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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-07-14

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:20 mbjones joined #dataverse
08:03 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:01 jwhitney joined #dataverse
13:56 pdurbin jwhitney: hi! I just saw your email about Suggestion #3301: Support auto-renaming of duplicate files uploaded via SWORD -
13:57 jwhitney good morning! yes, have a second to talk about it?
13:57 pdurbin sure! for my part I just checked the Dataverse 4.0 behavior...
13:58 pdurbin judging from Duplicate Files Dataset - Root Dataverse - ... we are currently allowing duplicate files names... but this smells like a bug to me...
13:59 pdurbin In the ticket (which was written in the context of DVN 3.x) I had written "If you upload another file called 50by1000.dta it will be renamed to"
13:59 pdurbin jwhitney: but it sounds like that's not really what you want anyway... you don't want two versions of teh file... you want the old version to be deleted... and only have the new version
13:59 jwhitney Right. And the way things work now keeps it simple for the plugin.
14:00 jwhitney Yes, exactly: the way it works now, + if replacements were supported like you describe
14:00 pdurbin well, let me back up a second
14:01 jwhitney Sure
14:01 pdurbin in the ticket I wrote this: If you attempt the same operation via SWORD you will see an error that states, "Filename already exists".
14:01 pdurbin is that true? do you get that error?
14:01 jwhitney Yes, and I've updated the sword lib so I can now at least display that in an OJS notification
14:01 pdurbin ah. good
14:02 pdurbin so... can you detect that error and then remedy the sitution by doing a DELETE of the file followed by an upload of the new version of the file?
14:05 jwhitney I've been thinking about that. Can do that, but wondering about the plugin silently overwriting files with the same name.
14:05 pdurbin hmm. that sounds a little sub-optimal
14:05 pdurbin jwhitney: could you give the user the choice?
14:05 pdurbin indicate to users that by proceeding they will be overwriting a file?
14:06 posixeleni joined #dataverse
14:06 pdurbin with a warning
14:06 pdurbin so they can cancel out if that's not what they meant to do
14:06 pdurbin posixeleni: welcome back!
14:07 jwhitney I think that would be possible.
14:07 posixeleni pdurbin: thanks!
14:08 jwhitney Thinking about where to do it, but a warning on form submit should be fine.
14:10 pdurbin makes sense to me
14:10 pdurbin posixeleni: any opinion on this?
14:12 posixeleni posixeleni: so if i understand correctly the issue is when someone has two files with the same filename in OJS and it won't allow the files to be updated? Or is it that they replaced the file with a new version of the file but its not allowing it to update? sorry to make you repeat!
14:14 jwhitney The latter — UP wants to send over a modified version of a file that's already in Dataverse.
14:15 posixeleni pdurbin: arent we blowing away all the previous files in Dataverse when an update is sent from OJS? to prevent duplicate file names? also to make sure we delete ones they have delete ... this way we have a mirror version of what exists in OJS?
14:15 pdurbin posixeleni: so jwhitney *could* just silently allow this to happen (with 2 API calls: DELETE and an upload) but we're thinking it might be best to present users with a warning to confirm that they really want to overwrite the file in question.
14:16 pdurbin posixeleni: no, we don't blow away previous files (though you may remember experiments with this) :)
14:17 posixeleni pdurbin: oh sorry! yes a warning would be best to make sure they actually want to replace or delete a file so they know this will remove or replace it from Dataverse as well
14:17 posixeleni pdurbin: told ya my memory stinks
14:17 posixeleni ;)
14:18 jwhitney thanks both, that sounds like the best route
14:18 pdurbin posixeleni: SWORD (and AtomPub, probably) has a concept of replacing content. But we decided not to support this in DVN because we were concerned people would be uploading the same set of files over and over again. Lots of bandwidth, etc.
14:18 pdurbin so instead we're forcing people like jwhitney to issue a DELETE for each file to be removed (sorry, jwhitney) :)
14:19 jwhitney posixeleni: the plugin *does* do a replace for metadata but that's not a ton of data
14:19 pdurbin it saves bandwidth and processing in general
14:20 jwhitney *plugin flexes DELETE muscles*
14:20 pdurbin oh, yeah. metadata is a different story... in fact, updating metadata is always a full replace. you can't send a PATCH or whatever... you can't just update the title... you have to send the full metadata every time you want to update something
14:20 posixeleni pdurbin: thanks for clarifying... makes sense to me now... just didnt remember what we had decided on in the end. Thanks for the extra muscle flexin' jwhitney!
14:20 pdurbin posixeleni: and the new JSON-based native api in 4.0 works the same way from what I understand... full replace of metadata
14:50 axfelix joined #dataverse
14:55 pdurbin for the curious... in a Dataverse 4.0 world here's where we're thinking about duplicate files (and may work on that potential bug I mentioned earlier): Duplicate upload of the same file · Issue #357 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:58 jwhitney1 joined #dataverse
14:58 jwhitney1 left #dataverse
14:58 jwhitney joined #dataverse
15:17 jwhitney1 joined #dataverse
17:05 pdurbin axfelix: this discussion is not over :)
17:06 axfelix good!
17:07 pdurbin heh
17:09 jwhitney1 axfelix: so I can add a warning, if a file's going to be overwritten, but you think this is overkill?
17:09 axfelix yeah, I think I'd actually rather it were silently incremented
17:10 pdurbin axfelix: I'm not sure you mean by incremented... versions don't change until you release
17:10 axfelix oh. right. that's what I was forgetting this morning.
17:10 pdurbin that is, all kinds of changes could be made to a study while it's in draft
17:11 axfelix right, right, right. I think overwrite away while in draft mode, in that case.
17:12 jwhitney1 Ok, well, that's definitely simpler.
18:29 jwhitney joined #dataverse
18:30 jwhitney1 joined #dataverse
19:32 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:44 jwhitney joined #dataverse
21:58 jwhitney joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.