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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-02-25

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:09 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:20 skay joined #dataverse
01:27 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:39 yoh joined #dataverse
01:39 pdurbin joined #dataverse
01:41 yoh joined #dataverse
01:41 pdurbin joined #dataverse
05:14 garnett joined #dataverse
06:06 metamattj joined #dataverse
13:43 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:03 pdurbin bencomp: the other day I worked on a bug you opened: When only empty facets are selected in non-empty dataverse, "This Dataverse currently has no Dataverses, Datasets, or Files." · Issue #1449 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:03 pdurbin I guess I could do a build on apitest if you want to QA it. :)
15:05 bencomp thanks, pdurbin. If you could, that would be nice :)
15:05 pdurbin lemme make sure the tests pass locally first
15:22 pdurbin bencomp: ok, you can see one of the 8 new messages at for example. It's now running v. 4.0 Beta build 13 (apitest), 2015-02-25, commit c9e5ad4
15:26 pdurbin the ticket lists the 8 possible messages
15:28 bencomp hold on, I am docker-composing an OAI-PMH aggregator
15:29 pdurbin sounds fancy :)
15:30 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:30 bencomp looks better than before :)
15:31 pdurbin :)
15:31 pdurbin I had help with the messaging.
15:31 freeman_ joined #dataverse
15:32 freeman_ Hello Dataverse developers and users, How goes at Harvard ? still a ton of snow on the ground ?
15:33 pdurbin freeman_: my commute is two or three times longer than usual. so much snow and ice :(
15:33 freeman_ we are still curious as to the time frame in which DVN 4.0 will be realeased and will there be a upgrade path ?
15:33 pdurbin there absolutely will be an upgrade path
15:33 pdurbin bencomp: of course you have a crazy fork ;)
15:34 freeman_ pdurbin, i see. wow, New England really got hammered this year, Snowmageddon 2015 did hitted North East badly, i watched CBS frome time to time and it did say that tons of stuff remained on the ground.
15:34 freeman_ pdurbin: lol
15:35 freeman_ pdurbin: I was hoping the state of MA could use one of those giant butane ice melting devices in Boston to melt away the snow and drain it into a river. ;)
15:35 pdurbin searchbot: lucky boston 40 foot tunnel medford bike path
15:35 searchbot pdurbin:
15:36 bencomp pdurbin: my personal fork has seen much improvement on the Java generics front… :)
15:37 pdurbin heh
15:37 freeman_ pdurbin: HOLY COW !! That is NUTS !!, i saw some folks in MA or maybe Boston where snow is as tall as their single family house.
15:38 freeman_ they had to dig a trench to just get out of their front door. i can imagine, this is super bad for everyone in the state of MA and its surroudings.
15:39 pdurbin yeah
15:40 freeman_ pdurbin: ok next question, as a sys admin, i tended to like things clean and fresh like a spanking new diaper. Would it be best to install a new version of DVN 4.0 and port over the data files and meta-data instead of upgrading from 3.6.x to 4.0 ?
15:40 pdurbin oh, are we inclusive enough in our little IRC club? check this out: Tracy Osborn on Twitter: "Do new developers (who have learned how to program in the last year or two) use and feel comfortable with IRC? Especially women?" -
15:41 pdurbin freeman_: our plan is to install 4.0 on a fresh new server
15:41 pdurbin this server:
15:42 freeman_ pdurbin: ok, this is kiind of what i was thinking, no upgrades and just port data and metadata over but a new install of the DVN system with Glassfish and postgresql and etc ( such as  R) Kool.
15:42 pdurbin shauna and skay ^^
15:46 shauna I like IRC, but I joined it for social reasons first, and also after I'd already been programming for a while.
15:46 shauna My enjoyment of IRC definitely varies by channel.
15:46 skay mine too
15:47 freeman_ on the twitter article, interesting, new developers do use IRC as a resource, that is good to know.
15:47 skay I like irc due to encountering it in the beginning as a method for group chat. it was in the days of talk
15:48 freeman_ IRC was popular and quite successful in the 90s atleast during my college days and i can see this chat application is still being used by everyone, that is a good sign
15:48 pdurbin shauna: some channels are terrible
15:49 shauna That's what I hear.
15:50 pdurbin shauna: you do a great job with #openhatch
15:50 shauna Thanks.  :)
15:50 pdurbin skay: I used `talk` back in the day :)
15:50 skay and then there was ytalk
15:51 skay and then zwrite
15:53 skay pdurbin: in the twitter discussion I think Noah has a good point about a nice webui and that is how I point people to an irc room for project nights
15:53 skay particularly since the place hosting it blocks irc ports
15:54 skay I don't go on and on about it being irc, I give htem a link to it, explain that it is a place where we have a chat room, and that it is helpful when you want to paste urls to share, etc.
