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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-09-19

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Time S Nick Message
04:55 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
06:45 poikilotherm pdurbin: good morning. I've been thinking. What would you say if I suggest creating an official fork of Dataverse, lets call it "dataverse-next". Give it a separate repo under IQSS and have a place to go to for everything we need to be changed for production ready usage on Payara 5. Incorporate any changes that happen in 4, but adapt for usage on Payara if necessary.
06:45 pkiraly joined #dataverse
06:46 poikilotherm Mornin' pkiraly :-)
06:46 pkiraly @poikilotherm, Hi!
06:49 poikilotherm pdurbin: this would allow us to track issues regarding the move more easily. Working with experts and others on such a dedicated project might be easier than letting them dig deep into ~6k issues...
06:51 pkiraly Do you happen to know if is there a file limit in Dataverse (given the standard setup)? I am aware that there is a parameter I can set, and the API doc said that one of the API call has 2 GB limit.
06:52 poikilotherm file limit meaning a default size limit or number of files?
06:53 pkiraly file size
06:54 poikilotherm Lemme check that
06:55 poikilotherm Ok installation/config.html#maxfileuploadsizeinbytes says there is no limit by default. Let me check the codebase if the docs are correct :-D
06:59 pkiraly I've checked it, and it just check if the file size is larger than that. But somewhere I have heard that Glassfish itself might have some implicit limitation.
07:00 poikilotherm You might run into troubles with your reverse proxy if you are using one
07:00 poikilotherm Timeouts
07:00 poikilotherm I'm not aware of other issues when using Glassfish only
07:01 poikilotherm pdurbin will be around in ~2.5h, he may know some other limitation
07:01 poikilotherm You could test it :-D
07:01 juancorr joined #dataverse
07:02 poikilotherm Firing up a test instance is easy with dataverse-kubernetes
07:02 pkiraly Thanks! My colleague just received a question from a user, who has large files. (However it was not clarified know how large are those files.)
07:03 poikilotherm Codebase says there is no limit. Haven't found the place where filesize checks happen though
07:03 poikilotherm Sooner or later, timeouts will occur
07:03 poikilotherm There is DCM for a reason :-D
07:03 pkiraly sure. Thanks! (I have to leave now)
07:23 poikilotherm OMG - pdurbin is already closing issues... Its 3:23 over there...
09:52 pdurbin poikilotherm: it's a great idea but instead of "dataverse-next" can we call it something like "iqss-jakartaee-template"? It could be a more modern version of
10:13 poikilotherm Hey pdurbin :-)
10:13 poikilotherm Sorry, but I think we are talking about different problems and solutions to them
10:26 pdurbin poikilotherm: how about you give me push access to and we work on a branch in there?
10:27 poikilotherm Sure. No problem. I was thinking that making an official repo where more people could contribute in an official manner would be a stronger signal
10:27 pdurbin But maybe we should make a little progress first. :)
10:28 poikilotherm Yeah, that was what I wanted to do :-D
10:28 pdurbin You can call the branch whatever you want. "next" is fine.
10:28 poikilotherm I thought about creating a repo, maybe even for now just with the issue tracker enabled
10:28 poikilotherm To collect things we want to see done before we go into production
10:29 poikilotherm One could use a milestone for that
10:29 poikilotherm Hmm or we could use a project
10:29 poikilotherm I could not edit a milestone in IQSS/dataverse
10:29 poikilotherm But I can participate in a project
10:30 poikilotherm Dunno
10:30 pdurbin I'm trying to figure out your requirements.
10:30 pdurbin - Separate issue tracker?
10:30 poikilotherm Yeah, that would be cool. I cannot create an issue in IQSS/dataverse and give it a tag, e.g. "payara" to distinct it
10:30 poikilotherm Ok, that could be solved by some bot
10:31 pdurbin How about we create a project under ?
10:31 poikilotherm I would like to see a filter "give me all issues about payara"
10:31 poikilotherm Yeah, that might work (as mentioned above :-D )
10:31 pdurbin Want me to make it?
