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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-04-16

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:53 mjturk joined #dataverse
08:22 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:30 pdurbin bencomp: another group is talking about upgrading to 4.0 and using Shibboleth:
10:46 bencomp cool
10:47 bencomp we're trying to figure out why on 4.0 "final" on our test server we can't create new dataverses or publish the root dataverse
10:56 pdurbin bencomp: on apitest I run this:
10:56 pdurbin and this:
10:57 pdurbin from here:
11:12 bencomp it appears to have been a Solr schema issue
11:26 pdurbin bencomp: I wonder if it's this:
11:48 bencomp pdurbin: hmm, me too :)
11:49 bencomp btw, are there any plans for using git tags for versions?
11:51 bencomp I am trying to control our issues and "versions". Each of our, let's call them releases rather than versions, should be based on a specific version of IQSS code
12:06 bencomp
12:12 pdurbin bencomp: excellent point in your comment. any interest in helping us with ?
12:15 pdurbin and yes, I'm sure we'll add tags just like we used to:
13:28 pdurbin bencomp: are you planning on having any non-shib users at all?
13:31 bencomp pdurbin: yes, there will probably be a few
13:32 pdurbin bencomp: do you think they might want to reset their passwords?
13:32 pdurbin I just wrote this up: Password Reset: what to do if an account can't found based on an email address · Issue #2030 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:43 bencomp I guess they will want it. I expect non-shib users to be researchers invited by shib-users
13:56 pdurbin bencomp: that makes sense. any opinions on that ticket?
13:56 pdurbin oh! you commented already!
13:56 * pdurbin reads
14:01 bencomp :)
14:01 bencomp have to go have drinks :)
14:01 pdurbin beer thirty already, sounds like
14:04 rliebz joined #dataverse
14:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:55 pdurbin rliebz: hi! I'm totally messing around with right now. sorry!
15:57 rliebz pdurbin: No worries. I'm moving the client tests over to py.test right now, so it shouldn't affect anything I'm up to
15:58 pdurbin ok. good. I'm working on
16:06 pdurbin (I should probably use some other box but this one is handy.)
16:51 pdurbin rliebz: I did see some of your comments on issues I opened. Skimmed them anyway!
16:58 rliebz pdurbin: Nothing urgent, I don't think.
16:58 pdurbin didn't seem like it
17:55 rliebz pdurbin: If I'm trying to create a dataverse by native API, it says it expects json describing the dataverse ( Is there a resource for what that json should look like?
17:58 pdurbin rliebz:
17:58 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:00 rliebz pdurbin: Thanks. Are all those fields required?
18:05 pdurbin rliebz: no, I don't believe so
18:06 pdurbin rliebz: this should give you a better sense of what's required:
18:06 pdurbin and awesome that you're adding this by the way!
18:07 rliebz pdurbin: No problem! I think this functionality in particular will help making testing a bit more straightforward
18:09 pdurbin rliebz: absolutely! you could have the tests create an account too
18:10 pdurbin if you look more at that file you'll see setup and cleanup methods
18:10 rliebz pdurbin: No reason why they couldn't
18:10 pdurbin basicially I start my creating a user. then I make a dataverse and a dataset
18:10 pdurbin and at the end I delete everything, including the user
18:10 pdurbin (don't expect to be able to delete users in production)
18:21 rliebz pdurbin: Trying to post a new Dataverse to '/api/dataverses/root', I'm getting a 200 with json returned about the root, but no new Dataverse created
18:37 pdurbin rliebz: that's weird. are you sure it simply isn't published yet?
18:48 rliebz What I want to do is add a new Dataverse to the root dataverse. I did that successfully through the GUI, but not the API.
18:49 pdurbin rliebz: *should* work. here's how I do it:
18:50 pdurbin or the "trees" version:
19:03 rliebz pdurbin: Hmm I'll take a look at those
19:10 pdurbin they get executed on every build
19:27 rliebz pdurbin: Using exactly that curl with a new name/alias for the dataverse, I'm getting a 302
19:29 pdurbin rliebz: any json output?
19:31 rliebz pdurbin: Now don't I feel silly. It doesn't work unless  using https (that's where the redirect went)
19:32 pdurbin heh
19:32 pdurbin curl -L ftw!
19:34 pdurbin rliebz: do you know anything about ?
19:37 rliebz pdurbin: Not specifically, but it looks like a test Dataverse and I have an idea who might have made it
19:39 pdurbin ok :)
19:56 metamattj joined #dataverse
20:08 rliebz pdurbin: Will it be possible to delete published Dataverses through the API on production?
20:19 pdurbin rliebz: only if they are empty
20:30 rliebz pdurbin: Makes sense. Also is a test Dataverse and can be unpublished
20:36 pdurbin ok
21:32 metamattj joined #dataverse
22:17 garnett joined #dataverse
23:51 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.