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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-01-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:03 bshambaugh joined #dataverse
01:25 pdurbin bshambaugh: hi
01:25 bshambaugh Good evening!
01:26 pdurbin welcome to #dataverse :)
01:30 bshambaugh Thanks for being so friendly. :)
01:31 pdurbin I grew up in the Midwest. I can't help it.
01:33 bshambaugh Heh...same here..actually the Heartland..
01:33 bshambaugh If Oklahoma counts as midwest...
01:35 pdurbin sure. why not :)
01:38 pdurbin it's kinda nice when the episode you were listening to wraps up just as you finish washing the last dish
01:45 bshambaugh Oh wow, that's nerdy. Trouble is, I am a nerd.
01:46 bshambaugh Thanks.
01:48 bshambaugh So, DataVerse is  a Network?
01:49 pdurbin the 3.x version is called Dataverse Network, yes
01:49 pdurbin we're rewriting the code. for 4.0 we just call it Dataverse
01:49 pdurbin hmm, maybe I should put something in the /topic
01:50 pdurbin I guess I link to our new website, at least:
01:51 pdurbin bshambaugh: jeez, now I realize I welcomed you already: :)
01:52 pdurbin right, you're into Linked Data
01:53 bshambaugh Yeah, my brain was fuzzy too. So many places since then. I'm glad my IRC client saves channels.
01:58 bshambaugh yep, checking it out
01:59 bshambaugh It looks like you did something with Center for Open Science, which has something going with Mozilla Science Lab, which might know ...
01:59 bshambaugh not sure how things work in Boston
02:00 bshambaugh (Mozilla Science Lab knows Open Knowledge Foundation)
02:02 bshambaugh You emphasize putting data with publications...(
02:03 bshambaugh I might have to throw what I've been working on your way sometime. Not that you have to analyze it in minute detail...but if it sparks an idea..
02:04 bshambaugh (trying to be more sophisticated with video)
02:06 pdurbin bshambaugh: yeah, my boss and I went down to COS (where I met jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon) a while back: I've been hanging out at the +Center for Open Science all week. They have a… -
02:07 bshambaugh Oh, awesome!
02:08 bshambaugh Thanks
02:08 pdurbin LyndsySimon and I both hang out in #sciencelab on but I'm not sure what COS is up to there.
02:09 pdurbin oh, right. shauna and yoh are in there too:
02:09 pdurbin 'tis a nice channel
02:10 pdurbin bshambaugh: but yeah, the idea with Dataverse is publishing your data
02:29 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:35 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:49 bshambaugh Getting back to work for some reason. Thanks for the talk.
03:04 pdurbin :)
03:04 pdurbin need to get to sleep
03:45 metamattj joined #dataverse
04:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:42 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:16 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:58 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:44 metamattj joined #dataverse
21:20 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
22:17 garnett joined #dataverse
23:00 balo joined #dataverse
23:09 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.