10:31 poikilotherm Can we move fast enough?
10:32 poikilotherm I would really like to see freedom to experiment etc
10:32 poikilotherm I have no push access to any branch in IQSS/dataverse
10:32 poikilotherm And most certainly our changes are far away from going into develop anytime soon
10:33 poikilotherm How shall we do QA?
10:33 poikilotherm Most likely we need to do breaking stuff and simply cannot merge into develop without breaking v4
10:34 poikilotherm That's some reasons why I thought about creating a new repo. So things don't get messed up
10:35 poikilotherm I dunno if kcondon would do QA for our stuff
10:35 poikilotherm And what he would like to see
10:36 pdurbin I think a new repo under IQSS would confuse people.
10:37 pdurbin Unless we call it "esrevatad" or something.
10:37 poikilotherm LOL
10:38 poikilotherm That's why I came up with sth like IQSS/dataverse-next or IQSS/dataverse5
10:38 poikilotherm Most certainly most people won't notice, just as they don't know about the other repos
10:38 poikilotherm Like dataverse-ansible or dataverse-aws
10:38 poikilotherm If you don't use it, its kinda invisible
10:38 pdurbin Well, the active repos rise to the top. And knowing you... :)
10:39 poikilotherm LOL
10:39 poikilotherm So would using a separate repo make sense for you when we come up with some other name?
10:40 pdurbin I'm thinking.
10:41 poikilotherm We could up an idea we chatted about a while ago... Rename things to Dataverse...
10:41 poikilotherm move java packages
10:41 poikilotherm use another org
10:41 pdurbin I'm thinking about the risk of just giving you push access to the IQSS repo. Most teams would probably just do this work in a branch.
10:43 pdurbin I have my one on one with Danny in a few hours. Should I ask him?
10:44 poikilotherm Sure! Good idea!
10:44 pdurbin :)
10:44 poikilotherm Shall we write some summary?
10:44 pdurbin Nah, that's ok.
10:44 pdurbin Should we go ahead and make a project?
10:44 pdurbin I could show him the project.
10:45 pdurbin You know about "notes" right? They're lighter weight than issues.
10:45 pdurbin And can be converted into issues.
10:45 poikilotherm I dunno if using a branch and a project is fine. We need to think about a process for QA
10:45 poikilotherm Yeah
10:46 poikilotherm But ok, if we create a branch "next" or similar, we could create a separate "process"
10:46 pdurbin You could make your pull requests into the "next" branch.
10:46 poikilotherm Maybe we should add "next" or similar to the pull request to that branch so it can be seen in a glimpse what this is about
10:46 poikilotherm YEah
10:47 poikilotherm That was in my head
10:47 poikilotherm Does Github allow for per-branch rules?
10:47 poikilotherm Gitlab does...
10:47 pdurbin Who can push to a branch, you mean?
10:48 poikilotherm Yeah. It would be nice to have that option about pushing to next depending on how we shape that new process
10:48 poikilotherm So I could accept PRs for that branch, but not for develop
10:49 poikilotherm (just thinking about options)
10:49 poikilotherm If you guys feel better without giving me push access, that's totally fine
10:50 pdurbin We could even write about "next" in a future version of
10:50 poikilotherm Sure
10:51 pdurbin A third infinite branch. That some day we'll use for Quarkus once the move the Payara is complete. :)
10:52 poikilotherm Hihihi
10:52 pdurbin And after that, quantum computing.
10:53 poikilotherm Muaahahahah
10:53 pdurbin We're cutting 4.17 soon. We could try to get "next" in the docs quick.
10:54 poikilotherm Did I wake you today with my early message?
10:54 poikilotherm Yeah
10:54 poikilotherm I saw the issue...
10:54 poikilotherm I was hoping to get my scribejava lib merged...
10:54 poikilotherm So it ships with 4.17
10:55 pdurbin I'm pretty unreachable when I'm sleeping.
10:55 pdurbin Is your scribejava pull request ready for more review?
10:56 poikilotherm I had no chance to test with external services yet :-(
10:56 poikilotherm It has been reviewed but needs testing
10:56 pdurbin Can we spin up an external service within dataverse-kubernetes?