15:55 skay pdurbin: There is a talk by Mel Chua on edupsych stuff and she has these great sequences of slides featuring irc and other tools we all use from our points of view versus a new persons point of view
15:55 pdurbin skay: have a link handy?
15:55 skay pdurbin: I'm digging it up as we type
15:58 pdurbin +1
16:03 skay pdurbin: she's improved the talk over the years, and I had to find a slide deck with the right slides. start at 25
16:04 skay our view of irc would be "get help faster" and so on
16:04 skay and then on slide 31 "we will not talk with you unless you use this strange new tool"
16:12 pdurbin skay: I'll check it out. Thanks!
16:13 freeman_ hahaha, python hackers, i myself is considered one.
16:20 skay freeman_: I've seen her talk at PyCanada and PyCon. I love her talks
16:24 freeman_ skay: nice, i like python since it is easy to learn, but developing code took me sometime since there is a strict guideline on readability. Nice. This person is very knowledable too in python and education
16:25 freeman_ skay: as a modern sys admi and unlike old sys admin where they used perl, i tended to become familiar with Python morethan any other langauges as far as automation. :)
16:26 skay freeman_: which part took up the most time? learning to write readable code with python? or that what you wanted to do did not lend itself to being readable when done in python?
16:27 skay freeman_: oh neat, I have been learning to automated code that I develop and I tend to use python tools for it
16:27 freeman_ skay: learning to write readable code was hard and certainly took me longer to get used to. I came from a C/C++/Java background.
16:27 skay freeman_: me too, sort of. I came from c/java with some perl and tcl/tk on the wy
16:27 skay way
16:27 freeman_ skay: where indentation was not really much of an issue. Python is the only one which it solely focused on readability which was a pain initially.
16:29 freeman_ skay: right, for anyone who has a background in C/C++/java, its a bit trickier to get used to, but this issue from python can be overcome. :)
16:29 skay freeman_: yes, and so I am empathizing with you
16:29 freeman_ skay: likewise. :)
16:29 * skay fistbump
16:31 freeman_ Guys , Lunch for me, be back in 2 hours. ;)
16:56 pdurbin bencomp: I just pushed code for this feature. I'd be curious to hear your take on it: Shibboleth: persist institution name as affiliation for users · Issue #1497 · IQSS/dataverse -
17:19 bencomp pdurbin: are you afraid of Linked (Open) Data?
17:20 * bencomp is about to mention LOD in reply to issue 1497
17:23 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:26 * pdurbin fears nothing data-related
17:26 pdurbin bencomp: go ahead :)
17:37 bencomp pdurbin: done :)
17:40 bencomp However, I've been thinking that some sort of CRM integration could be useful. An organisation's website should be in the CRM, so a lookup from Dataverse or a push update from the CRM could be an alternative
17:46 pdurbin bencomp: thanks but I don't understand this part: "could Dataverse use a L(O)D source to find an institution name for a domain name?"
17:49 bencomp that should be read as: can you do more work and implement an 'agent' that reads from the Web of Data?
17:49 bencomp :D
18:07 * pdurbin likes the sound of "web of data"
18:08 bencomp a.k.a. the Semantic Web
18:08 pdurbin ah
18:08 * pdurbin has heard of it
18:09 bencomp time to go home, Firefox just crashed without even a Mac OS popup telling me it has crashed
18:09 bencomp 8 GB is just too little
18:09 bencomp RAM, that is
18:14 pdurbin bye!
18:26 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:39 pdurbin skay: lol at "We will not talk with you until you use this strange new tool" :)
18:40 skay pdurbin: it is funny
18:40 skay pdurbin: so... I try to talk about irc in ways to make it not seem so bizarre and strange
18:41 pdurbin I usually just call it "chat"
18:41 skay yeah
18:41 pdurbin nevermind about the relay ;)
18:41 skay or the internet
18:41 pdurbin heh
18:50 freeman_ joined #dataverse
18:53 freeman_ pdurbin: last question: is there a supported method from DVN community where there is a script or manual method to port over data (meta-data,data files) from DVN versions 2.6.x to new Dataverse 4.0 ?
18:53 freeman_ actually, DVn versions 3.6.x not 2.6
19:22 freeman_ joined #dataverse
19:24 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:37 pdurbin freeman_: uh. please email for this :)
20:20 pdurbin wow, my first crack at some internationalization. and it's not so bad :)
20:58 freeman_ pdurbin: kool will do.
22:54 garnett joined #dataverse
23:37 pdurbin oh, he didn't mean 2.6
23:37 pdurbin anyway, migration scripts are being written for 3.6

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