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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-09-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
09:07 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
09:11 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
09:12 michbarsinai Yo, Phil! I'm here!  Thanks for the guidance.
09:18 michbarsinai left #dataverse
09:19 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
10:07 pdurbin michbarsinai: nice!
10:08 pdurbin welcome!
10:09 michbarsinai Hello! up early, aren't we?
10:11 pdurbin I have to get up before my kids do to have a little time to myself. :)
10:12 pdurbin I see what you mean about "<<<<<<< HEAD" after the merge
10:12 pdurbin
10:12 pdurbin
10:12 michbarsinai Yeah, we'll have lots of these
10:12 pdurbin etc
10:12 pdurbin fascinating
10:13 pdurbin I had no idea you could merge and then push without resolving conflicts.
10:14 michbarsinai Git doesn't mind, it's javac's problem :-)
10:14 pdurbin :)
10:14 pdurbin and you fix all these with netbeans? You don't use `openmerge` or whatever gui tool?
10:16 pdurbin oh wait, not `openmerge` ... I used `opendiff` ... which I think got installed on my mac when I installed xcode
10:16 pdurbin "merge tool candidates: opendiff kdiff3 tkdiff xxdiff meld tortoisemerge gvimdiff diffuse ecmerge p4merge araxis bc3 emerge vimdiff"
10:16 michbarsinai I think most of them can't be done mechanically
10:16 michbarsinai you need to really merge the changes
10:18 pdurbin here's where I talk about `git mergetool` and selecting `opendiff` from the list above:
10:20 pdurbin yeah, I agree. it's a merge. the operation is well named :)
10:20 pdurbin I'll play with this at work. Gonna hit the gym on my way in.
10:21 michbarsinai Enjoy!
10:27 pdurbin is a nice article
10:28 michbarsinai You might want to curate them - we need to get the instructional material for the scrum
10:29 pdurbin yeah
10:29 pdurbin this one is for netbeans:
10:30 pdurbin recent post. I wonder if older versions of netbeans have all these screens. I heard git support was greatly improved in netbeans 8.0
10:32 pdurbin hmm, nothing about merge at
10:32 pdurbin maybe I'll be fine on netbeans 7.4
10:33 pdurbin ok, sent an email with a link to this chat log (thanks!). really going idle this time.
10:33 michbarsinai Hey, 8.0.1 is out! Not publicly announced yet, but available at
10:34 michbarsinai Sure, Phil. I've heard that one before :-p
10:34 pdurbin hmm! supports glassfish 4.1 which supports java 8 and oauth!
10:34 * pdurbin shakes fist
10:34 pdurbin so much shiny
11:41 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
12:16 pdurbin michbarsinai: not announced? I see 8.0.1 at "NEW!" :)
12:16 michbarsinai Hmmm… on the mailing list they said it's currently a "quite release"
12:17 pdurbin maybe they just haven't linked to this yet, but it exists:
12:19 pdurbin nice git section. maybe we should all upgrade
12:19 pdurbin ooo. cherry pick button
12:26 michbarsinai [auth 1a531da] Can create datasets via UI
12:26 pdurbin now you're talkin'
12:28 pdurbin hmm
12:28 pdurbin michbarsinai: are you able to create a dataset at ?
12:29 michbarsinai1 joined #dataverse
12:30 michbarsinai1 ok, it's all good
12:31 pdurbin michbarsinai1: but I'm getting an exception
12:31 michbarsinai1 Do all that, dance
12:31 pdurbin ah. ok. will do
12:31 * pdurbin dances
12:32 michbarsinai1 There's a whole new Settings api, read/write persistent key-value pairs
12:32 michbarsinai1 api| curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/api/s/settings/:AllowSignUp/no
12:32 michbarsinai1 This blocks signup
12:40 pdurbin hmm. still trouble
12:41 pdurbin javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: The class '' does not have the property 'versionContributors'
12:43 michbarsinai1 Wait, I'll push again. The DS is created. I had to comment that out and add a FIXME. Stephen would have to deal with it.
12:45 michbarsinai1 Okay, pushed
12:45 michbarsinai1 Can you do a quick test? I have to start picking up the kids etc.
12:45 pdurbin yep. running my script now
12:47 pdurbin hmm
12:47 pdurbin now I'm getting "javax.servlet.ServletException: No enum constant​ttingsServiceBean.Key.:AllowSignUp"
12:48 michbarsinai1 Where did you get THAT from??!?
12:48 pdurbin
12:49 michbarsinai1 I loath JSF.
12:50 michbarsinai1 I need to go.  you can rename the methods in SettingsServiceBEan, such that those that get a key have a different name than thos that have a string
12:50 michbarsinai1 Or I'll fix this ilater today
12:58 pdurbin hmm, at least I'm seeing ":AllowSignUp": "yes" at http://localhost:8080/api/s/settings
13:42 pdurbin [auth 455728b] fix homepage, have header bean check signup settings
15:24 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:58 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:55 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
17:57 pdurbin michbarsinai: isn't it quittin' time for you? get outta here
17:58 michbarsinai Nah, got a DataTags meeting in 2
17:58 pdurbin ah
17:58 pdurbin fixed the homepage
17:59 pdurbin posted the commit sha1 in here because folks like sbmarks and axfelix and balo are dying to know ;)
18:00 pdurbin at some point I'll have to do introductions
18:58 michbarsinai Sure. Hello, everyone!
18:59 michbarsinai BTW, which homepage?
19:08 pdurbin michbarsinai: the app homepage:
19:08 pdurbin works now
19:14 * balo is trying to keep up to date
19:14 pdurbin heh
19:14 pdurbin balo: don't worry about it. oh hey, I'm working on shib stuff
19:22 balo i haven't worked with it lately. i had issues with my openam oauth2 auth module
19:22 balo on the last two months i was in Brno, working for redhat as an intern
19:22 pdurbin searchbot: lucky brno
19:22 searchbot pdurbin:
19:23 pdurbin cool
19:23 balo now i'm back to my old company and doing mongodb->postgres migration on a huge platform of ruby apps
19:23 balo fixing gems in the meantime :D
19:24 balo yesterday i was on a golang meetup here in budapest. Never stop, right?
19:24 balo :D
19:25 pdurbin never
19:26 balo pdurbin: will you come to devconf cz?
19:27 pdurbin never heard of it but if someone will fly me there and pay for a hotel... ;)
19:29 balo present something :P
19:29 balo they just open cfp
19:29 balo i'm thinking about submit an openjdk graal/truffle presentation
19:32 pdurbin this is the talk we're giving (michbarsinai and I): ▶ Submission Video for JavaOne 2014 BOF5619 - Lean Beans (are made of this): Command pattern vs. MVC - YouTube -
19:34 balo nice
19:34 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
19:37 pdurbin balo: this guy --> michbarsinai
19:38 michbarsinai Hi Balo!
19:38 pdurbin michbarsinai: just talking about out talk
19:38 pdurbin our*
19:38 michbarsinai better than walking about our walk #sorry
19:40 balo hey michbarsinai
19:40 michbarsinai Hi!
19:41 michbarsinai Sorry I wasn't able to update the talk yet. Hopefully tomorrow. Have and almost free day
19:42 pdurbin oh, no worries
20:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:16 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.