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IRC log for #dataverse, 2019-10-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
06:08 Slava1 joined #dataverse
07:06 Slava1 joined #dataverse
07:12 jri joined #dataverse
08:29 Slava1 joined #dataverse
08:57 Slava2 joined #dataverse
09:31 Slava1 joined #dataverse
09:39 jri_ joined #dataverse
09:54 jri joined #dataverse
10:20 jri joined #dataverse
10:21 Slava1 joined #dataverse
10:24 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:06 jri joined #dataverse
11:11 Slava1 joined #dataverse
11:11 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:14 jri joined #dataverse
11:29 hblancoca joined #dataverse
11:30 hblancoca hi all
11:31 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:37 Hblancoca joined #dataverse
11:40 Hblancoca joined #dataverse
11:44 pdurbin I just wrote about a new map of Dataverse installations at
11:44 jri_ joined #dataverse
11:44 pdurbin The code is here:
11:45 pdurbin Here's the post I just added to the "map of Dataverse installations, installations as a dataset, launch year" thread:
11:46 juancorr joined #dataverse
11:49 pdurbin I still need some of you to fill in the launch year for your installation of Dataverse in the new "Crowdsourced information about Dataverse installations" spreadsheet:
11:51 pdurbin Slava1: ^^ :)
11:58 andrewSC joined #dataverse
13:03 Slava1 joined #dataverse
13:20 Slava1 joined #dataverse
13:35 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:03 pdurbin donsizemore: morning! When you have a minute I'd like to rejigger UNC's description on the new map. :)
14:03 donsizemore @pdurbin morning - sure thing, what should it say?
14:05 pdurbin donsizemore: it's about the link. Let me explain. I have a different field I use now. When we use the new field a "More..." link appears after the description. See QDR as an example:
14:05 pdurbin My plan is to explain in the README where each field is fed from.
14:05 pdurbin But I haven't gotten a roundtuit yet. :)
14:08 donsizemore oh, I thought I put in the spreadsheet?
14:11 pdurbin donsizemore: sorry, doing many things. Please take a look at in
14:12 pdurbin about_url comes from one of the spreadsheets
14:12 pdurbin that's what we need to populate
14:13 Slava1 joined #dataverse
14:14 pdurbin donsizemore: have you ever played with :NavbarAboutUrl ? . I'd suggest configuring it to
14:17 donsizemore oooh!
14:23 pdurbin Slava1: 2013 added! Thanks!
14:23 pdurbin donsizemore: is this starting to make sense? I'll document it all some day. And where I'm going with all this. :)
14:23 donsizemore @pdurbin I asked our archive group which link they'd like to use
14:24 pdurbin donsizemore: perfect. And do you see how it's a non-link in the popup for UNC on the map right now? The link should be removed from the description as part of putting a link into about_url.
14:25 jri joined #dataverse
14:25 donsizemore I added to the spreadsheet; hopefully that's the one they want me to use ;)
14:25 pdurbin We can always change it later. Can you please go remove the link from the description?
14:27 donsizemore done.
14:27 jri_ joined #dataverse
14:28 pdurbin Cool. Now do you want to run that script and make a pull request? :)
14:28 pdurbin Or I can do it. Either way.
14:30 pdurbin If you want I can change the default branch from gh-pages back to master before you clone. (Or I'll just ask you to reclone later.)
14:30 pdurbin I'm planning on keeping the "attic" branch around. That has the Django code I was hacking on that I'm not planning on using immediately.
14:36 Slava2 joined #dataverse
14:45 donsizemore do i want to fork from master or gh-pages
14:47 pdurbin let me go mess with the branches
14:53 pdurbin donsizemore: ok, done. The default branch is now "master" and that's what you should make pull requests into. I delete the "gh-pages" branch. More standard this way, I think.
15:37 stefankasberger joined #dataverse
16:17 Slava1 joined #dataverse
16:34 icarito[m] joined #dataverse
16:44 Slava1 joined #dataverse
17:28 rigelk joined #dataverse
17:30 jri joined #dataverse
18:50 joelmarkanderson joined #dataverse
18:53 pdurbin oh good, joelmarkanderson is here
18:56 joelmarkanderson need to ask me a question?
