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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-04-09

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:04 metamattj joined #dataverse
05:23 garnett joined #dataverse
08:20 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:23 rliebz joined #dataverse
13:27 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:36 bencomp pdurbin: has noone noticed that on the pages linked under software all start with "about-", but links on GitHub (still) point to URLs without "about-"?
13:37 bencomp e.g. points to
13:38 bencomp and the Dataverse readme points to
13:53 pdurbin bencomp: hmm, and is a 404
13:53 bencomp exactly my point :/
13:54 pdurbin the bad link is here:
13:54 pdurbin rliebz: oh hey! I just did a build:
13:55 bencomp well, it seems the whole IQSS/Datascience website was changed, without updating the projects
13:56 bencomp or maybe changing the URLs to "about-<project>" was an accident that is more easily rolled back than going through all projects and changing references?
13:56 rliebz pdurbin: Hello! Thanks for letting me know
13:57 pdurbin bencomp: I sent an email to people who manage those sites. thanks
13:57 bencomp thanks
13:57 pdurbin rliebz: I'm going to go comment on a ticket you care about. about getting dataset IDs from DOIs via API
14:02 rliebz pdurbin: I ended up implementing the workaround I mentioned for that one, but the python client could still certainly benefit from a less hackish solution on my end
14:04 pdurbin rliebz: the comment I just made: Add support in datasets API for persistent id (doi) · Issue #1837 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:04 pdurbin bencomp: Fixed broken link · IQSS/dataverse@9d7969e -
14:06 bencomp pdurbin++
14:06 pdurbin posixeleni++
14:07 pdurbin rliebz: I'm curious what your workaround is
14:08 rliebz pdurbin: The code should be pretty straightforward
14:09 rliebz pdurbin: with the dataverse contents being the native dataverse contents route
14:09 pdurbin rliebz: ok, so you're also making use of that "contents" endpoint that I know little about
14:09 pdurbin nice trick to highlight multiple lines!
14:11 rliebz pdurbin: You can shift+click numbers in the margin. Also, if you press Y after you've done that, it'll lock it to a commit so that the link won't point to the wrong lines if a later commit changes the position of the relevant code
14:11 rliebz github is neat like that
14:11 pdurbin my goodness
14:11 pdurbin so fancy
14:16 rliebz pdurbin: With the route `http://$SERVER/api/bulitin-users/$us​ername/api-token?password=$password` for an existing user, it looks like an API token has to be manually generated through the GUI before the route will work. Is that correct?
14:18 pdurbin rliebz: did you create the user via the GUI or the API?
14:18 rliebz GUI
14:19 pdurbin that's what I was afraid of
14:19 rliebz Is that intended or a bug?
14:20 pdurbin good question :)
14:20 pdurbin rliebz: please feel free to comment here with any observations:
14:21 pdurbin as you know, users created via API are given a token automatically. it can be looked up like this:
14:22 rliebz pdurbin: Our use case is that we have existing Dataverse users with accounts being authenticated from a stored username/password. I'd like to be able to migrate them over to the API token without them having to do anything
14:24 pdurbin rliebz: can you please open an issue specific to that?
14:29 rliebz pdurbin: I think it's covered in, but it is a bit ambiguous whether "getting" means failing if it hasn't been generated yet or generating then getting
14:33 pdurbin rliebz: well, that ticket is in QA. it's "done"
14:33 pdurbin so a new ticket might be better
14:34 rliebz pdurbin: Will do.
14:34 pdurbin thanks
14:34 rliebz Is the release still slated for Monday?
14:39 pdurbin buh
14:39 * pdurbin should know this
14:41 pdurbin rliebz: "Dataverse 4.0: Deployment" says Monday according to
14:41 pdurbin Monday, April 13th.
14:42 pdurbin rliebz: thanks for creating this: Generate API token through API using username/password · Issue #1935 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:43 rliebz pdurbin: Sure thing
14:47 * pdurbin flags it for review
15:00 bencomp pdurbin: could you perhaps share some info on the Jenkins job to deploy to apitest? is there a script to build the war, or is the Jenkins job not doing that?
15:01 bencomp and have you ever looked at the Maven release plugin?
