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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-08-13

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:54 shauna joined #dataverse
15:12 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
15:12 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse: | logs at
15:12 pdurbin whoops, iqlogbot was MIA. let me say that again
15:12 pdurbin donsizemore: I appreciate you helping that person trying to install Dataverse yesterday.
15:13 pdurbin thank goodness for up arrow :)
15:13 donsizemore pdurbin: our ID mgmt guy writes "I notice that the registration form does not fill in the Affiliation, though that is one of the attributes (eduPersonScopedAffiliation) that the IdP sends to the SP. The attribute is multi-valued; the values for me (from the SP's built-in Session handler) are:  affiliation:;;;"
15:17 pdurbin donsizemore: that's great that you'll be able to get those. I think we do too. Do you want to use them for anything?
15:18 donsizemore pdurbin: i'm not sure if it will matter to us; just didn't know if you all had encountered that
15:19 pdurbin donsizemore: we aren't doing anything with that attribute yet
15:19 pdurbin but I'd be interested in hearing about use cases
15:20 pdurbin some day I'd like to work on this: Shibboleth Groups: arbitrary attributes and regex support · Issue #1515 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:26 pdurbin donsizemore: Jon had asked for that. It was deferred:
15:29 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:31 pdurbin michbarsinai: you around?
15:31 michbarsinai pdurbin: Yep
15:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:32 pdurbin michbarsinai: async/threading issue:
15:36 michbarsinai pdurbin: woah... this does not read nice.
15:39 pdurbin nope
15:39 pdurbin michbarsinai: linked from that issue is a google doc from which you can download the tiny database dump I can reproduce the error with
15:40 pdurbin it's only 826 KB
15:43 pdurbin wow. hmm. I can actually reproduce it with less data
15:43 michbarsinai Are you doing anything with the result of the call to indexing?
15:43 pdurbin nope
15:44 michbarsinai Do you return Future<X> or void?
15:44 pdurbin Future
15:44 michbarsinai Try to return void. This way the calling code can terminate rather than wait for completion.
15:45 michbarsinai It's probably a deadlock where both threads wait for each other to give up locks. A got x and waits for y, B got y and waits for X.
15:45 michbarsinai Or the like
15:45 michbarsinai *x, not X
15:50 pdurbin oh wow. with the system in a bad state like this I can't even log in
15:50 pdurbin michbarsinai: I hear you about void. Let me upload an even smaller database that can be public.
15:51 michbarsinai But you can logout any time you want :-)
15:52 pdurbin let's just say I pushed a helpful script:
16:44 cnk joined #dataverse
16:55 pdurbin michbarsinai: do you mean I should "find usages" for all Future and change to void? There are quite a few.
16:57 michbarsinai Nah. Change the return type, and let the compiler do that work for you. Better yet - try NetBeans refactoring "change method parameters" to change the retrun type. Might be able to do so automatically.
16:58 pdurbin sure, that's what I'm trying but...
16:58 pdurbin michbarsinai: I'm still wondering the best way to communicate back the status of indexing
16:59 michbarsinai If you need to communicate it back, it can't be async
16:59 pdurbin yeah
16:59 pdurbin michbarsinai: should we be using RabbitMQ or something?
17:00 michbarsinai You can place some callbacks, but if you're waiting on those callbacks it still wouldn't be async...
17:01 michbarsinai pdurbin: any additional infrastructure makes this app a harder sale. What are you planning to do with the result?
17:01 pdurbin michbarsinai: well, at a high level, it's quite a bit of effort to keep Solr in sync with the database.
17:04 michbarsinai Which is why you should'nt do it. You can't really... this is why they came up with the "eventually consistent" relaxation.
17:05 pdurbin I can't? I'm required to.
17:05 michbarsinai We're OK if Solr is updated 1-2 minutes later, I think
17:06 michbarsinai I don't think anyone envisoined you doing distributed transactions between Solr and PostgreSQL.
17:06 pdurbin michbarsinai: oh, sure, but that's not what I'm talking about.
17:15 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:21 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
18:37 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
19:12 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:49 buckwheat joined #dataverse
19:54 buckwheat Hello All! Having a few troubles getting this up and running but getting close. When I deploy the dataverse app I get a "javax.persistence.NoResultException: getSingleResult() did not retrieve any entities." error. Mean anything to anyone?
19:59 pdurbin buckwheat: hooray! beleive it or not, you are so so close now :)
20:00 buckwheat told you i dont give up easily...not sure why this has been such a difficult install since many seem to have had no problems. Can you guide me a little on where this may be coming from?
20:00 pdurbin buckwheat: you need to create your root dataverse with the "setup all" script
20:00 pdurbin the installer (written in perl) should call the "setup all" script for you but you can run it manually
20:01 buckwheat i did that. deleted the db and ran it again. noticed that the curl call to set root dataverse failed. do i need to delete all again or can i just run that section of script...many env vars being set so just running a "section" may not work
20:02 pdurbin set or create?
20:03 pdurbin "curl call to set root dataverse failed". do you mean create?
20:04 buckwheat this is the line that failed : curl -s -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST -d @data/dv-root.json "$SERVER/dataverses/?key=$adminKey"
20:05 buckwheat not sure if you call that set or create
20:05 pdurbin create
20:05 pdurbin buckwheat: what was the error, please?
20:06 buckwheat it was a curl(52) Empty response from server...not always an error per se, but seems like it did not take
20:06 pdurbin huh. weird
20:06 pdurbin buckwheat: anything in server.log?
20:08 buckwheat oddly enough, nothing helpful. Im going to burn it down one more time and run thru it again. Quick question, why did you guys run solr in jetty when you have glassfish?
20:09 pdurbin buckwheat: good question. Is it easy to?
20:10 buckwheat dont know. running solr in tomcat is a to glassfish so cant say
20:10 pdurbin wow, this is totally new for Solr 5 vs. Solr 4:
20:11 pdurbin we probably want SolrCloud someday per but I'm not sure if we can run that in Glassfish
20:52 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:11 pdurbin sweet!
22:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:10 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.