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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-07-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:43 jri joined #dataverse
05:43 jri joined #dataverse
06:37 juancorr joined #dataverse
06:56 jri joined #dataverse
07:16 bjonnh joined #dataverse
08:37 bjonnh joined #dataverse
08:37 bjonnh joined #dataverse
09:08 j-n-c joined #dataverse
10:41 pdurbin joined #dataverse
10:41 pdurbin j-n-c: thanks for fixing that typo
10:43 j-n-c no problem. thak You for the feedback ;)
10:44 pdurbin Sure. Do you think we should go ahead and move it to QA? The section about installing Sphinx suggests installing it as root, which isn't necessary. I know you didn't add this. We could always improve this section later.
11:23 pdurbin I went ahead and move it to QA.
11:25 pdurbin moved*
11:27 j-n-c Ok
11:30 pdurbin The intern who wrote that was on Ubuntu. There is no "root" on Windows. :)
11:30 pdurbin Well, maybe there is these days. Times are changing.
11:30 pdurbin But we can revisit that in the future.
11:31 pdurbin At the moment I'm more interested in helping people make doc contributions through the GitHub web interface.
11:46 j-n-c Fair enough
11:46 pdurbin Have you installed Sphinx?
11:47 j-n-c Has anyone ever complained about the absence of a procedure for Windows?
11:47 j-n-c not yet. But I probably will
11:48 pdurbin Ok. Are you on Windows, Mac, or Linux?
11:48 j-n-c Linux. Ubuntu
11:49 pdurbin Ok. I think you'll be able to just apt-get install a version of Sphinx that's new enough.
11:49 j-n-c ok. thks!
11:51 j-n-c are you concerned about the installation on Mac or Red Hat Linux? Or it should be as straight forward as in a Debian Based Linux Distro
11:55 pdurbin Well, I assume that most people who could contribute to the guides but haven't yet are on Windows. Then Mac, then Linux.
12:41 pdurbin Cool, 5 installation of Dataverse have created boards at
12:42 pdurbin andrewSC bricas_ juancorr: please feel free to create one for your installation.
13:06 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:07 donsizemore @j-n-c I started peppering the Ansible role with calls for Debian/Ubuntu... pull requests welcome!
13:08 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
13:14 j-n-c donsizemore: Which file(s) have You worked on?
13:14 donsizemore @j-n-c regarding the dataverse-ansible role, i'm the perp
13:34 pdurbin donsizemore: mornin. As usual, I feel like I've asked you to do a dozen things at once for Dataverse. How are you holding up? :)
13:35 pdurbin poikilotherm: that call on Friday was fun. Should we type up some notes?
13:37 donsizemore @pdurbin oh, i'm fine. i picked up where i left off on friday =)
13:38 pdurbin Right but where are we? Where am I?
13:39 donsizemore You're very near Dumpling House. and the soon-to-open Wachusett Brewing Company
13:40 donsizemore I'm trying to find the right flag and arg incantation to make expand shell aliases within an Ansible task.
13:41 pdurbin Berkshire Brewing Company was a sponsor of an outdoor concert we went to on Saturday (where we took the kids up on a tethered hot air balloon ride):
13:43 pdurbin my face as we left the ground:
13:45 poikilotherm pdurbin: to quote djbrooke: "That's helpfull!" :-D
13:46 pdurbin heh
13:46 pdurbin It was helpful. :)
13:48 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm setting counter enable true for the first time in quite a while. Hope it works. :)
13:48 poikilotherm pdurbin: that photo is awesome :-d
13:48 pdurbin :)
13:48 pdurbin I put a video on YouTube too if that's of interest.
13:49 pdurbin poikilotherm: the phone call was great but not SLOPI. Is that a problem?
13:49 poikilotherm I was wondering why Danny made the invitation private... It could have been SLOPI
13:49 donsizemore @pdurbin i think i most identify with... is that your younger daughter? clinging to the basket support for dear life
13:50 poikilotherm Maybe we should ask him if we may do this SLOPI in the future and spread the word about the results
13:51 pdurbin donsizemore: yeah, two kids, both girls. You should see her face on the log flume at Santa's Village a few years back.
13:52 pdurbin poikilotherm: I have no idea either. What would be a good way to make the next cal SLOPI? I assume there will be more calls.
13:54 poikilotherm That gotomeeting thing is capable to let more users join, right?
13:54 poikilotherm So maybe we could at least invite (after coordinating the main actors) others to join in
13:55 pdurbin Sounds fine. Did you record it?
