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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-05-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:46 jian881219 joined #dataverse
01:58 pdurbin jian881219: hi!
02:27 jian881219 Hi pdurbin,
02:35 pdurbin jian881219: thanks for taking a look at
04:26 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:47 jian881219 joined #dataverse
04:47 jian88121968 joined #dataverse
05:54 metamattj joined #dataverse
10:19 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
11:13 pdurbin dataverse-user: hi!
11:25 dataverse-user hi
11:26 dataverse-user You get up early.
11:28 dataverse-user82 joined #dataverse
11:28 dataverse-user66 joined #dataverse
11:29 dataverse-user35 joined #dataverse
11:30 dataverse-user35 left #dataverse
11:30 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
11:39 pdurbin my kids get up early. and get me up :)
13:13 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:28 pdurbin I just put Dataverse on Travis and it's awesome:
15:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:38 pdurbin bencomp: now I'll know if your pull requests compile and if tests still pass :)
15:38 pdurbin without pulling the code locally
15:38 * pdurbin puts his feet up
15:38 bencomp haha
15:39 pdurbin jeffspies_ and LyndsySimon: I have Robert to thank for getting us going with Travis!
15:58 bencomp pdurbin: you could let Jenkins do the same, you know
15:59 bencomp probably more work
15:59 bencomp wait, I got an email saying that my commit failed to build a few days ago
16:00 bencomp in a non-existent or hidden job
16:02 pdurbin bencomp: way more work with Jenkins
16:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:20 pdurbin bencomp: would you like to see how much work it was to set up Travis? :)
16:43 metamattj joined #dataverse
19:28 LyndsySimon pdurbin: woot! I now consider Travis a part of my base project configuration, even for personal things.
19:28 LyndsySimon pdurbin: Along with, for Python, tox.
19:45 pdurbin it's fantastic
21:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:28 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.