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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-07-02

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:08 mbjones joined #dataverse
00:43 mbjones joined #dataverse
01:38 pdurbin_m joined #dataverse
02:32 searchbot joined #dataverse
02:40 pdurbin joined #dataverse
05:26 mbjones joined #dataverse
10:40 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:45 bencomp pdurbin: I'm running into the problem of multiple accounts with the same username or email (
11:47 bencomp and I would like to stress that duplicate usernames could happen when users update their profile
12:16 pdurbin bencomp: you're running into this problem as you're playing around with Dataverse 4.0 at ?
12:17 bencomp pdurbin: good question, but no, in our production environment
12:18 pdurbin interesting. I didn't know this problem affected DVN 3.x
12:19 bencomp the way the federated login works doesn't help - wait… maybe it is all because of the federation
12:19 pdurbin hmm. maybe
12:21 pdurbin bencomp: today I'm hoping to deploy a war file built from your code with federated login
12:21 bencomp cool, hope it'll work right away :)
12:22 pdurbin me too :)
12:23 bencomp I do find some issues in the account management for federated login
12:25 pdurbin bencomp: like what?
12:28 bencomp federated login looks for a user by email address
12:29 bencomp normal login looks for a user by username
12:30 bencomp it is both a feature and a bug; accounts can be pre-created by the librarian/front office, but since users can update their email address, they can make login break for others
12:31 bencomp I'm not sure how to solve this one
12:39 pdurbin bencomp: could federated login look for a user based on some unique identifier provided by the Identity Provider (IdP)?
12:39 bencomp hmm, maybe add a username validation step: if account == federative (i.e. no password in DB), then username must be email address
12:40 bencomp and check for username instead of email
12:40 bencomp there is none, other than email address
12:40 pdurbin persistent-id:!!5HQ8MY1UftsM82eN3YvtQVAS7v0=
12:40 pdurbin bencomp: I get that back from the TestShib IdP... a persistent-id
12:41 bencomp let me check with Arnoud
12:41 pdurbin ok
12:42 bencomp (that may take a while, he's not in)
12:42 bencomp need to talk to Eko too, so I don't expect a working solution today
12:42 pdurbin no problem. and I'm out tomorrow and Friday (holiday here... Independence Day)
12:43 pdurbin bencomp: you might be interested in this: updated UsersAndGroups.uml based on meeting with Michael and Raman · f5bd425 · IQSS/dataverse -
12:43 bencomp oh yes. alright
12:43 pdurbin it's definitely a work in progress... but we continue to talk about how to design pluggable auth in Dataverse 4.0
12:44 pdurbin my goal is to have a design to share with the dvn-auth group
12:45 pdurbin before we start coding too much of it up
12:45 bencomp great idea
12:45 pdurbin if sbmarks were here, I'd show him that IP-based groups are in the design now
12:46 bencomp is it forbidden to share github links via email? ;)
12:48 pdurbin bencomp: hmm? :) of course not
12:50 pdurbin oh. sure. I could email him. he'll probably show up here or on IM soon enough :)
12:50 bencomp that's what i meant :)
12:50 bencomp brb
12:54 sbmarks joined #dataverse
12:55 pdurbin sbmarks: speak of the devil
12:55 pdurbin bencomp: see? told ya
12:55 sbmarks ;)
12:55 sbmarks pdurbin: a little prompting does wonders
12:56 pdurbin sbmarks: it's your fault for not blocking me on IM
12:57 pdurbin sbmarks: any thoughts on the persistent-id thing?
12:58 pdurbin LyndsySimon: you know about Shibboleth
12:59 sbmarks pdurbin: refresh my memory? it’s been a long canada day weekend....
13:03 pdurbin sbmarks: in the code from bencomp's group the Shibboleth IdP provides the email address of the user and that's how the lookup for the user is done inside Dataverse. I was wondering if instead the lookup could be done by some unique identifier provided by the IdP. The TestShib IdP provides something called "persistent-id".
13:04 pdurbin i.e.!!5HQ8MY1UftsM82eN3YvtQVAS7v0=
13:04 bencomp pdurbin: it would mean that the id must be stored in the DB
13:05 pdurbin yep. but that's fine
13:05 pdurbin I would think
13:05 pdurbin I mean, people's email addresses change... they get married, etc.
13:05 mbjones joined #dataverse
13:05 pdurbin gotta look up by something unique
13:05 bencomp currently the schema is the same as the vanilla schema
13:07 pdurbin bencomp: right. no db changes. so we should be able to deploy that war
13:07 pdurbin bencomp: really I'm talking about the 4.0 code base where we can change all sorts of things
13:07 bencomp I get it. But we need a shorter-term solution too :)
13:08 pdurbin bencomp: once we have Shibboleth at least half working in 4.0 I'd love for you to try it out :)
13:08 bencomp I see SURFconext provides a persistent ID too
13:08 bencomp
13:10 bencomp and that not all institutions may supply all attributes
13:10 bencomp I think email addresses don't change here when people get married
13:10 pdurbin I'm hearing about something called EPTID too. eduPersonTargetedID
13:11 pdurbin or divorced
13:12 bencomp EPTID, that's it
13:12 pdurbin looks a lot like persistent-id from examples at
13:13 bencomp hm, I guess email address changes after divorce may happen, though I think at my old uni people usually have their own name to begin with
13:16 pdurbin bencomp: anyway, thanks for bringing this up
13:16 pdurbin maybe it's time for a Google Doc to collect all the requirements
13:17 bencomp pdurbin: you're very welcome, thanks for pointing out EPTID
13:17 pdurbin or edge cases to think about
13:18 pdurbin bencomp: you can thank Kevin Foote for that
13:19 bencomp KevinFoote++
13:19 bencomp @karma
13:19 pdurbin heh
13:20 bencomp hmm, this isn't #code4lib
13:20 * pdurbin eyes iqlogbot and searchbot
14:00 LyndsySimon Working with Shibboleth, I treated the persistent-id field as a durable guid for the identity.
