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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-07-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:08 searchbot joined #dataverse
03:32 mbjones joined #dataverse
06:16 bencomp joined #dataverse
06:37 sivoais joined #dataverse
07:13 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:04 sbmarks joined #dataverse
11:12 bencomp what, no pdurbin? guess it's a bit early over there, especially after celebrating Argentina's victory...
11:13 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:14 bencomp oh, speak of pdurbin… ;)
11:15 pdurbin bencomp: my kid made a flag:
11:15 bencomp is still relevant?
11:15 bencomp I saw.. Did you tell her the Dutch flag is supposed to be red-white-blue?
11:17 pdurbin :)
11:17 pdurbin bencomp: there's that doc and another. I just linked them with "see also" at the top.
11:18 pdurbin I'm supposed to meet with someone about groups today before lunch. We'll have more.
11:18 pdurbin There's also the class diagram we keep interating on:
11:19 pdurbin but our design is not final yet
11:19 pdurbin bencomp: now would be a good time to give input! :)
11:19 bencomp I was working on an email about various things, let me finish that quickly
11:20 bencomp or perhaps send separate emails about our "new" Github repo and distributed user management
11:21 pdurbin separate emails makes sense to me
11:21 pdurbin distributed user management makes sense but the term we've been using the most is "pluggable auth"
11:22 pdurbin bencomp: also, we'd still like to get the DANS code working with the TestShib IdP.
12:11 pdurbin bencomp: I just read through the email you just sent: [dvn-auth] Reintroducing the Dutch Dataverse Network -
12:12 pdurbin thanks
12:12 pdurbin we'll change the job at to build from rather than
13:21 pdurbin LyndsySimon: Re: [sword-app-tech] Python Client Release Request -
13:29 bencomp is it still "before lunch" at pdurbin?
13:30 pdurbin bencomp: yep. only 9:30. I'm waiting for to finish his meeting
13:31 bencomp cool, then maybe you have a moment to look at the email I just sent
13:32 * pdurbin looks at Distributed user/group/access management - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/O4nFEzotq0U/Ju1ojDAj8zcJ
13:33 pdurbin heh. DDNaaS
13:33 bencomp could have been DDN = DVNaaS
13:33 bencomp :P
13:34 pdurbin bencomp: from that email is seems like you're well aware we're dropping "Network" from the name of the software
13:35 bencomp I am :)
13:36 bencomp and I get why - I have to explain how DVN is not really a network in the sense of SMTP or XMPP or IRC servers being connected
13:55 pdurbin bencomp: right. but! we do want to allow federation or at least harvesting of metadata from different Dataverse installations
13:59 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:02 pdurbin bencomp: this is a long email
14:07 bencomp pdurbin: right, and right, sorry!
14:07 * pdurbin tries to digest it (*burp*)
14:08 * pdurbin looks at
14:09 pdurbin "an open and independent enterprise architecture modeling language to support the description, analysis and visualization of architecture within and across business domains in an unambiguous way"
14:09 pdurbin neat!
14:10 bencomp of course ArchiMate diagrams/descriptions are never done
14:10 pdurbin just like software
14:11 bencomp I just talked to my colleague Ishan about our dvn repo on GitHub; he's going to delete it and fork from IQSS, then merge the changes back in
14:11 pdurbin bencomp: honestly, I'm in such a Dataverse 4.0 mindset at the moment that I'm having trouble understanding what changes DANS has made to how DVN 3.x works. And I'm new enough to the project that I don't have a complete understanding of DVN 3.x anyway.
14:12 bencomp I see:)
14:13 pdurbin at a high level... for now... let's just say that when we say Dataverse 4.0 we mean a specific release that we feel like we can run in production at Harvard. I doubt it will have all these features you want... BUT! Maybe they could be added to 4.1 or 4.2 or whatever. I just don't want to make any promises about what will ship with 4.0... we already have a ton to do. Does that make sense?
14:15 bencomp ftr, we didn't change that much code (well, I think) since we got it from UUtrecht; it's more about procedures
14:15 bencomp yes, that makes perfect sense
14:17 pdurbin right. UU made changes and you're building on top
14:17 pdurbin well, I will say that having all of this detail in front of us is very helpful as we design 4.0
14:17 pdurbin even if some of the concepts are only stubbed out and not yet implemented
14:18 bencomp I didn't mean to say "we want THIS". it was me thinking about how we do things now, and how perhaps we could do things in the future
14:18 pdurbin bencomp: can I copy and paste your (long) email into a Google Doc so that others can comment on it?
14:18 bencomp yes, you cna
14:20 pdurbin great
14:21 pdurbin the plan is also to create a Google Doc about our pluggable auth design for people to comment on
14:21 pdurbin before we start coding :)
14:23 bencomp design_before_coding++
14:27 pdurbin heh
14:27 pdurbin bencomp: ok, here's your email as a Google Doc:
14:34 * pdurbin replies to the Google Group with a link
15:17 bencomp 255 characters is not enough for a study's author name
15:17 bencomp
15:32 pdurbin bencomp: can you please see if you have the same problem at ? (4.0)
15:38 bencomp I'll see if I can tomorrow
16:07 shauna joined #dataverse
16:45 mbjones joined #dataverse
16:55 pdurbin +1
17:00 mbjones joined #dataverse
17:04 mbjones joined #dataverse
17:12 balo joined #dataverse
21:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:39 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.