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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-09-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:30 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:40 axfelix joined #dataverse
01:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:35 garnett joined #dataverse
06:19 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:29 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:47 blind-dataverse- joined #dataverse
11:48 blind-dataverse- left #dataverse
11:48 romainM joined #dataverse
11:49 romainM hello world ?
12:37 pdurbin romainM: hi!
12:38 romainM yes, a living person ! :D
12:39 pdurbin heh. only two bots here. iqlogbot and searchbot :)
12:39 pdurbin oh, maybe sbmarks is a bot ;)
12:40 romainM are you sure they're not all bots ?..
12:40 * pdurbin slaps bencomp with a trout
12:41 * bencomp throws a herring with raw onions at pdurbin
12:41 pdurbin bencomp: just don't give me any of that double salt licorice
12:42 bencomp :D
12:43 pdurbin romainM: after reading I'm very curious what metadata fields you want
12:43 romainM oh
12:43 romainM at first, I was looking for geo fields
12:43 romainM then, you showed me something I was too blind to see :D
12:44 romainM but I will maybe need some fields kinda ... specifics
12:44 romainM it's more like some "personal notes" fields, I have to see with my people if I can't just use an "unused" field
12:44 romainM to store into it
12:45 pdurbin romainM: did you look at our geospatial metadata block? is linked from
12:45 romainM I did, yes
12:45 romainM but there is also some fields like "archive arrangement level description"
12:46 romainM that ... didn't look to anything
12:46 romainM (fields that correspond to my people's metadata)
12:46 pdurbin romainM: so... you're looking for a field for the curator/archivist to use for notes about the dataset?
12:47 romainM actually, I got like 10 fields on 45 that I don't know what to do about :D
12:47 romainM fields that don't correspond, in the name, at fields I can fill in dataverse
12:48 pdurbin hmm
12:48 pdurbin romainM: if you want you can send the list of 45 fields to the mailing list
12:48 romainM That's not "a problem", because they don't know for now that I'm looking at dataverse
12:48 romainM as a solution for their needs
12:49 romainM so maybe they will find some other fields that correspond to their needs
12:49 romainM ah ?
12:49 bencomp romainM: what kind of data are you managing?
12:49 romainM I'm working as a dev for the cdsp
12:49 romainM a mix of cnrs and sciences po
12:50 romainM we are doing quantity and quality surveys
12:50 bencomp interesting!
12:50 bencomp searchbot: lucky cdsp
12:50 searchbot bencomp:
12:50 romainM it's social science, I woudl say
12:50 romainM hum
12:50 romainM not that one cdsp
12:51 romainM :D
12:51 romainM
12:51 romainM it's more like this :p
12:51 romainM
12:51 romainM in english
12:52 bencomp that makes more sense :)
12:53 bencomp romainM: all the important people in CDSP are now at the RDA Plenary, aren't they? :)
12:53 romainM what is that ? 0o
12:54 bencomp research data alliance conference
12:54 bencomp it's in Paris right now
12:54 romainM ah
12:54 romainM maybe
12:54 romainM well, I'm a new employee here, so I'm not really "aware" of all that things
12:54 bencomp I bet Mercè is there too, isn't she pdurbin?
12:55 bencomp :)
12:55 romainM (it's like 3 months now, and I had nothing to do with socio-political datas :D)
12:55 romainM *before
12:56 romainM now that you mention it, that's maybe why my boss isn't there today
12:56 bencomp hehe
12:56 bencomp so are you comparing storage systems?
12:57 romainM my boss is comparing
12:57 pdurbin bencomp: looking at doesn't offer me a clue
12:57 romainM and my boss told me to see what we could do with dataverse
12:59 pdurbin romainM: well, we're here to help :)
12:59 romainM and with some specs
12:59 romainM (the duplicate function, for example, was one of them)
12:59 romainM and I'm here to have help :D
13:01 pdurbin :)
13:02 romainM I was wondering, with the python api
13:02 romainM is it intended to get only our own created dataverses through the Connection.get_dataverses() function ?
13:03 bencomp pdurbin: I'm also here to be critical ;)
13:03 pdurbin bencomp: I think you'd love Haskell :)
13:04 bencomp a colleague of mine is a big fan of Haskell, but I haven't really looked at it yet
13:04 pdurbin romainM: it looks like get_dataverses is getting the SWORD Service Document:
13:05 bencomp I'm thinking learning Java 8 and Scala is more urgent
13:06 pdurbin romainM: and the Service Document returns a list of dataverses on which you have the AddDataset permission:
13:07 pdurbin the purpose of the Service Document is to tell you where you can create a dataset. in which dataverses
13:07 romainM hum
13:08 romainM I'm not a big sword user, mb
13:08 romainM I'm not a sword user at all, actually
13:08 romainM :D
13:08 pdurbin well, SWORD is based on XML. We also have a "native" API based on JSON
13:08 romainM so, that's what I thought, and what I actually "feared" :S
13:09 romainM ya, I will probably see that
13:09 romainM I wanted to make some specifics export functions
13:09 romainM but if I can't access the others dataverses, that won't do it ^^
13:10 bencomp romainM: there is a search API
13:12 pdurbin SWORD can pretty much only be used by owners of datasets and admins of dataverses. if you're trying to export published data from other people's dataverses, I would use the native API:
13:14 romainM I will try that then
13:15 pdurbin romainM: it will export the dataset metadata at JSON. Are you interested in any particular format?