14:01 jwhitney joined #dataverse
14:02 LyndsySimon It's conceptually roughly like the Twitter screen_name versus id:
14:03 LyndsySimon It's possible to change your Twitter screen_name, but if you do you're still the same identity, logging in with the same password. Likewise, a user may change their email address with a Shibboleth IdP but would retain the identity when doing so.
14:30 pdurbin LyndsySimon: right, you'd always want to use the id rather than the screen_name, which can change
14:31 pdurbin bencomp: oh, so we were able to deploy the war file just fine. now to configure shibboleth, front glassfish with apache, etc
14:31 bencomp pdurbin: nice :)
14:32 pdurbin bencomp: do you know if we can just use a self-signed SSL cert?
14:33 bencomp pdurbin: btw, did you see the DANS-KNAW/dvn repo? we're working on a more structured way of code review and deploying
14:33 bencomp ehm, not sure
14:33 pdurbin no...
14:34 pdurbin searchbot: lucky DANS-KNAW/dvn github
14:34 searchbot pdurbin:
14:34 * pdurbin smacks searchbot
14:34 bencomp I think you can, but doesn't testshib say anything about it?
14:34 pdurbin yeah, it's more of a testshib question. I'll figure it out
14:35 bencomp
14:35 pdurbin hmm. I have not seen this
14:35 pdurbin bencomp: is this where we should be building the war from?
14:35 jwhitney joined #dataverse
14:36 jwhitney1 joined #dataverse
14:37 bencomp yes, this should be the code that we deployed - but note "should", we're almost in sync
14:37 pdurbin I'm confused but that's ok
14:38 pdurbin bencomp: "code from" at says right now
14:38 pdurbin but we can change it
14:39 bencomp pdurbin: it's mostly for me to get less confused about the commit we built from
14:40 pdurbin bencomp: I'm happy to build from which ever repo and branch you want
14:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:43 bencomp let me write it up in an email. my goal is to use the develop-shib branch on the DANS repo used for our acceptance server and a master or master-shib branch for production builds
14:45 pdurbin bencomp: perfect. you can send it to if you want
14:45 pdurbin or just reply on the thread
14:46 pdurbin "running the DANS Shibboleth code"
14:50 pdurbin bencomp: I'm off to a meeting with jwhitney1 and axfelix in a few minutes
14:51 bencomp I'm off for sushi in ~40 minutes
14:51 bencomp muhahaha
14:52 bencomp sorry :P
14:53 garnett joined #dataverse
14:53 * pdurbin wants sushi
14:54 bencomp pdurbin: will not save you some ;) email will come, but until then current repo/branch is fine to build from and pull requests are welcome
14:56 pdurbin bencomp: no problem. here, I just made the jenkins job public so you can see where each build came from:
14:58 bencomp oh, the joy of firewalls… can't connect to :8443 on the default network, but I cannot SSH to the servers on the other networks...
14:59 bencomp will have to checkout the Jenkins later
15:08 pdurbin axfelix: you run linux on your desktop too?
15:08 * pdurbin swoons
15:18 axfelix pdurbin: I do :)
15:29 * pdurbin runs Fedora at home
15:30 axfelix I'm not a big fan of RPM these days but I like that they actually ship up to date Gnome 3 since so few big distros do and it's so nice
15:34 garnett joined #dataverse
15:52 pdurbin well, redhat leads gnome development, from what I can tell
15:54 pdurbin axfelix: hey so, I didn't want to interrupt you further while you were presenting (thanks!) but I did want to ask you and jwhitney1 (and jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon) if you actually use the "deaccession" functionality in the Dataverse Data Deposit API
15:55 pdurbin the reason I ask is that we're thinking about dropping support for it in that SWORD-based API (it would be moved to the "native" API)
15:55 pdurbin I put a note about this at
16:01 jwhitney1 The plugin doesn't *not* support deaccessioning, alhtough I think in practice it's unlikely to be used much.
16:01 pdurbin jwhitney1: so you do expose a "deaccession" button?
16:02 jwhitney1 No, but a delete & a deaccession are the same from the plugin's point of view. If an article with attached data set is deleted in OJS after the dataset's been released, it's deaccessioned.
16:03 pdurbin hmm. interesting. yes, I see here at least a comment about deaccessioning under the deleteStudy method:
16:03 jwhitney1 But it's fine if you want to drop support, since it seems to be outside the typical workflow (article accepted, then rejected, then deleted. Or published, then deleted).
16:04 pdurbin published, then deleted? I'm confused by that part
16:05 jwhitney1 Yeah, it's unlikely. Published, then unpublished, then deleted.
16:06 pdurbin ok. lemme send this chat log around to folks that were in the deaccessioning meeting. thanks
16:06 jwhitney1 The SWORD library's been updated to include error messages returned by the server, so the plugin can warn when trying to deaccession a dataset.
16:07 pdurbin cool. in this case I was planning on thowing an error like "deacessioning is not supported. please the native api instead" (or whatever)
16:08 pdurbin s/the/use the/
16:10 pdurbin jeffspies_: how about OSF? I guess I could try it myself but then I'd have to make a real account on our production system :( . Do you allow deaccessioning of Dataverse studies via your add-on?
16:12 pdurbin LyndsySimon: er. you've been active in here today. maybe you can nudge Robert for me? :)
16:12 LyndsySimon Sure think.
16:12 LyndsySimon thing*
16:12 pdurbin \o/
17:20 jwhitney joined #dataverse
21:02 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:48 axfelix joined #dataverse

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