10:56 poikilotherm You can't spin up Google, Github or ORCID :-D
10:57 pdurbin Well, ORCID might be open source. I don't know. :)
10:57 poikilotherm I was hoping to add better mocks and tests with WireMock and the like, but that stuff needs more refactoring
10:57 poikilotherm Testing views is not so easy being stuck on old JSF versions :-D
10:58 pdurbin yeah
10:58 pdurbin How can I help?
10:59 poikilotherm We could spin up it in EC2 and test the Google and Github OAuth2 functionality
10:59 poikilotherm IIRC we just need to tell kcondon if it works or not
10:59 poikilotherm (and if not debug and refactor)
11:00 poikilotherm Because he is not very able to test it with current toolsets
11:00 pdurbin He spins up branches on EC2 already. You can ask for that.
11:00 poikilotherm Ok but we should do the test before him, so we catch errors ;-)
11:00 poikilotherm Don't push workload to him if not necessary :-D
11:01 pdurbin Yes, of course.
11:02 pdurbin Can we add Google or GitHub auth to ? You have to go get a key or a secret or whatever. I don't now if this can be automated.
11:02 poikilotherm Nope, this cannot be automated with OAuth2 :-(
11:02 poikilotherm There is an option in OIDC for that
11:03 pdurbin bummer
11:05 pdurbin Maybe we could ask alejandratenorio to test it. Before she makes a pull request for
11:08 poikilotherm Ok let me finish my Jenkinsfile for kubeval, then I will test with support of dataverse-kubernetes#64 if I can register a localhost URL at Google
11:08 pdurbin localhost URL works with GitHub, last I tried it
11:08 pdurbin I don't know about Google.
11:32 pdurbin poikilotherm: hey should I add a Dataverse event to ? Are you going?
11:33 poikilotherm Depends on me going to Lissabon and/or Tromso
11:33 poikilotherm I will get killed if I visit the three of 'em
11:34 pdurbin I hear that.
12:05 poikilotherm Man Jenkins really sucks at build matrixes from Jenkinsfiles
12:06 poikilotherm Declarative hasn't this construct, only usable from scripted pipeline.
12:06 poikilotherm And guess what: scripted needs to do this in different node definitions, so you cannot mix results from earlier stages
12:06 * pdurbin doesn't know a lot about Jenkins
12:08 poikilotherm
12:09 pdurbin poikilotherm: you're in deep. I'm not even sure what you're doing exactly. :) On a related note, I just requested a review from you for
13:04 juancorr joined #dataverse
13:05 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:12 poikilotherm Alright, done with my kubeval stuff :-)
13:12 poikilotherm Lives in a Jenkins pipeline now
13:16 poikilotherm
13:16 poikilotherm Including GitHub status reports :-)
13:17 poikilotherm Morning donsizemore :-)
13:17 poikilotherm Did you have a chance to look at my
13:18 * poikilotherm crosses fingers
13:24 pdurbin poikilotherm: which of your pull requests do you want me to review first?
13:24 poikilotherm In K8s or upstream?
13:24 pdurbin anywhere
13:24 poikilotherm He.
13:25 poikilotherm Could you test
13:25 pdurbin poikilotherm: I have a column for you on my board. Maybe you should have a column for me on your board.
13:25 poikilotherm Oh good idea :-)
13:27 poikilotherm
13:29 pkiraly joined #dataverse
13:32 pdurbin Ok, I just left a review.
13:32 pdurbin donsizemore: good morning!
13:33 pdurbin pkiraly: hi! I owe you a pull request into your pull request. :)
13:37 pkiraly @pdurbin, or you can share here what you expect
13:40 pkiraly ... or even in the issue (for me it is much quicker than playing with pull request)
13:43 poikilotherm pdurbin: what to do about the i18n comments?
13:43 poikilotherm Is this beyond scope?
13:44 pdurbin Do you know if that English appears in the UI for the end user?
13:45 poikilotherm I have no idea :-D Ideally it should not appear, as the login would have failed then...