13:55 poikilotherm I dunno if announcing a recording might be helpfull
13:55 poikilotherm Nope
13:55 pdurbin me neither
13:55 poikilotherm I would have asked for permissions to do so
13:55 pdurbin yeah, me too
13:55 poikilotherm Otherwise at least in EU it would be illegal
13:56 pdurbin ok
13:56 poikilotherm And it's no good style, right?
13:57 pdurbin right
13:57 poikilotherm I can try to remember some things to make some notes
13:58 pdurbin I think some notes would be great. Should we start a Google doc or something?
13:58 poikilotherm Most was explaining the content of #5974 again ;-)
13:59 poikilotherm
14:01 poikilotherm I wonder if this issue should be refactored
14:01 poikilotherm Maybe some things need better explanation
14:02 pdurbin Maybe. I feel like I understood a lot better after talking about it for half an hour.
14:02 poikilotherm But I'm not sure how to start that...
14:02 pdurbin One approach I sometimes like is what I call "documentation driven development". We **could** stub out some pages in the guides to explain what the feature is.
14:02 poikilotherm Well, creating text that is explaining stuff you need half an hour to understand in about 1000 words is though...
14:03 poikilotherm Yeah, DDD
14:03 pdurbin donsizemore: that reminds me. You'll also hacking on the shib page, right?
14:04 pdurbin shib docs, I mean
14:04 poikilotherm We tried that once and it didn't work out very well. But those days we hadn't sth. that was interesting for "upper managment" or as Danny said "that's helpfull"
14:04 pdurbin Did we? For what feature?
14:04 poikilotherm Err
14:04 poikilotherm I think it was about timers
14:04 poikilotherm Making them non-persistant
14:05 poikilotherm Still an open issue, stopped hacking on it to go ahead with things more needed to get into prod
14:05 pdurbin oh, yeah no one cares about that but us :)
14:05 pdurbin I used DDD with Make Data Count. The new problem is that no one reads what you write. :)
14:06 pdurbin But someone will eventually read it when the feature ships.
14:06 pdurbin So I don't see it as a waste of time.
14:06 pdurbin I think it helps clarify my thinking.
14:07 pdurbin But I'm more of a writer than a talker.
14:08 poikilotherm I enjoy doing both at the same time, like many engineers do it. Gimme a pen and paper to think on.
14:08 * pdurbin hands poikilotherm pen and paper
14:10 poikilotherm Thx. I would need a live stream to show you what I'm drawing...
14:11 pdurbin I can wait. :)
14:11 pdurbin I'm working on the UI for Make Data Count.
14:11 pdurbin Display Make Data Count use and citation metrics #5253 -
14:18 donsizemore Odum is hiring
14:19 pdurbin donsizemore: have you considered posting it to!forum/dataverse-dev and!forum/dataverse-community ?
16:13 j-n-c left #dataverse
16:54 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:01 pdurbin xarthisius: I just opened
17:01 pdurbin What does everybody think? Does that issue look ok? I'm glad it's a nice round number. :)
17:57 pdurbin Easy to remember. :)
18:56 pdurbin donsizemore: I didn't know it's possible to re-use the same branch for multiple pull requests. Reduce, reuse, recycle, I guess. :) I'm looking at
19:09 donsizemore who knows what my ineptitude may discover next!
19:09 pdurbin heh
19:09 donsizemore (i'll bump to 4.15.1 once you bless #89?)
19:10 pdurbin oh, also, there's the branch to add the ec2 spin up script to that repo
19:10 donsizemore oh oh yes yes i'll do that
19:15 pdurbin donsizemore: so the idea is that if it works for rserve, it'll work for datacite?
19:16 pdurbin (or other doi providers like ezid)
19:22 donsizemore the password stuff? yes it should
19:23 pdurbin ok, I'm not planning on testing any doi providers
19:24 pdurbin but R stuff is compiling away :)
19:24 pdurbin someone should tell the R people that binaries are a thing
19:24 * pdurbin takes a step back
19:25 donsizemore the problem was that, even specifying an executable in ansible and launching with --interactive in a branch, the alias bits weren't expanding
19:38 pdurbin donsizemore: the bar graphs are gone. :( Did I do something wrong?
19:39 donsizemore poop. send me your .pem?
19:41 pdurbin donsizemore: sent
19:42 pdurbin From my perspective I'm fine on waiting for this until after we have about valid SSL certs because I have to do some manual steps right now.

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