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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-01-27

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:04 garnett look OK by you?
00:05 pdurbin garnett: should be fine but I can push the code to if you would like to do a sanity check.
00:06 garnett it's conceivable that a journal might've forgotten to configure those fields
00:06 garnett I'll ping jen about error handling
00:06 pdurbin ok
00:07 pdurbin error will be thrown for blank attributes like <dcterms:rights></dcterms:rights>
00:46 pdurbin er. blank elements
01:06 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:25 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:12 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:27 garnett joined #dataverse
02:56 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:42 metamattj joined #dataverse
12:33 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:58 freeman_ joined #dataverse
13:58 freeman_ pdurbin: snowpocalypse or snowmageddon ?
14:24 pdurbin freeman_: oh man, let me post some pictures
14:32 freeman_ pdurbin: Kool. nothing down here in Baltimore
14:32 freeman_ pdurbin: i guess its Both.
14:33 pdurbin Shoveling out from the #blizzardof2015 -
14:35 * skay is impressed
14:36 pdurbin heh. it's still coming down. the kids have today and tomorrow off from school
14:36 pdurbin at least it's light and fluffy. easy to shovel
14:37 pdurbin today at least, operations are suspended at Harvard:
14:37 pdurbin BUT NOT IN THIS CHANNEL!! ;)
14:38 pdurbin bencomp: I have no idea about IE 11: Browser compatibility: IE 11 - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/ByTyAKmCxGc
14:38 pdurbin I don't have a Windows box
14:39 bencomp I have one at home, but not IE 11
14:39 bencomp it was a question from a client who said he couldn't find it on the websites on DVN and Dataverse 4
14:39 pdurbin I think these days Microsoft provides a free VM for testing.
14:39 bencomp oh, interesting
14:41 freeman_ pdurbin: that is a ton of white stuff. 2 feet it looked.
14:41 bencomp (I was hoping someone in QA had tested with IE 11 :))
14:43 pdurbin bencomp: I think this is it:
14:43 freeman_ bencomp: i have not tested Dataverse 4 with IE 11.
14:43 pdurbin freeman_: the kids are enjoying it :)
14:44 freeman_ pdurbin: right, they looked happy !!! that is a good sign.
14:49 pdurbin :)
14:50 bencomp pdurbin: "We've found that this webpage may have missing"
14:50 bencomp … says
14:50 bencomp :O
14:53 pdurbin bencomp: huh. so it thinks we should upgrade from jQuery UI 1.10.3 to 1.10.4?
14:53 bencomp I guess so
14:55 pdurbin but you're more talking about the CSS prefixes thing
14:55 bencomp I'm currently working on another project and just clicked and tried very quickly
14:56 pdurbin "We've found that this webpage hasn't built a Windows 8.1 Start Screen tile." ... uh... not shocked by that one :)
14:56 pdurbin in general it seems like good advice though
14:56 bencomp comments like " you should use vendor specific CSS prefixes" make me go "#$%#$^#$%#$%, vendors should adhere to standards"
14:57 pdurbin heh. no kidding
14:58 bencomp I'll see if I can (have someone) test Dataverse with IE 11. I don't expect big problems
14:59 bencomp freeman_: thanks for the note, let me know if you did :)
15:00 pdurbin bencomp: is you see any problems, you know what to do
15:00 freeman_ bencomp: ok will do. i am looking into DVN 4.0 in my work place. i will click around harvard's Demo with my version of IE 11
15:00 pdurbin s/is/if/
15:01 bencomp :)
15:33 freeman_ joined #dataverse
15:34 freeman_ bencomp: ok i done some testing or clicking aorund quite a few different items using IE 11. it looks like dataverse 4.0 will work with IE 11, atleast with my version of it.
15:34 freeman_ bencomp:
15:37 bencomp freeman_: that is great work! thanks a lot :D
15:48 pdurbin freeman_: thanks! reshared!
15:51 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:52 freeman_ no problem Dataverse users and Dataverse Developers, Glad to help. i wish i could have some data to upload and an account on Harvard's site for me to upload stuff so i can capture more results.
15:53 pdurbin freeman_: maybe you could pull some stats out of these IRC logs: :)
16:10 garnett joined #dataverse
16:15 yoh_ joined #dataverse
16:15 balo_ joined #dataverse
18:06 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:28 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:51 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:56 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.