15:02 pdurbin bencomp: this is the job that builds the war:
15:02 pdurbin with this: mvn clean -DcompilerArgument=-Xlint:unchecked package
15:03 bencomp and a deploy step, I suppose?
15:04 pdurbin bencomp: yep.
15:06 bencomp right, I could have known that :)
15:08 bencomp pdurbin: what is 'template1' in ?
15:08 pdurbin bencomp: gonna build your own war?
15:09 pdurbin bencomp: that's a postgres thing
15:09 pdurbin searchbot: lucky postgresql template1
15:09 searchbot pdurbin:
15:10 pdurbin "CREATE DATABASE actually works by copying an existing database. By default, it copies the standard system database named template1."
15:12 bencomp I see. Thanks!
15:13 bencomp and yes, although we don't have Jenkins running yet, I would like to follow IQSS development closely for DataverseNL
15:14 pdurbin bencomp: ah. makes sense
15:14 pdurbin bencomp: you're using Maven, right?
15:16 bencomp pdurbin: do I have a choice if I want to compile Dataverse?
15:17 pdurbin :)
15:17 pdurbin bencomp: we used to use ant. dunno if you forked before we switched to maven
15:18 bencomp we took over a 3.3 mod, but made it a 3.6 mod
15:18 bencomp ideally we don't mod dataverse 4
15:20 bencomp pdurbin: but we're currently changing Dutch Dataverse Network to DataverseNL and had to mod some XHTML
15:20 pdurbin gotcha
15:21 pdurbin great that you're already on maven then
15:24 bencomp I hope we can easily make DataverseNL a header in v4 - although I see each dataverse always has the " Dataverse" suffix, so we might need to do something here if we don't want "DataverseNL Dataverse" to be the homepage heading
15:25 pdurbin hmm
15:28 pdurbin bencomp: can you play around with changing #{bundle.dataverse} ?
15:29 bencomp I'll look
15:29 pdurbin
15:29 bencomp just for the record: when Jenkins calls the deploy script, does it use sudo?
15:30 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
15:31 * bencomp1 had to change network
15:31 bencomp1 ooh, that appears to have worked
15:32 bencomp1 our test environment is "DataverseNL Beta"
15:33 pdurbin cool
15:34 pdurbin bencomp1: on apitest I have this in /etc/sudoers.d/dataverse ...
15:34 pdurbin jenkins ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/jenkins/dataverse/scripts/de​ploy/
15:37 pdurbin bencomp: so yes, sudo is used
15:37 bencomp and that makes that jenkins can run sudo rebuild without password?
15:37 pdurbin right
15:38 bencomp thanks!
15:38 pdurbin oh sure
15:39 pdurbin this is what I'm working on now: Search Results - Improve Results · Issue #1928 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:43 bencomp that does need work :)
15:43 garnett joined #dataverse
15:45 pdurbin any Solr experts in the house?
15:46 pdurbin rliebz and LyndsySimon and jeffspies_ you used to use Solr
15:47 rliebz pdurbin: I never worked with Solr, and at this point we've been using elasticsearch for a while
15:47 pdurbin bencomp: oh and here's what's under "Execute shell" on the Jenkins side: ssh -l jenkins "(cd /home/jenkins/dataverse && git pull; scripts/deploy/"
15:48 pdurbin rliebz: ok. no worries
15:48 pdurbin I just need some basic boosting, I think.
15:54 bencomp pdurbin: so no pre-build step, build step is mvn clean …, post-build is execute shell?
15:55 bencomp I think there must be something to put dataverse-4.0.war in /tmp/ on apitest
15:56 pdurbin yep: scp target/dataverse-4.0.war
15:59 bencomp pdurbin: are you sure that's it? ;)
15:59 pdurbin bencomp: I just created an issue and uploaded a screenshot: Document how to configure a Jenkins job to build Dataverse · Issue #1936 · IQSS/dataverse -
16:00 bencomp that is awesome! :D
16:00 pdurbin :)
16:00 pdurbin don't use it for evil
16:07 bencomp is Google evil? ^o)
16:55 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:21 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:40 garnett joined #dataverse
23:34 metamattj joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.