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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-06-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:20 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:40 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:21 freeza0311 joined #dataverse
13:22 pdurbin freeza0311: hi! I guess we can pick up from
13:22 freeza0311 yes
13:22 freeza0311 ofcourse
13:23 pdurbin this explains dataverse vs dataset:
13:23 pdurbin and here's what the production site at Harvard looks like:
13:33 freeza0311 joined #dataverse
13:34 freeza0311 pdurbin: oh sorry there was a network interruption
13:35 pdurbin freeza0311: no worries, but I'm heading out in a few minutes to bring my kids to a music store to pick out an instrument for next year
13:35 pdurbin maybe bencomp or skay or shauna can answer questions :)
13:36 freeza0311 freeza0311: no prob
13:36 freeza0311 pdurbin : no prob
13:36 freeza0311 pdurbin: thanks for your time
13:37 pdurbin freeza0311: sure. we have a lot of related projects besides Dataverse
13:37 pdurbin various languages: Java, Python, R, Javascript
13:38 pdurbin under "software" at
13:38 pdurbin Scala
13:39 freeza0311 pdurbin: sure i will look on it
13:41 pdurbin I recently added this project to openhatch:
13:41 pdurbin see also
13:42 freeza0311 pdurbin : ok
14:12 freeza0311 hello?
14:12 freeza0311 anyone?
14:38 freeza0311 joined #dataverse
14:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:03 freeza0311 joined #dataverse
16:11 pdurbin cello it is! :)
16:54 freeza0311 joined #dataverse
17:23 freeza0311 hello?
17:40 pdurbin freeza0311: hi
17:44 freeza0311 pdurbin : I still dont understand the basic concept of dataverse
17:44 freeza0311 pdurbin : it is written that is stores datasets
17:45 freeza0311 pdurbin : but then why dataverse
17:45 freeza0311 pdurbin : we can easily store data in archives
17:53 pdurbin freeza0311: you mean like ? not sure which archives you mean
17:58 freeza0311 pdurbin : i mean the data can be stored in folders
17:58 freeza0311 then why use dataverse
18:04 pdurbin sure, you could put your data in folders if you want
18:07 freeza0311 pdurbin: so why dataverse
18:07 freeza0311 pdurbin : also dataverse is an application right?
18:08 freeza0311 pdurbin : then what is the structure created by dataverse
18:08 freeza0311 ?
18:09 pdurbin freeza0311: right, an application written mostly in Java:
18:09 freeza0311 then what is the name of structure created by dataverse
18:09 freeza0311 ?
18:11 pdurbin it's sort of a tree structure, I guess, since you can put dataverses inside dataverses:
18:15 freeza0311 pdurbin : this is what i understood of dataverse
18:15 freeza0311 pdurbin: tell me when i am going wrong
18:16 freeza0311 pdurbin:dataverse is an application that  creates a system of of folders on a server
18:16 freeza0311 pdurbin: where datasets are stored
18:17 freeza0311 pdurbin: it can have another dataverse inside it
18:17 freeza0311 pdurbin: and anyone can access that data
18:17 freeza0311 pdurbin: but we can change the permissions too
18:18 freeza0311 pdurbin: it can be used as a service
18:19 freeza0311 pdurbin: or we can download the software and use it ourselves
18:26 pdurbin freeza0311: yep, you've got it :)
18:27 pdurbin the free service is hosted by Harvard at
18:27 pdurbin but bencomp for example runs
18:28 freeza0311 pdurbin: can anyone with an account create a dataverse on
18:28 freeza0311 what is bencomp?
18:33 pdurbin freeza0311: yes but a much better place to play around is at . The other site is for real research data.
18:33 pdurbin bencomp is Ben at
18:36 freeza0311 pdurbin: i think this site itself is a dataverse in which we are creating our own dataverses
18:37 pdurbin yeah, it's a little confusing. I guess we like the word dataverse :)
18:40 freeza0311 pdurbin: yeah its deep
18:40 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
18:42 pdurbin heh
18:42 pdurbin whelp, off the bring the kids from one birthday party to another
18:47 freeza0311 heh
19:54 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:25 bencomp1 joined #dataverse
23:23 shauna pdurbin: I can answer questions about what?
23:23 shauna also, I think I'm going to have to miss the dataverse meeting next week, or at least the first day of it.  excitingly, I have to have a root canal instead.  :(

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.