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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-10-06

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:17 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:45 garnett joined #dataverse
03:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:52 garnett joined #dataverse
07:27 bencomp joined #dataverse
08:31 bencomp joined #dataverse
08:33 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
10:58 bencomp joined #dataverse
11:27 bencomp so it turns out that if the IdP doesn't provide a last name, Dataverse doesn't receive a last name (and displays an error) :)
11:27 pdurbin bencomp: "sn" (surname) isn't sent by your IdP?
11:27 bencomp I started looking at logs, asked to look at Shibboleth.sso/Session, opened an issue
11:28 bencomp and then found that the test user had no last name
11:28 bencomp pdurbin: solved :)
11:28 pdurbin heh
11:29 pdurbin I can't find the issue you opened anyway
11:29 bencomp it was an internal IT ticket
11:30 bencomp follow up, though, is: what to do with "HomeOrg"/Affiliation?
11:30 bencomp Dataverse still says "not provided by institution login"
11:31 pdurbin Shibboleth: persist institution name as affiliation for users · Issue #1497 · IQSS/dataverse -
11:37 bencomp - Shibboleth/UI/config: one-click IdP-selection, DiscoFeed-bypass #2548
11:38 bencomp Dataverse cannot find the DiscoFeed because there is no DiscoFeed (at least not at the default location)
11:40 bencomp for some reason, we get no protocol:
11:40 pdurbin interesting. I didn't realized you had discofeed stuff in that issue (or I forgot)
11:40 bencomp no protocol indeed
11:41 bencomp we make things more complicated by putting the test server behind a reverse proxy
11:41 bencomp s/make/made
11:41 pdurbin hmm
12:29 pdurbin bencomp: well, I'm glad you're looking at all the Shibboleth stuff. I appreciate the feedback.
12:30 bencomp pdurbin: you're very welcome. Of course it's in our own interest
12:31 bencomp did I say we're going to try to implement the regex-based Shibgroup stuff?
12:31 bencomp issue #15151
12:31 bencomp 1515
12:31 pdurbin bencomp: no! that's awesome! but I thought regex wasn't enough?
12:33 bencomp correct, it should (probably) be a combination of regexes
12:34 pdurbin right
12:34 bencomp just closed my issue as a duplicate :)
12:34 bencomp I didn't see any feedback on my email about this
12:35 bencomp we should probably send a more formal notification about our intention to develop to Gustavo, shouldn't we?
12:42 pdurbin bencomp: your email about what?
12:43 pdurbin oh. Shibboleth groups use cases - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/FviyNJ-sc0c
12:43 pdurbin yeah, no feedback
12:43 bencomp that, yes :)
12:44 bencomp (sorry, could have been clearer)
12:45 pdurbin bencomp: did you see plans to use Shibboleth mentioned at by the people who run ?
12:47 bencomp pdurbin: yes, I did
12:50 pdurbin I'm looking forward to feedback from them too.
13:02 pdurbin bencomp: you might find this interesting:
13:04 bencomp pdurbin: I think this morning on my cycle ride to work I thought "maybe I should create an issue about not using native queries"
13:07 pdurbin bencomp: I'm not sure how else to make that use case performant
13:07 bencomp I do like the fact that you added javadoc (but please add one sentence about what the method does)
13:10 pdurbin I'll try
13:10 bencomp JPQL can do interesting stuff with object relations
13:10 pdurbin at least the method is named "getTitleFromLastestVersion" :)
13:11 bencomp but the first line of documentation speaks of a native query - that's supposed to be inside the black box :)
13:16 pdurbin bencomp: I passed the issue off for code review. Please feel free to add comments to the commit!
13:16 pdurbin or the issue
13:16 pdurbin SWORD: Can not list all datasets in a dataverse with over 4000 datasets · Issue #2599 · IQSS/dataverse -
13:18 bencomp pdurbin: are you sure it's not a missing-index issue?
13:20 pdurbin bencomp: hmm, no I'm not sure. please feel free to suggest this
13:20 pdurbin actually, I should not that the time was being spent in getting the dataset version, not getting the title
13:22 pdurbin actually, I'll leave another comment
13:22 pdurbin bencomp: and credit you
13:22 bencomp but you need an index to find the version for the dataset
13:25 * pdurbin adds another comment
15:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:14 * bencomp would like to see continuous delivery (or even deployment) in action for DataverseNL
16:15 bencomp %_firefox
16:15 bencomp hmm
16:15 bencomp
16:16 pdurbin that would be nice
16:16 pdurbin not sure what it would take to get there
16:17 pdurbin our deployments are fairly manual right now
16:17 pdurbin see
16:22 pdurbin bencomp: but lemme know what you have in mind
16:23 pdurbin for one thing, I wonder if you'd base your continuous delivery off or from a (future) fork under
16:27 bencomp I guess upgrade scripts do not fit well with CD :/
16:27 pdurbin yeah
16:27 pdurbin but maybe we can figure this out some day
16:28 bencomp I'm pretty sure we'll have a fork, just in case pull requests don't make it in time for releases ;)
16:29 bencomp I mean.. so we can develop and produce test versions independently
16:29 bencomp and test before creating a pull request
16:30 bencomp time to go home :)
16:30 pdurbin bencomp: that's how you roll now. with a fork
16:30 pdurbin 'night!
17:04 bencomp joined #dataverse
17:22 garnett joined #dataverse
17:38 cnk joined #dataverse
17:41 garnett joined #dataverse
19:44 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:46 bencomp joined #dataverse
20:46 jeffspies_ joined #dataverse
20:46 searchbot joined #dataverse
22:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:20 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.