13:16 romainM json is ok for me, I will format it myself for what they want
13:17 pdurbin great
13:17 romainM they want a custom json format and XML-EAD format, as far as I can tell for now
13:17 pdurbin searchbot: lucky xml-ead
13:17 searchbot pdurbin:
13:18 pdurbin haven't heard of that one
13:18 pdurbin I'm actually working on this right now: Export Descriptive Metadata From Dataset · Issue #907 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:19 romainM I haven't myself before seeing the specs :D
13:22 bencomp EAD is fun, especially since version 3 is brand new and incompatible with EAD 2002
13:23 pdurbin heh
13:23 bencomp if you're starting fresh, are you looking at EAD 3, romainM?
13:23 romainM I don't know
13:23 romainM well, I don't know what "they" use
13:24 bencomp "incompatible" = there is no trivial translation
13:24 romainM if it was my choice, I would go straight to v3
13:25 bencomp I haven't had an in-depth look at it yet, but I believe it's richer and more suitable for machine interpretation
13:27 pdurbin bencomp: if you like Scala you could hack on :)
13:30 bencomp :)
13:30 pdurbin something for everyone :)
13:33 bencomp for IQSS ;)
13:35 bencomp pdurbin: why did someone copy source files for a plugin system? did they look at OSGi?
13:36 pdurbin bencomp: copy source files? where?
13:37 bencomp package;
13:38 bencomp ServiceRegistry and PartiallyOrderedSet
13:39 * pdurbin looks at and
13:40 pdurbin bencomp: I have no idea what this code even does. You might want to mention it in the issue as an example.
13:43 bencomp done
13:43 bencomp edited the original description
13:47 pdurbin thanks
14:49 romainM the native works perfectly for me
14:49 romainM cool
14:51 romainM except some ... untitled datasets in the root ?
14:53 pdurbin romainM: no titles? are they test datasets?
14:53 romainM dunno
14:53 romainM got the ids if interested
14:53 romainM 22, 30, 49 and 52
14:53 pdurbin meh, if it's on a test server I wouldn't worry about test datasets :)
14:54 romainM well, all the datasets of the root have no title field
14:54 romainM that makes maybe more sense
14:54 romainM dataset 22 : {u'protocol': u'doi', u'authority': u'10.5072/FK2', u'persistentUrl': u'', u'identifier': u'81ZOVB', u'type': u'dataset', u'id': 22}
14:55 romainM not saying if it's a bug or not, just wondering if it's intended
14:55 romainM because dataverses do have their title, for example
14:55 romainM {u'type': u'dataverse', u'id': 16, u'title': u'Philip Durbin'}
14:56 pdurbin oh, you mean you'd like the python client to give you the title
14:56 romainM nope
14:56 romainM that's the native here
14:56 romainM what I mean, is that by asking for the root content
14:57 romainM with a get http://"+HOST+"/api/dataverses/:root/contents
14:57 romainM I got the list of dataverses and datasets of the root
14:57 pdurbin oh. but no titles for datasets?
14:57 romainM yep
14:57 romainM that's strange to show titles for the dataverses, but not datasets
14:57 pdurbin romainM: can you please create an issue at ?
14:58 romainM that's completly minor, just wondering ^^
14:58 romainM ok :)
14:59 pdurbin I haven't used that "contents" endpoint much. There are known issues with it: and
14:59 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:00 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:11 romainM done
15:12 romainM dunno if I was clear enough ^^"
15:24 * pdurbin looks at Native API : contents json result , got title for dataverses but no title for datasets ? · Issue #2577 · IQSS/dataverse -
15:24 pdurbin romainM: looks great. I edited it to add code fence blocks (a Markdown thing... ```code```)
15:46 bencomp pdurbin: did you save your edit?
15:47 pdurbin bencomp: whoops! I must have only previewed it. saved now
15:47 bencomp :)
15:48 pdurbin thanks
16:01 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:12 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:30 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:44 petrichor left #dataverse
17:53 cnk joined #dataverse
19:19 petrichor joined #dataverse
20:36 garnett joined #dataverse
21:39 garnett joined #dataverse

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