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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-01-09

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:18 shauna joined #dataverse
02:19 metamattj joined #dataverse
04:23 metamattj joined #dataverse
04:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:29 metamattj joined #dataverse
09:14 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
13:52 freeman_ joined #dataverse
13:52 freeman_ Happe new year Dataverse users and Developers.
14:04 pdurbin freeman_: you too :)
14:33 freeman_ just curious, from the Google dataverse user site, Elizathbeth had mentioned that Dataverse 4.0 will be out sometime Spring of 2015. Will there be a projection date ?
14:38 pdurbin freeman_: bencomp was wondering the same thing
16:02 freeman_ pdurbin: lol, i am certain everyone is anticipating this exciting completely redesign release. ice-faces looked ok but this new version with the new enticing more streamline looked is quite sexy.
16:06 freeman_ oh yeah, this other question is completely out of this world. Scenario: there are all kinds of object based storage systems available nowsdays with Petabyte storage. The problem is that these object based storage can talk
16:07 freeman_ only in restful langauge, does Dataverse support such protocols (Rest or Amazon S3) kinds of direct communication without a gateway sitting infront of this kind of object based storage ?
16:12 pdurbin freeman_: you should join the new community group about storage options:
16:12 freeman_ pdurbin: thanks Man.
16:13 pdurbin oh sure
16:13 pdurbin :)
16:34 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:48 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:45 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:02 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:07 routeboy joined #dataverse
20:07 routeboy :)
20:07 routeboy
20:25 routeboy left #dataverse
21:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:07 razor-home joined #dataverse
23:50 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.