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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-02-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:13 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
03:07 metamattj joined #dataverse
03:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:50 garnett joined #dataverse
05:41 metamattj joined #dataverse
11:57 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:02 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
13:02 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse: | logs at
13:49 freeman_ joined #dataverse
13:52 freeman_ Hello Dataverse users, on Dataverse 3.x.x, when exporting a DDI format under utilities -> export -> studyID does Dataverse run this manual immediately or is there a delay ? what is the dataverse ID under this menu to export an entire Dataverse out to an XML file ?
14:02 freeman_ the "export all" works and it dumps ddi, marc, and oai_dc format into each the study file location. I could probably use this export_ddi.xml file from a testing environment and import it into a production environment. Sounds right ?
14:42 pdurbin freeman_: hi! sorry, home with a sick kid (and conveniently, the kids have another snow day)
14:43 pdurbin freeman_: sure, you should be able to export DDI from one installation and import it into another installation
14:45 freeman_ pdurbin: No worries, man. Family is more important, especially with a sick child. :) That is what we wish to do. I forgot that Dataverse doesn't automatically prompt the use to save a file onto their desktop/laptop.
14:46 freeman_ pdurbin: a person would need to log into a DVN server browse into a directory with the studies where it contained the export_ddi.xml file then import it into the production environment. i forgot about this.
14:48 freeman_ pdurbin: i thought when clicked on "export all" it would open a diaglog box. oh well.
14:49 pdurbin ok
14:53 pdurbin freeman_: if you have any trouble you can, of course, email
14:54 pdurbin bencomp: you might be interested in this: Shibboleth: Institution-wide Shibboleth groups · Issue #1401 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:56 freeman_ pdurbin: Many thanks, I am good.
16:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:40 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:13 freeman_ joined #dataverse
20:35 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:56 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:50 pdurbin "A complementary solution is under development at Scholar’s Portal to integrate Dataverse and Archivematica."
22:08 pdurbin Mercè Crosas on Twitter: "Fantastic pilot project integrating @dataverseorg with @archivematica to share research data and preserve them too" -
22:15 mjturk i hadn't heard of archivematica before
22:15 mjturk looks pretty cool
22:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:50 pdurbin mjturk: they do cool stuff like converting Word 97 files into something better for archiving like PDF. better for preservation
23:11 garnett joined #dataverse
23:21 pdurbin they were in the area some months ago and stopped by to chat. nice people
23:22 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
23:30 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.