13:45 pdurbin Can you test it?
13:45 poikilotherm I didn't add those, just reused them
13:45 poikilotherm Hui...
13:45 poikilotherm That might be tough
13:45 poikilotherm Would need to simulate a network outage or similar
13:45 poikilotherm Manually testing this is hard
13:45 poikilotherm This would be easier with WireMock
13:46 poikilotherm And an e2e test with selenium/...
13:46 poikilotherm It doesn't look like anybody will sacrifice much time for my PR #87. I will just merge it :-D
13:47 poikilotherm If things don't work: it wasn't me. It's dataversebot fault.
13:50 pdurbin Just don't blame iqlogbot
13:50 poikilotherm Hehehe.
13:53 poikilotherm BTW pdurbin did you notice my fancy pro/contra list in the README that you need to expand first?
13:53 pdurbin no, please link me
13:53 poikilotherm
13:53 poikilotherm Click on "if you think..."
14:04 pdurbin pkiraly: ok, please look at
14:04 pdurbin poikilotherm: one on one time. I'll ask about push access.
14:04 * poikilotherm thumbs up
14:12 pkiraly pdurbin, I have some comments.
14:13 pkiraly 1. do you want to add the exports to all examples? I left it, because one of the previous examples already had it
14:13 Alejandra69 joined #dataverse
14:13 pkiraly I am fine with repetition, but I don't know it is was the intention
14:14 pkiraly 2. curl http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id?key=$apiKey is not equivalent with curl -H X-Dataverse-key:$API_TOKEN $SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persist​entId?persistentId=$PERSISTENT_ID
14:15 pkiraly as far as I understant the first one expects the dataset identifier in the database, and not the DOI
14:16 pkiraly so it is a different API call
14:16 pkiraly understant -> understand
14:54 poikilotherm joined #dataverse
15:01 pdurbin poikilotherm: ok, I just added you to . Have fun! Don't break anything. :)
15:01 pdurbin pkiraly: hi! Thanks for taking a look at my pull request to your pull request. I have standup in 15 minutes. Do you have time now?
15:02 pkiraly yes
15:04 pdurbin Alejandra69: hi! I have a question for you too. :)
15:05 pdurbin pkiraly: I do agree that all the exports are repetitive but my goal was to have each endpoint doc "stand alone" if that makes sense.
15:05 pdurbin Part of the challege here is that the api endpoint doc you are trying to improve is a tricky one.
15:06 pdurbin If you want, I could suggest a different API endpoint doc to start with.
15:06 pdurbin Or even an undocumented API. :)
15:07 pdurbin pkiraly: please let me know when you're ready for more on 2. :)
15:10 pkiraly @pdurbin: I guess I am not able to decide alone which are the outdated/unwanted API calls. So I am happy to go and replace the format of the API calls wuth curl and fully expanded form, and do the 2. (API change) when we are both available on the chat. Is that acceptable for you?
15:11 pkiraly wuth -> with
15:14 pdurbin How about this... You can merge my pull request into yours if you're happy with it. Then we'll move it to QA. Then I'll point you to the next API endpoint to document. Would that be ok?
15:20 pkiraly OK, but are you sure that you want to remove documentation of the id-based API call?
15:27 Alejandra69 @pdurbin I'm confused, to make a pull request I must clone the project (developer) locally, create a branch and finally commit. Is that right?
15:27 Alejandra69 @pdurbin I'm confused, to do a pull request I must clone the project (developer) locally, create a branch and finally commit. Is that right?
15:28 pkiraly @Alejandra69, the convenient way is to fork the project, into your own Github account
15:29 pkiraly @Alejandra69, here is a detailed description:
15:29 Alejandra69 Thank you
15:32 pdurbin Alejandra69: hi, yes, like pkiraly said, you need to fork "dataverse" so that it appears under your GitHub username instead of IQSS.
15:34 pdurbin pkiraly: I can work some more on that "Get JSON Representation of a Dataset" doc if you want. I was in a hurry to try to show you what I meant. Again, "Get JSON Representation of a Dataset" is challenging and thorny. I think I'd like to point you at a different doc to work on first if that's ok.
