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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-12-09

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:07 searchbot` joined #dataverse
07:14 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
11:52 searchbot joined #dataverse
11:55 pdurbin joined #dataverse
11:55 pdurbin michbarsinai: hi!
11:55 michbarsinai hello!
11:55 michbarsinai Morning
11:56 pdurbin our next talk will be "When Twitter Isn't Real Time Enough" ;)
11:56 michbarsinai :-)
11:56 michbarsinai Hey, any idea why Datavasers does not start?
11:56 michbarsinai on my machine
11:56 michbarsinai Any other changes after the special JAX parses that Bob added
11:56 michbarsinai ?
11:57 pdurbin hmm. I've been working on Zelig docs
11:57 michbarsinai huh?
11:57 michbarsinai The readTheDocs thing?
11:57 pdurbin sort of. but rolling our own
11:58 pdurbin knitr is pretty cool
11:58 pdurbin see recent commits to
11:59 michbarsinai IS is served as HTML yet?
11:59 michbarsinai is
11:59 pdurbin soon
11:59 pdurbin you can try `vagrant up` if you can't wait :)
12:00 michbarsinai :-0
12:00 michbarsinai :-)
12:00 michbarsinai I'll try to run dataverse… I only get a blank page
12:01 michbarsinai not even an error
12:01 pdurbin nothing in server.log?
12:02 michbarsinai No… that's whats printing into the NetBeans console, right?
12:02 michbarsinai I might try to migrate to GF4.1
12:02 pdurbin I always tail -F server.log in a separate window
12:02 pdurbin capital F because it rotates so much
12:03 pdurbin I *did* see a metadata block change go through late yesterday. This will require a Solr schema update.
12:04 michbarsinai Oh…. I'll try to do the API first, then. Working on IP groups ;-)
12:04 pdurbin Major Update to Metadata blocks · Issue #1114 · IQSS/dataverse -
12:05 pdurbin michbarsinai: cool. you saw my security concern about IP Groups and localhost, right?
12:05 pdurbin we probably *don't* want to default to localhost when we can't parse the address
12:05 michbarsinai Yep. I'm addressing that
12:05 pdurbin awesome
12:05 michbarsinai No, that's just an IPv6 address
12:06 pdurbin ok, which Mac seems to have by default
12:07 pdurbin anyway, I just pulled the latest and will see what breaks for me
12:07 michbarsinai It's not solved there yet, I just have the models in place
12:07 pdurbin running my rebuild-and-test script now:
12:09 michbarsinai That's in vagrant?
12:11 pdurbin nope. I run in directly on my Ubuntu laptop
12:12 pdurbin and my MacBook at work
12:12 michbarsinai nice
12:12 pdurbin some test failures but not too bad
12:12 pdurbin michbarsinai: I'd drop your database and get set up again
12:13 michbarsinai Been there, done that. No use.
12:16 pdurbin but the API is working for you? that's good
12:17 michbarsinai Yes, but I get an empty response.
12:18 pdurbin hmm. well, I'm able to log into the GUI as admin
12:18 michbarsinai Does it work for you?
12:18 pdurbin that's what I mean. works fine. can log into the GUI
12:19 michbarsinai Well, I'm off to another adventure in GF management
12:20 pdurbin michbarsinai: you could join me in #glassfish :)
12:21 pdurbin but yeah, a lot of us are switching over to glassfish 4.1
12:22 pdurbin actually, on this Ubuntu box I'm still on glassfish 4.0
12:22 pdurbin but at work on my macbook I'm using 4.1
12:22 michbarsinai Are the server setup scripts updated?
12:23 pdurbin I wrote my own:
12:23 pdurbin that doesn't require root
12:24 michbarsinai Good to have a un*x guy in the team :-)
12:24 pdurbin :)
12:24 pdurbin but vagrant uses the regular installer and works fine
12:25 pdurbin at least it worked last week
12:26 michbarsinai :-)
12:26 pdurbin michbarsinai: you are suffering from incidental complexity. what would Rich Hickey say?
12:27 pdurbin you should seek inspiration from this podcast:
12:27 michbarsinai He'll blame that on OO, rather than on GF implementation. But will do it super eloquently :-)
12:27 pdurbin sure would
12:27 pdurbin ok, I have to get these kids to school. good luck!
12:28 michbarsinai Thanks! Keep warm!
13:27 michbarsinai The magic of restart has, once again, prevailed over whatever it is was that made GF act up!
13:42 pdurbin great
13:42 * pdurbin restarts glassfish a lot
13:44 michbarsinai <sigh>
13:49 michbarsinai Quick naming question: I don't like GroupCreator, as it does more than just creation - it manages all groups of a given type (IP groups and later Shib, internal, oauth). Might even manage ExplicitGroups… does "GroupManager" sounds better? "GroupDriver"?
13:56 pdurbin I'm fine with GroupManager, I guess
13:57 pdurbin michbarsinai: please check out this exception. Can you make this provide more feedback on which dataset field is the problem? After the metadata block update I can't create a dataset with JSON any more:
13:59 michbarsinai Or, should we go with GroupFactory? That's the same naming as the auth providers… and technically, you can return a product to the factory to have it modified :-)
13:59 michbarsinai I'll look at the exception..
14:10 michbarsinai I've added the field type to the exception message
14:24 pdurbin {"status":"ERROR","message":"Error parsing initialVersion: Exception while parsing field of type: datasetContact"}
14:24 pdurbin michbarsinai: much better! thanks!
14:25 michbarsinai :-)
17:06 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:00 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:38 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
19:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:44 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.