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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-07-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:22 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:19 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:22 axfelix joined #dataverse
07:50 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:19 bencomp do the servers have a holiday too? (reading "Dataverse very slow" email)
11:20 pdurbin hmm? which email?
11:21 bencomp!msg/dataverse-community/rVuSdFZgFuY/4nXivwASkk8J
11:24 pdurbin uh oh. reminds me of Boris Shor on Twitter: "@dataverseorg Your site is very slow, freq timing out on me. Anything going on?" -
11:37 pdurbin bencomp: maybe I should make a github issue but I'm not sure what the wording would be... "application can get in a very slow state"?
11:39 pdurbin what I'm wondering is if a code change would help
11:40 pdurbin and what the code change would be
11:40 bencomp pdurbin: this requires "Problem Management", the process of finding out root causes for incidents like "slowness" :)
11:40 pdurbin yeah
11:41 pdurbin but there should be some tracking right?
11:41 bencomp RT for the incident report
11:42 pdurbin but RT isn't public
11:42 bencomp GitHub issues for the (combined) symptoms
11:43 pdurbin I'm sure we already have GitHub issues about performance
11:44 pdurbin this issue is open but in QA: Performance: v4.0 homepage load time is significantly outside of the 1s target on demo an intermittently varies widely. · Issue #800 · IQSS/dataverse -
11:44 bencomp I think in other situations I've seen suppliers' replies to public complaints from users like "please contact us at support@... with details"
11:44 pdurbin this one is open and much newer: home page performance · Issue #2096 · IQSS/dataverse -
11:45 bencomp if necessary, on public channels the supplier would provide updates on solving the problems
11:46 pdurbin maybe we need something like
11:46 pdurbin Create Status Page for Dataverse · Issue #131 · IQSS/dataverse -
11:48 bencomp I would definitely be interested in something like that
11:53 bencomp pdurbin: to prevent situations of severe slowness, I would think the servers and applications need to be monitored and admins notified when problems (may) surfacce
11:54 pdurbin sure. the first step it accurately measuring the slowness
11:54 pdurbin is*
11:54 pdurbin I wonder if we should have both for Harvard's installation and to show status of Harvard's installation and any other installation that opts in to monitoring.
11:55 bencomp interesting thought, but I don't know if we would opt in, since our installation is not open to all
11:56 bencomp btw, there are a few symptoms in the email that could be a starting point for investigation
12:26 lwo joined #dataverse
12:32 bencomp lwo: hello Amsterdam?
12:32 lwo Greetings Boston
12:32 bencomp Den Haag speaking :)
12:33 lwo Now how did you know that ?
12:33 lwo Hope all is well ?
12:33 bencomp I recognised your nick as part of your email address
12:33 bencomp it sure is
12:34 bencomp pdurbin: I just sent the update to the auth list
12:35 lwo Good. We setup dataverse and testing it. Authentication is the next step.
12:36 lwo For monitoring we use Nagios, but that does not register speed I think
12:37 lwo But it is good enough to see on time if things are in overdrive like CPU average, memory, disk space.
12:44 bencomp lwo: is that in response to the email about slowness?
12:45 lwo yes it is
12:46 lwo And thanks for the auth list update, I just got the message
12:46 bencomp sure thing :)
12:49 bencomp I wonder if we should discuss Dataverse administration issues/ideas on the general users list (because they are useful discussions) or on a different list/channel (because they might be not so useful to the general users)
13:15 pdurbin oh good, Merce replied on that thread: Dataverse very slow - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/rVuSdFZgFuY
13:55 pdurbin bencomp: fantastic write up: [dvn-auth] Auth group meeting report; group page updated - thanks!
13:58 bencomp glad you like it :)
15:06 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:59 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:02 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
18:20 garnett joined #dataverse
21:02 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.