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IRC log for #dataverse, 2014-12-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:32 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:28 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:58 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:54 freeman_ joined #dataverse
14:59 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:01 pdurbin bencomp: visit from DANS today, I hear
15:01 pdurbin freeman_: oh hey, welcome back
15:02 bencomp pdurbin: true, Marnix is my boss :)
15:09 bencomp pdurbin: I stopped watching the dataverse repo and haven't heard about changes re: shibboleth and user session mixups. Did you get any further?
15:10 pdurbin bencomp: if you scroll to the end of you'll see that the last commit we've made that references that session bug ticket is upgrading Weld to 2.2.4
15:10 pdurbin here's the commit: upgrade to Weld 2.2.4 in Glassfish 4.1 #647 · 6a24028 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:12 pdurbin bencomp: so we're sort of waiting to see if the bug occurs with Weld upgraded
15:14 bencomp thanks - I should still be watching that issue
15:15 bencomp fingers crossed then
15:15 pdurbin oh, I started a spreadsheet called "Session Bug #647 Incidents":
15:15 pdurbin let me add that to the ticket
15:25 bencomp pdurbin: do the logs show the problem as Marius shows in ?
15:25 bencomp then you could automatically populate the spreadsheet
15:36 pdurbin bencomp: I've looked at that SO question but I don't think those are actual logs. I think he's summarizing the data in a table.
15:37 * pdurbin adds the comment about the spreadsheet and the Weld upgrade:
15:39 bencomp pdurbin: sure, that's not the actual log, but if the log would show 'in session X, client Y acting as user Z did something'
15:40 pdurbin bencomp: well, here is my commit where I tried to do some logging: added (disabled) "authfilter" for all traffic #647 · eb562a5 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:43 bencomp did it work as expected?
15:44 freeman_ pdurbin: Hello Phillip, How goes ?
15:46 freeman_ pdurbin: i try to get on from time to time. i've been doing a lot of dataverse 3.6.x stuff in my work lately. using some of the utilities functionalities such as export metadata from testing, importing meta ddi_xml file into production dvn
15:48 freeman_ pdurbin: this export and import feature works well. then i rsync the files from testing into production server but filesize never showed up. In this work place, i am going to inform users to just reingest research data files instead of rsync.
15:50 freeman_ pdurbin: finally, wrestling with SSL certs from Comodo to insert it into glassfish's keystore which was a headache in itself. 3 years SSL ROOT certs doesn't seem to want to get into glassfish keystore. oh well, back to 1 year certs. lol
15:51 freeman_ pdurbin: waiting for the holidays to come. I am certain all of the developer at Harvard will need to have a break. :)
16:03 pdurbin bencomp: no, because we're using websockets
16:04 pdurbin freeman_: a break will be nice :)
16:12 freeman_ pdurbin: hang in there, i think in a week and two days it will be christmas and then in two more working days it will also be new year. :)
16:14 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:15 pdurbin yeah :)
16:29 pdurbin bencomp: I do have some ideas about how to get that logging working but I've been busy with other things.
16:30 pdurbin bencomp: oh hey, what do you think of this?
16:30 pdurbin yoh and freeman_ I don't think you've seen this yet
16:32 bencomp pdurbin: I had some ideas about logging for an 'audit'. Who granted what to whom, for what objects, when? And who created/updated/deleted what when? But I haven't tried to find out what is already logged in this way
16:33 pdurbin hmm. ok
16:33 pdurbin maybe we should make a ticket for this
16:35 bencomp sounds like you are interested… ;)
16:36 pdurbin well, I defintely want logging for that session bug
16:36 pdurbin gotta squash that bug
16:36 pdurbin or we can't ship shibboleth support
16:36 bencomp I started reading about BiSL (business information management services library) (did I tell this before?) and have been working a little bit on improving information management for our services
16:37 bencomp yes, it would be awesome if that bug was closed
16:38 bencomp my list of things to log is not definitive
16:43 pdurbin neither is mine
16:58 * bencomp runs into
16:58 bencomp Login: Entering bad combination of username/password does nothing, should perhaps give feedback.
16:59 pdurbin yeah. it really should
16:59 pdurbin bencomp: where are you testing?
17:00 bencomp
17:01 bencomp and on registration (I guessed my account was deleted after fresh install) I notice a DANS dataverse and UU dataverse...
17:08 pdurbin cool
17:09 pdurbin bencomp: I just met your boss. nice guy :)
17:11 bencomp pdurbin: he is (not just saying that because this channel is public ;))
17:12 pdurbin :)
17:28 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:00 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:13 metamattj joined #dataverse
20:53 bencomp joined #dataverse
21:57 metamattj joined #dataverse
23:47 yoh pdurbin: whatever API you are working on -- make sure it supports versioning (e.g. querying individual file given a specific unique version)
23:48 yoh more and more we run into situations that data changes, thus versioning becomes more and more important
23:58 metamattj joined #dataverse

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