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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-11-21

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:47 skay_ joined #dataverse
02:50 metamattj joined #dataverse
14:05 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:13 pdurbin nice!
15:52 freeman joined #dataverse
15:53 freeman hello Dataverse specialist.
15:54 freeman been busy here trying to obtain 3 years certs to insert into DVN3.6.x using jdk1.6.x, i learned that jdk1.6.x doesn't support SHA256 via keytool but worked with jdk1.7.x
15:55 freeman if someone could point to the location where i can find some info on Dataverse 4.0 's phiosophical ideaology on Data embargoing, This would be help to me. :)
15:56 freeman i am trying to answer the following questions coming from my colleagues at hopkins:  what benefits or limitations there are with that feature in DVN?  For example does DVN has an admin report you can run an embargoed data?  Can we set up policies in DVN where embargoes can only last for a specified amount of time?
16:38 pdurbin freeman: please check out (and comment on, if you want) and
17:08 freeman pdurbin: Many thanks, i forgot the locations to those tickets when i requested them a few months ago with posixeleni. I will comment on them. You Da Man !! Phillip.
17:09 pdurbin :)
18:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:10 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:05 metamattj joined #dataverse
20:46 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:24 freeman have a good weekends. :)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.