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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-04-28

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:02 metamattj joined #dataverse
01:54 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:10 metamattj joined #dataverse
02:44 garnett joined #dataverse
04:42 garnett joined #dataverse
05:31 metamattj joined #dataverse
11:44 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:13 pdurbin bencomp: you're back!
13:17 bencomp pdurbin: I am!
13:17 bencomp You're still here! ;)
13:18 pdurbin I took Marathon Monday off at least: :)
13:20 bencomp nice :)
13:20 bencomp my  top priority for today: book stay in Boston for Dataverse meeting (and after)
13:20 pdurbin nice!
13:21 rliebz joined #dataverse
13:22 bencomp just need confirmation from Marnix and/or Peter about staying longer
13:22 pdurbin might as well stay through the weekend at least
13:23 pdurbin bencomp: when you're done I'd like to pick your brain about something that is newly missing from :(
13:25 bencomp shib...
13:25 * pdurbin cries
13:25 bencomp why is it missing?
13:25 pdurbin we took apache out of the mix
13:25 bencomp oh?
13:26 pdurbin last night
13:26 bencomp why?
13:27 pdurbin well, in general we are (sadly) having some instability
13:27 pdurbin so we're trying to simply our setup. fewer moving parts
13:29 bencomp hmm, that is sad. What kind of instability are you talking about?
13:30 pdurbin Richard Zijdeman on Twitter: "Is the Harvard @dataverseorg down? Hopefully due the popularity of the new 4.0 release!" -
13:33 pdurbin rliebz: I forget if you've mentioned that you've noticed or not (and good morning)
13:38 pdurbin bencomp: I just sent you and Arnoud and Eko an email with more details
13:39 pdurbin but go book your hotel first :)
13:41 bencomp thanks. Hotel has to wait for response to my plan.
13:42 bencomp pdurbin: different Q: do you know if Odum will work on iRODS support for v4?
13:42 pdurbin let's look at
13:43 pdurbin and
13:45 pdurbin bencomp: this falls under "storage options" at
13:46 pdurbin bencomp: I just cc'd you on an email to the developer (Akio)
13:47 bencomp cool :)
13:47 pdurbin mjturk: you're interested in iRods support too, right?
13:47 pdurbin it comes up from time to time:
13:50 pdurbin It's probably time for me to bring back to life
13:50 pdurbin since I think a lot more shib dev/testing is in my future :/
13:52 mjturk pdurbin: hiya, yes, definitely i am
13:54 pdurbin mjturk: ok, I'll add you to cc when Akio replies
13:55 bencomp I guess we'll have to get more specific use cases for iRODS, as I think someone mentioned using it as an input API. That may not work well with using it as a storage option.
13:58 mjturk pdurbin: thank you!
14:00 rliebz pdurbin: Good morning! I hadn't noticed anything, but I don't interact with the production server much
14:16 pdurbin rliebz: if anything you guys have been interacting with the production server too much... with test data :)
14:16 pdurbin but I do appreciate all the testing!!
14:20 rliebz pdurbin: Yeah, I'm trying to set up a solution that will let us choose Dataverse installations on a per-project basis so that will happen less often
14:20 pdurbin great!
14:22 Mikec joined #dataverse
14:23 pdurbin Mikec: welcome!!
14:24 Mikec hey
14:27 pdurbin bencomp and mjturk: Mikec works on this and other irods projects:
14:31 mjturk hi Mikec, seen you all over the various mailing lists :)
14:35 pdurbin mjturk: Mikec is a busy guy. I met him at
14:37 Mikec hey all, we're interested in Dataverse + iRODS for several projects
14:37 Mikec iPlant is looking at the ability to 'publish' from their discovery environment to DataVerse
14:37 Mikec Which Odum also is looking at for their virtual social science projects with RENCi
14:54 pdurbin Mikec: lower case "v" please. "Dataverse". :)
15:08 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:14 pdurbin and that's awesome
15:35 pdurbin mjturk: cc'd!
15:35 mjturk thank you!
15:35 * mjturk adds it to the queue
15:39 astrofrog joined #dataverse
15:40 astrofrog hi there
15:40 astrofrog is it ok for me to create a test dataverse at
15:40 astrofrog and add a few data files?
15:40 astrofrog (also, it looks like the CfA dataverse is no longer available on that test server?)
15:47 pdurbin astrofrog: hi! for test data you are welcome to use either or
15:48 pdurbin please not that I drop the database on apitest quite often though!
15:48 pdurbin just ask rliebz :)
15:48 pdurbin astrofrog: which reminds me. please check out the awesome recent work by rliebz at
15:50 astrofrog ok thanks!
15:50 astrofrog ah cool!
15:50 pdurbin I highlighted it here:
15:51 astrofrog will try it out!
15:53 pdurbin astrofrog: increasingly that Python library is gaining "native" API support
15:53 pdurbin I'm sure rliebz would welcome some pull requests
15:53 astrofrog that's great, I was relying on my simplistic native API version for now:
15:54 astrofrog but would much rather use an official client
15:55 pdurbin astrofrog: hey, would you like to see if you can replicate this bug rliebz reported yesterday?
15:55 pdurbin I haven't had a chance to.
15:55 rliebz Absolutely. Any contributions are welcome!
15:56 astrofrog huh, that looks weird, I can't try today (have to run for a few meetings) but will see if I can replicate later this week
15:56 astrofrog I'll also give the python library a try - not sure if it's Python 3 compatible (which is what I use) but if not I can try and fix that :)
15:57 rliebz astrofrog: I imagine there will be a few compatibility issues. I haven't tested anything in Python 3
15:59 astrofrog ok - I can try and help on that side
16:13 pdurbin astrofrog: awesome. no rush
16:40 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:25 rliebz pdurbin: Just merged in a batch of changes to the python client. Mostly the same stuff with a few new features, reorganization, and changes to the tests
17:27 pdurbin rliebz: you da man
17:27 pdurbin probably closes a number of issues I opened!
17:37 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:31 garnett joined #dataverse
18:40 astrofrog1 joined #dataverse
21:28 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:02 garnett joined #dataverse
22:56 metamattj joined #dataverse
23:54 skay joined #dataverse
23:54 skay joined #dataverse
23:57 skay joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.