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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-02-12

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:14 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:15 pdurbin axfelix: whoops! wasn't looking at chat!
00:22 pdurbin are you still there?
00:24 axfelix I am :)
00:24 axfelix didn't have a particular moment to jump in last time you were here, but thanks for the OJS callout
00:24 pdurbin heh. sure
00:24 axfelix canada is a very small country; everyone you know is in this room
00:25 pdurbin :)
00:25 pdurbin axfelix: I'm taking notes here:
00:25 pdurbin I probably missed some of the questions that were asked.
00:46 pdurbin axfelix: anyway, if anyone wants to comment on that doc they're welcome to! :)
00:47 axfelix thanks, I'll mention it
00:47 pdurbin cool. I found but I'm not sure if there's a better URL for that meeting
00:48 axfelix I don't believe that there is, it was an invited type deal
00:48 pdurbin well, I feel even more honored then
00:49 pdurbin s/honored/honoured/
01:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:03 clabruno joined #dataverse
05:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:09 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:48 pdurbin bencomp: we de-prioritized the eppn/eptid/nameid ticket:
11:48 pdurbin made it post-4.0
11:49 pdurbin I'd still like for people to give their opinion on how it should be implemented, though.
12:16 pdurbin bencomp: maybe you could stir up discussion by replying to
12:34 bencomp pdurbin: I'm forwarding the discussion, as it made me unsure
13:31 pdurbin bencomp: thanks. I'm unsure what to implement, obviously :)
13:31 pdurbin or if it's safe to do nothing
13:32 pdurbin at let people installing Dataverse figure out how to always have "eppn" sent to Dataverse
13:33 bencomp isn't that 'just' a matter of configuration in the mapping.xml?
13:33 pdurbin I *think* so
13:33 pdurbin it would make my life easier
13:36 bencomp :)
13:37 bencomp the page about attributes in SURFconext says: SURFconext's SAML2 implementation adheres to the
13:38 bencomp pdurbin: are you using that too?
13:53 pdurbin bencomp: I've never seen this before
13:54 pdurbin section 6 seems to be about name identifiers
13:55 pdurbin "Service Providers, if they rely at all on particular name identifier formats, MUST support one of the following: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.​0:nameid-format:persistent urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.​0:nameid-format:transient"
15:21 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:41 sanchitgoyal01 joined #dataverse
15:46 sanchitgoyal01 Can someone please share the github repo link again. Thanks
15:47 pdurbin sanchitgoyal01:
15:47 sanchitgoyal01 Thanks pdurbin
15:48 pdurbin sure
15:49 sanchitgoyal01 There are no open issues at this time ?
15:49 sanchitgoyal01 Is the available to download from google playstore ?
15:49 pdurbin it's just a proof of concept
15:49 pdurbin I think I'm the only user.
15:49 sanchitgoyal01 I see
15:50 pdurbin it's not in the play store
15:50 sanchitgoyal01 okay
16:02 pdurbin so you have to compile it yourself
16:02 pdurbin which might explain why I'm the only user :)
16:05 sanchitgoyal01 :)
16:42 sanchitgoyal01 left #dataverse
16:44 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:45 sanchitgoyal01 joined #dataverse
18:14 bshambaugh joined #dataverse
18:30 sanchitgoyal01 joined #dataverse
19:15 clabruno joined #dataverse
20:21 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
20:49 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:54 bshambaugh joined #dataverse
21:02 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:17 bencomp joined #dataverse
22:58 balo joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.