18:57 pdurbin the year you launched your installation of Dataverse, please
19:00 joelmarkanderson i want to say 2016...let me confirm...
19:00 pdurbin thanks
19:00 pdurbin donsizemore: and thanks for the (related) pull request
19:03 joelmarkanderson Yes, that is accurate. I have AWS scripts dating to 2016-10 Oct, and our first dataset was minted that month. We started with application v4.8.5.
19:04 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: thanks! Added:
19:04 pdurbin Is there anything we can do for you?
19:05 pdurbin whoops, typo in my commit, I know you're VTTI not VTII :)
19:05 donsizemore @pdurbin give a whirl!
19:07 pdurbin donsizemore: this looks awesome. Is there a default LOCAL_LOG_PATH?
19:07 joelmarkanderson pdurbin: Great, thanks! I have a question from my researchers as well. Is it possible to reorder the segments from the leftmost navigation pane of the main landing page? Specifically, they want their new custom metadata block to appear at the top before "Dataverse Category," "Publication Year," "Author Name," etc...
19:08 donsizemore @pdurbin you have to give it one. target/ for jenkins
19:08 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: you can reorder the facets that come from the database, the dataset facets. But you can't reorder the dataverse and file facets. :(
19:09 pdurbin donsizemore: that's my read of the code. Thanks. Trying it soon/now. :)
19:09 joelmarkanderson pdurbin: Can you clarify a little more please?
19:10 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: is related. Here's where I ask if you're willing to create a board for VTTI to help us prioritize issues. Are you interested? :)
19:10 joelmarkanderson hmm
19:10 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: you get a badge on our new map if you do. :)
19:11 pdurbin if you click the Dataverse installation at and click "Project board" you'll see what I mean :)
19:16 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: it's been a while but I think this is where I hard coded Dataverse Category: . This was for expediency, to get 4.0 shipped.
19:16 pdurbin Longer term we should allow installations to customize the display order for facets. Which facets do you want on top?
19:18 joelmarkanderson ideally, they want their custom metadata blocks on top (most frequently used, i assume)
19:18 joelmarkanderson i don't see "project board" at that global instance link
19:23 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: sorry, you have to click on one of the installations on the map that created a board, like the one in Australia. The link should be in a popup.
19:24 pdurbin Makes sense that they would want their custom metadata blocks on top. Would you like to create an issue for this? I'd rather close that old issue and point to a fresh one you make because the person who opened it is long gone and that old issue hasn't gotten much attention. It would be more meaningful coming from you.
19:30 joelmarkanderson I can do that
19:30 pdurbin awesome, and did you find a project board?
19:31 pdurbin you can also find one linked from
19:31 joelmarkanderson yes, created VTTI board
19:32 pdurbin oh!
19:32 pdurbin great!
19:33 joelmarkanderson something like "reorder facets to allow custom metadata block at top of pane"?
19:34 pdurbin That sounds perfect. Please include a screenshot if you can.
19:34 pdurbin And if you refresh the map, your board should be there now. Thanks!
19:35 pdurbin joelmarkanderson: oh, wait. Can you please make your board public? Maybe I should explain this better.
19:35 pdurbin The idea is the installations can find other installations that have similar needs.
19:37 joelmarkanderson board is now public - i just used defaults; i have to run in a moment; i may need to supplement issue with images later or tomorrow
19:40 joelmarkanderson submitted issue; thanks for your help today
19:40 pdurbin looks good! Thanks!
19:41 joelmarkanderson i'll check in later this week
20:34 Slava1 joined #dataverse
21:18 donsizemore @pdurbin I think will get us in shape for API-test-suite-on-Jenkins
21:23 pdurbin donsizemore: awesome. And I'm sorry but I lied... I'm working on an SQL query instead of testing your new pull requests.
21:23 donsizemore I support SQL queries.
21:24 pdurbin :)
21:24 pdurbin I think I'm close
21:33 donsizemore excellent. have a great evening, it will be there tomrorw!
21:33 donsizemore er. tomorrow. how did i even type thta
21:33 donsizemore i haven't been to happy hour, i promise.
21:36 pdurbin :)
21:36 pdurbin xarthisius: are you still around?

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