15:44 pkiraly @pdurbin, OK, please do. I'll work on it tomorrow.
15:49 pdurbin pkiraly: thanks! Here's a fresh issue for you!
15:49 pkiraly great! ;-)
15:50 pdurbin pkiraly: you should have gotten an email to join . Once you join, I can assign the issue to you.
15:57 pkiraly I got it, and accepted the challange!
16:00 pdurbin pkiraly: assigned! Thanks!
16:01 pdurbin donsizemore: full curl command coming ^^
16:13 pkiraly @pdurbin, Bye, and have a nice day!
16:14 pdurbin you too!
17:26 pdurbin Alejandra69: are you all set? Anything I can do to help?
17:55 Alejandra69 @pdurbin It's All right, we've done the PR.
17:55 Alejandra69 Thank's
18:10 pdurbin Alejandra69: I just took a quick look. Do you want to add some docs? :) In oauth2.rst I mean.
18:25 Alejandra69 @pdurbin, Yeah, right. How do I edit the oauth2.rst file?
18:26 pdurbin Alejandra69: if you want I could add a TODO or FIXME to it in your branch so that you see where it is.
18:31 Alejandra69 @pdurbin, sure, it's done.
18:33 pdurbin Alejandra69: Danny is taking a look.
18:34 pdurbin He's in my office now. :)
19:12 pdurbin Alejandra69: I'm already talking about your new pull request: :)
19:13 pdurbin donsizemore: Are you around? I'm on your 15_ansible_role branch. Do I just run the ec2 create script?
19:23 pdurbin donsizemore: with no args I get an error so I'm suggesting this fix:
19:38 donsizemore @pdurbin hey, still busy with Odum stuff. what I pushed worked for me but at this point it may be tomorrow
19:39 pdurbin donsizemore: no worries, I just keep saying at standup that I'm going to test your branch and I wanted to actually do it. :)
19:39 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm not sure that i ever ran it with no arguments, so...
19:39 pdurbin Gotcha. I can try again *with* args if you tell me what to use. :)
19:40 donsizemore I did this: $ec2/ -b 15_ansible_role -r -g ~/group_vars/dataverse-jenkins.yml
19:40 donsizemore all i did in group_vars was change the admin password
19:42 pdurbin lemme give that a shot
19:42 pdurbin I don't have a group_vars directory.
19:43 donsizemore i just made it locally for my admin password
19:43 pdurbin oh
19:43 pdurbin can I skip that part?
19:43 donsizemore absolutely
19:44 pdurbin ok. deploying to c4.large
19:44 pdurbin I feel like we're moving up in the world. Bigger apartment.
19:45 donsizemore deluxe, even?
19:45 pdurbin our first apartments in Boston were in basements
19:45 pdurbin we had a lot of sticker shock moving from the Midwest
19:46 donsizemore yeah, if you ran that version of ec2 without the branch and repo flags and the PR wasn't merged, you didn't get the new stuff
19:46 donsizemore i'm hearing there is concern that the vegan restaurants in NC won't be as good as Boston's
19:55 pdurbin I see Jenkins!
19:56 pdurbin hmm, I know a vegan or two
19:57 pdurbin donsizemore: should I resolve the merge conflicts and merge this thing?
20:02 donsizemore sounds good to me. there are merge conflicts already?
20:04 Alejandra31 joined #dataverse
20:07 pdurbin yeah. config.xml
20:08 donsizemore sowwy
20:08 pdurbin which version do you want?
20:08 donsizemore let me look at them
20:08 pdurbin the one in master or the one in your branch?
20:08 pdurbin ok
20:10 donsizemore my branch
20:10 donsizemore which allows IQSS-Dataverse-Develop to import cleanly (in its current state)
20:11 pdurbin you're the boss
20:13 pdurbin that's weird... master merged cleanly locally
20:16 pdurbin donsizemore: can you please merge if you're happy with it?
21:47 pdurbin joined #dataverse

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