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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-04-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:05 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:18 garnett joined #dataverse
13:44 rliebz joined #dataverse
15:29 rliebz pdurbin: Do you know of an issue on apitest where you can't log in?
15:30 rliebz pdurbin: It gives me a 200, but when I get redirected to the homepage, it still looks like I'm not logged in
17:09 rliebz pdurbin: Not sure if this is intentional, but it appears that is assuming everyone computer from our network is logged in as the same user
18:55 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:32 pdurbin rliebz: sorry, was out watching the marathon with my kids
19:33 rliebz pdurbin: No worries, we ended up switching to for our testing
19:33 pdurbin Homemade "Don't Stop Running" sign for the Boston Marathon at the Citgo sign. -
19:33 pdurbin rliebz: that's very strange. which user?
19:34 rliebz pdurbin: gv9dd
19:34 pdurbin rliebz: that's the username?
19:35 rliebz pdurbin: Yes
19:36 rliebz pdurbin: I'm in a strange state where on most pages it doesn't think I'm logged in at all, but I can get to account information, and that's the username. Never logged in on my computer before, and we're getting it across the office (it's one of our accounts)
19:37 pdurbin id 18 on the builtinuser table. gv9dd
19:39 pdurbin rliebz: this strange behavior you're describing... you're seeing it in a web browser? (as opposed to API calls)
19:42 rliebz pdurbin: In browser, I haven't noticed any issues with API calls
19:44 pdurbin rliebz: it sounds like you're describing
19:45 pdurbin the "scrambled session bug"
19:45 pdurbin let me check the version of Weld on
19:46 pdurbin 2.2.4.Final
19:46 rliebz pdurbin: Could be related
19:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:56 pdurbin rliebz: thanks. I recorded it at
19:56 pdurbin often when the server gets in this state I can see it myself but I'm not suddenly logged in when I visit the site
19:57 pdurbin rliebz: sounds like if I were on your network maybe I'd see the bug
19:59 rliebz pdurbin: I get it when I go to create a user. It takes me to a user settings page, then you can go to edit account info to see the username
19:59 rliebz pdurbin: You might have to be on this network to get that though
20:00 pdurbin rliebz: ok, I see what you mean. that's... super weird
20:04 rliebz pdurbin: By the way, we're planning on going live with our 4.0 update today
20:05 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:12 pdurbin rliebz: great! I haven't checked if that pull request got merged in.
20:29 metamattj joined #dataverse
20:33 pdurbin rliebz: soonish I'll patch the version of Weld on apitest. From this it looks like I'll be updating it to 2.2.10: ... hopefully it will help. I'll let you know when I've patched it.
20:35 rliebz pdurbin: Awesome, thanks
21:09 pdurbin rliebz: merged!
21:22 rliebz pdurbin: Merged into our development branch, but it should make it live soon
21:25 pdurbin rliebz: ah. great. please let me know when I can try it in production
21:27 rliebz pdurbin: It might be a bit (still got a ways to go with regression testing, I think), but I'll ping you as soon as I know
21:28 pdurbin great. thanks
22:06 rliebz joined #dataverse
22:07 rliebz pdurbin: Dataverse 4.0 is live on!
22:10 pdurbin rliebz: ah! nice. so to the "API Token... Get from Dataverse" is just a link
22:11 rliebz pdurbin: We'd love something along the lines of oauth, but this seemed to be the most straightforward for users.
22:12 pdurbin rliebz: no problem. I thought maybe you'd use their password to look up their API token (and then delete their password). this works
22:15 pdurbin I'm not sure how to create a dataset from OSF though.
22:16 rliebz pdurbin: I was under the impression that you couldn't get an API token using a username/password unless you first visited that link and generated a token manually
22:18 pdurbin rliebz: you're right, you're right. that would only work if you already have an API token
22:18 rliebz pdurbin: We haven't added support for creating dataverses/datasets into the OSF yet—the goal of the 4.0 update was just to get things working and move to our new file system
22:18 pdurbin rliebz: ok, so what would I test next?
22:20 rliebz pdurbin: Feel free to test whatever you'd like. If you have a dataverse and dataset already made, you should be able to do CRUD operations and publishing datasets
22:21 pdurbin rliebz: I do have an unpublished dataverse and dataset but I'm not sure how to link the dataset to OSF
22:22 rliebz pdurbin: You'll need an OSF project to attach it to. Once you have one, you should be able to see your dataverse and dataset in the settings tab of the project
22:23 pdurbin hmm, I don't see any dataverses or datasets at
22:26 rliebz pdurbin: They are currently being enumerated by service document, so if for some reason the Dataverse you want to select wouldn't come up on a service document, you won't be able to use it
22:28 pdurbin rliebz: nevermind! figured it out. I can see my dataverse and datasets.
22:30 rliebz pdurbin: Awesome. Let me know if you have any questions or issues
22:31 pdurbin rliebz: I'm making dinner for the kids but I'll play with this some more when they go to bed. Thanks!
22:31 rliebz pdurbin: Sure thing
23:15 pdurbin shoot. he's gone. Weld updated to the latest: 2.2.10

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.