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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-05-20

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:24 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:43 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:32 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:20 pdurbin bencomp: merged! now you're listed here: :)
10:39 bencomp pdurbin: woohoo! I changed more lines than Gary King and Kevin together! :)
10:43 pdurbin heh
10:44 pdurbin every contribution is valued, of course :)
10:46 pdurbin bencomp: hmm, I may not have linked you to or yet... what do you think? :)
10:56 bencomp pdurbin: errr, I think it needs explanation :) I saw the original drawing, and this looks nice, but what are you trying to tell us?
10:58 bencomp (I don't always ask this question to myself, not as often as I should at least…)
11:06 pdurbin I get that a lot... "What are you trying to say?" :)
12:27 bencomp pdurbin: have you tried rephrasing what you wanted to say in problem statement and (suggested) solution? :)
12:35 pdurbin - if you want a feature, get involved in the design process before development begins
12:35 pdurbin - development never stops; the moment a branch is handed to QA, a new branch is created and development happens there
12:36 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:36 pdurbin - we are striving for a regular release cycle
12:38 pdurbin - contributors need to be conscious of where we are in a release cycle to know which branch to make pull requests against. this is also covered in
13:05 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
13:07 bencomp pdurbin: that's mostly the problem statements, and that's great, but you should also explain why your cycle helps solve these problems
13:07 * bencomp ducks
13:11 pdurbin bencomp: when you say "cycle" I assume you mean and not my silly diagram
13:13 bencomp in this case I meant your diagram
13:15 pdurbin oh
13:18 pdurbin bencomp: oh, let's get on the same page with this issue when you're ready: API Documentation Organization · Issue #1489 · IQSS/dataverse -
14:53 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:09 bencomp pdurbin: right, let's get on the same page. From Mercè's issue description I expected that there would be "metadata API" documentation, but in the approved version I don't see it.
15:10 bencomp I wondered if there was a way around needing a builtin component that provides OAI-PMH by reading metadata from another API
15:11 bencomp … and letting some OAI-PMH server serve that
15:13 metamattj joined #dataverse
15:13 bencomp but I now realise the native API does serve dataset metadata :) (though not without API key apparently)
15:14 pdurbin bencomp: when you say "dataset metadata API" I think of how you can download dataset metadata as JSON.
15:14 pdurbin and create and update datasets with JSON
15:14 pdurbin which is documented under "native API" (which I don't like, per my comments... it should be a top level API in terms of documentation)
15:15 bencomp it used to include OAI-PMH I think
15:15 pdurbin what did?
15:16 bencomp my memory of the contents of documentation about getting metadata through APIs
15:16 bencomp my recollection
15:17 bencomp ... but it didn't:
15:18 pdurbin or here:
15:18 pdurbin hmm, so in DVN 3.6.2 there *was* something called a "Metadata API"
15:19 pdurbin part of the Data Sharing API
15:19 pdurbin but the Data Sharing API was not brought forward into Dataverse 4.0
15:19 pdurbin I mean, parts of it were.
15:20 bencomp it needed a fresh view, maybe it's not all bad ;)
15:21 bencomp Data Access API covers it better
15:36 pdurbin yeah
15:48 pdurbin bencomp: anyway, I hope you're fine with *not* re-opening . There's a new ticket to keep working on API doc organization:
15:50 bencomp pdurbin: agreed, don't reopen 1489. The new issue looked a little too specific
15:50 bencomp but I'm fine with using it
15:51 pdurbin bencomp: it sounds like you have a new issue in mind, which is fine
15:51 pdurbin but I don't know what it is :)
15:51 bencomp I'll think about what I want to say :)
15:53 pdurbin I never have that problem ;)
15:58 pdurbin bencomp: I'm trying to import an epub I just made and uploaded to
15:58 pdurbin "Processing"
15:58 bencomp oooh
15:58 pdurbin wow it worked
16:00 * bencomp looks at the epub in CoolReader on Android
16:06 bencomp pdurbin: I like it :)
16:07 pdurbin me too. showing it to people here :)
16:20 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:58 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:26 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:23 garnett joined #dataverse
19:59 garnett joined #dataverse
21:13 garnett joined #dataverse
21:26 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.