped as they can not be found/mapped
19:19 Mahsa I also noticed that our IDP are putting the attribute "id" in the "name" tag, and there is no "id" tage in what they are sending
19:20 Mahsa Now, my question is would setting up the "Name" and "Id"s properly simply solve the issue. My concern is the format of the values that are being sent.
19:20 pdurbin cheetoh?
19:20 Mahsa Isn't that alo get validated by Attribute resolver ?
19:22 pdurbin Mahsa: I'm confused. Are they sending attributes you need but with different names? You need "eppn" but they're sending "myawesomeid" or whatever instead?
19:22 Mahsa Yes, not that different
19:22 Mahsa Attribute tags  have "Id" and "Name"
19:22 pdurbin Do you see the attributes on that "Session" page we talked about yesterday?
19:23 Mahsa No, Shibboleth skips them, because it can not map them
19:23 Mahsa since the Names do not match
19:23 pdurbin huh
19:24 Mahsa what is supposed to be in the "Id" tag , is in the "name" tag
19:24 Mahsa for the attrbutes
19:24 pdurbin I'm not sure what "Id" is. It sounds a bit like "eppn" though.
19:25 Mahsa here is an example
19:25 Mahsa this is how the IDP is sending an attribute :
19:25 Mahsa <saml:Attribute Name="cn" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:S​AML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
19:26 Mahsa while in the in the attribute map it looks like this:
19:26 Mahsa <Attribute name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:cn" id="cn"/>
19:26 pdurbin right, that's what I'm seeing in
19:26 Mahsa so I think Shibboleth can not map them and just skips them
19:27 Mahsa So, I will ask them to sort this out
19:27 Mahsa But my question is
19:27 Mahsa Are the values for these attributes also get validated ?
19:27 pdurbin Dataverse doesn't need "cn" by the way. Are they sending any attributes that Dataverse needs?
19:27 Mahsa yes, I sent them a bif list, none can be mapped because of the "naming" issue
19:27 pdurbin oh
19:28 pdurbin what do you mean by validated?
19:28 Mahsa meaning that the values for those attributes should follow a certain format
19:28 Mahsa ?
19:29 pdurbin Hmm. I'm not sure. Did you see the "diff" attachments on that thread you found? Where Alex got NameId working for eppn?
19:29 Mahsa No, I will go back and check
19:30 pdurbin Mahsa: those diffs are linked from
19:31 pdurbin Hmm. I just looked at them and I'm not sure if they'll help or not. Are you aware of the shib users mailing list?
19:32 Mahsa Yes, I think the issue here is that our IDP is not using the SAML atributes and it seems they are creating custom ones
19:32 Mahsa which I dont get why
19:33 Mahsa mhm,, I will look into it , Thank you pdurbin
19:33 pdurbin Is your IDP powered by Shibboleth or some other software?
19:33 Mahsa mhmm, I dont know the answer
19:34 pdurbin ok, it might be worth asking
19:34 Mahsa sure, Thanks
19:34 Mahsa I am sure it is not Shibboleth
19:34 pdurbin ah, interesting
19:34 pdurbin well, SAML is supposed to be a standard
19:34 Mahsa Yes, exactly
19:34 pdurbin so hopefully we'll get it working :)
19:35 Mahsa sure, I am aware that another software has used Shibboleth with our idp for SSO
19:35 Mahsa so this should work as well
19:35 pdurbin ok, good
19:35 Mahsa I will check the SAML attributes and see why our IDP is not using standard attributes
19:36 pdurbin perfect
19:36 Mahsa thanks again
19:36 pdurbin sure
19:37 pdurbin pameyer: I went ahead and made a pull request for the EZID doc change:
22:09 pameyer left #dataverse

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