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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-08-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:31 balo joined #dataverse
02:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:58 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:02 garnett joined #dataverse
06:47 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:35 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:11 pdurbin bencomp: hello! I'm curious if you had a chance to ask your director about the community groups proposal:
13:13 bencomp I talked to him yesterday; we decided that we would ask Mercè for more info
13:20 pdurbin bencomp: cool, cool, please feel free to reply all on the email so others can see your questions
13:21 bencomp pdurbin: I'll remember. this was also asking for an opportunity to meet in Amsterdam in September
13:21 * pdurbin has never been
13:21 bencomp it's only the fourth RDA plenary
13:21 bencomp ;)
13:22 bencomp I've never been to an RDA plenary either
13:22 pdurbin ah, so I see:
13:23 pdurbin hmm. it's right before JavaOne. my wife would kill me
13:24 bencomp where is JavaOne held?
13:24 pdurbin SF
13:24 bencomp that's not around the corner from AMS
13:24 pdurbin would be a long flight
13:24 pdurbin longer than from boston :)
13:24 bencomp :)
14:03 bencomp pdurbin: is Elizabeth in the house? I'm ready for her :)
14:05 pdurbin bencomp: I see her on chat. Lemme walk down the hall.
14:06 pdurbin bencomp: she's on her way
14:08 bencomp pdurbin: thanks!
14:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:12 bencomp pdurbin: what are the specs for the demo VM?
15:25 pdurbin bencomp: meminfo and cpuinfo for dataverse-demo Dancebin! -
15:29 bencomp 12 cpu, 64 GB memory? wow :)
15:29 bencomp no wonder you can run Dataverse and TwoRavens (and …?)
15:29 pdurbin ... solr
15:33 pdurbin well, Solr is used by Dataverse
15:33 bencomp I get it
15:33 bencomp I don't get TwoRavens yet
15:33 pdurbin TwoRavens uses rApache
15:33 pdurbin bencomp: did you watch the video?
15:33 bencomp no
15:33 pdurbin bencomp:
15:33 bencomp I did just see: " xmlhttprequest status is 0. local server limitation?  url too long?"
15:34 bencomp after selecting a subset of fearonLaitinData
15:34 pdurbin huh
15:36 pdurbin bencomp: if you can reproduce it reliably (I can't seem to) please file an issue with the steps at
15:37 bencomp could a session timeout cause it?
15:38 pdurbin no idea. sorry
16:03 pdurbin bencomp: sounds like QA has seen it too
16:04 bencomp pdurbin: hooray for logging
16:04 pdurbin :)
16:04 pdurbin I'm too lazy to type things twice
16:05 bencomp booh for rain when I didn't bring a jacket
16:07 pdurbin booo
16:28 esotiri joined #dataverse
16:43 garnett joined #dataverse
18:25 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:25 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.