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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-02-25

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:43 jri joined #dataverse
05:43 jri joined #dataverse
07:47 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:52 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
07:55 jri joined #dataverse
09:21 jri_ joined #dataverse
09:22 jri__ joined #dataverse
09:39 juancorr joined #dataverse
09:48 jri joined #dataverse
09:51 jri joined #dataverse
10:31 pdurbin joined #dataverse
10:31 pdurbin mornin' all
13:35 poikilotherm Good morning America :-)
13:36 poikilotherm Hope you guys have such a lovely weather as we have over here. Enjoying a lot of sun these days...
13:36 pdurbin Cool. When I was in Berlin there wasn't much sun.
13:37 poikilotherm Yeah... We started roofing the week after and there almost no rain.
13:37 poikilotherm +was
13:37 pdurbin nice
13:45 pdurbin Can someone please load up from a mobile phone and try something for me? The links under "Datasets from journal dataverses" don't work for me on Android (Chrome browser). Do they work for you from your mobile phone? They work fine from a desktop browser (Firefox) for me.
13:47 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:58 poikilotherm
13:59 poikilotherm Same here on Samsung S8+, Firefox on Android.
13:59 poikilotherm See image above, done in Web IDE from Firefox
13:59 poikilotherm Seems like the div is eating too much space.
14:02 pdurbin Thanks! I'll bring it up at standup.
14:30 pdurbin poikilotherm: same problem on iPhone. I just had Steve try.
15:57 isullivan joined #dataverse
16:34 pdurbin went ahead and created an issue:
17:10 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:21 Jim53 joined #dataverse
17:24 Jim53 Quick question - the v4.11 install notes don't say anything about solr, but I think the update to 7.3.1 is in there. Is that true? Do the notes need an install 7.3.1 section?
17:27 pameyer @Jim53 - if I'm remembering correctly, the most recent release was tested with a 7.3.0 solr server as well
17:27 pameyer but that's a different question from "should there be something added to the release notes about it"
17:28 Jim53 Yeah - I think I've been running dev against 7.3, but haven't checked for potential issues...
18:00 jri joined #dataverse
18:04 pdurbin oh good, he opened
18:20 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:21 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
18:21 donsizemore @Jim53 re #5573 yes for whatever reason the docs trail releases
18:22 poikilotherm Good evening, America.
18:25 pameyer good $abritrary_time_interval, non-America ;)
18:25 poikilotherm *G*
18:26 pameyer @donsizemore - when you have a moment, I'd appreciate your opinion on something sysadmin-ish
18:30 donsizemore @pameyer indulging my impostor syndrome, i see =)
18:32 pameyer @donsizemore I could always use second opinions.  I recently did some investigation about using free-ipa as a shibboleth authentication provider for dataverse.
18:33 pameyer it can be made to work, but essentially without any changes to dataverse code.  assuming it's something that might be of use to others (which may not be the case), it seems like it would be useful to document it - but it doesn't feel like it belongs in the dataverse guides / repository
18:34 pameyer I'm wondering if you have an opinion about where a good place to document it might be.
18:35 pameyer ... with the disclaimer that I made the tactical error of asking a question right before heading for lunch :( I'll be back on it a bit though
18:39 donsizemore @pameyer seems like something that could go in a satellite dataverse repo à la dataverse-toolbox: experimental authentication methods
18:40 pdurbin My first thought is that it would be very helpful for Dataverse developers to be able to run their own IdP. So a note in the Dev Guide could work. This page:
18:41 pdurbin Whoops, that was the issue about TestShib going away. This page:
18:58 donsizemore @pdurbin thanks for your note to Sherry — I've been e-mailing with her off list and sent her our shibboleth2.xml for reference
18:59 pdurbin oh good
19:12 pameyer @donsizemore @pdurbin thanks for the suggestions.  it basicly boils down to "setup your own idp that a shib sb is happy with"
19:13 pdurbin Is free-ipa easy to install? On Mac?
19:15 pameyer I'm not sure - I didn't have to install freeipa.  but it's from redhat, so I don't know how mac compatible it is
19:15 pdurbin Ah, someone gave you an installation of freeipa. Ok.
19:16 pameyer we're using it for our ldap
19:16 pdurbin Gotcha. For dev there might be a simpler IdP to run.
19:17 pameyer yeah.  I wasn't looking at it from that angle
19:17 pdurbin Cool that you got it working.
19:17 pdurbin And ADFS. You're on a roll. :)
19:18 pameyer that's a nice way of saying "making my way through a jungle of xml" ;)
19:19 pameyer any ideas if the gdcc has its own github org / repo / etc ?
19:28 pdurbin yep, one repo so far:
19:29 pdurbin announced at
19:32 pameyer cool
19:40 pameyer btw - welcome back @pdurbin
19:41 pdurbin thanks
22:04 jri joined #dataverse
23:21 isullivan joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.