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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-01-26

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:47 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:17 garnett joined #dataverse
03:15 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:39 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:17 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
18:24 garnett joined #dataverse
19:00 garnett joined #dataverse
19:12 metamattj joined #dataverse
21:26 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
22:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:11 garnett joined #dataverse
23:11 pdurbin axfelix: question about dcterms:rights
23:11 pdurbin garnett: ^^
23:11 axfelix shoot
23:11 pdurbin there are two of you!
23:11 axfelix notebook and desktop :)
23:11 pdurbin ah :)
23:11 pdurbin how often does the OJS plugin send those elements to Dataverse?
23:11 pdurbin her
23:11 pdurbin er
23:12 axfelix on update
23:12 pdurbin *that* element I meant
23:12 pdurbin sure but
23:12 pdurbin it's not required
23:12 axfelix right
23:12 axfelix two seconds, let me investigate
23:12 pdurbin typically, you populate it? you usually have something to put in dcterms:rights?
23:14 pdurbin axfelix: if you could check out these new rules (should be backward compatible!) I'd appreciate it:
23:14 axfelix to provide dcterms rights you have to omit dcterms license, eh?
23:15 axfelix well, the good news is that as far as I know the ojs plugin doesn't use license at all
23:16 axfelix if you look at line 1156 and 1289 in here:
23:16 axfelix rights is fetched at the journal level
23:17 axfelix and it's always sent along on creation or on update
23:17 axfelix so it won't be empty
23:17 axfelix it's not a user-supplied metadata field for a given dataset
23:18 axfelix so we should be OK?
23:47 pdurbin axfelix: you should be ok :)
23:48 pdurbin dcterms:license is new so it makes sense that the OJS code doesn't know about it
23:54 garnett joined #dataverse
23:56 pdurbin I see what you mean about the journal level.

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.