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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-12-15

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:25 * pdurbin eyes pameyer
03:22 garnett joined #dataverse
03:37 garnett joined #dataverse
05:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:05 garnett joined #dataverse
08:10 jri joined #dataverse
08:55 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:30 pameyer @pdurbin - yes, I finally found my way into dv chat
15:30 pameyer if that's what "eyes pameyer" was about...
15:30 pdurbin heh
15:30 pameyer77 joined #dataverse
15:31 pdurbin pameyer: nice! hey, I just pushed a diagram that you and jri and bricas might find interesting:
15:32 pameyer77 left #dataverse
15:32 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:32 jri Yes! Thanks a lot! I was thinking of making mine, but you did it ;)
15:33 pdurbin :)
15:34 pdurbin jri: you are welcome to fork my diagram and improve it. here's how I build it:
15:38 pdurbin pameyer: what do you think?
15:39 pdurbin pameyer: you asking about any server layer in front of glassfish got me thinking about this
15:42 pameyer let me take a look
15:43 pdurbin here I put both diagrams in one doc:
15:46 jri_ joined #dataverse
15:48 pameyer are you using a particular version of plantuml?
15:48 pdurbin PlantUML version 8018 (Wed Jan 14 12:42:18 EST 2015)
15:48 pameyer nevermind - I'll just look at your google doc
15:50 pameyer pdurbin: looks good to me
15:51 pdurbin pameyer: cool
15:51 pdurbin technically there's a "geoconnect" server as well but its status is a bit up in the air, I think
15:52 pdurbin pameyer: and I don't *think* you have spatial data anyway. I don't think you plan to use the "Map It" button.
15:53 pameyer pdurbin: the closest we have to spatial data is metadata about for collection facilities - so "Map It" probably wouldn't add too much
15:55 pdurbin pameyer: ok. but hopefully we have or can develop a field for you to put that inforamation if you'd like to (continue?) storing it
16:20 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:06 garnett joined #dataverse
18:08 garnett joined #dataverse
18:21 pdurbin 4.2.2 is out:
18:21 pdurbin \o/
18:31 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:33 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:37 pdurbin donsizemore: your customer ( pameyer ) is here :)
18:38 donsizemore hello =)
18:39 pdurbin donsizemore: I just tried changing the port from 80 to 8888 but I still can't connect, similar to
18:41 donsizemore pdurbin: it's probably the shib redirection => 443 (so we'd want to update ssl.conf and restart httpd)
18:41 donsizemore pdurbin: or better to leave out the shib / apache fronting for a test installation?
18:42 pdurbin well, my vagrant version has shib and apache installed
18:42 pdurbin but yeah, let's maybe fix the redirect, I guess
18:43 donsizemore pdurbin: that's what i mean. an installation outside of Vagrant would probably want shib and apache installed
18:46 pdurbin oh sure
18:46 pdurbin I'm talking about Vagrant only.
18:47 donsizemore pdurbin: i'll look into setting vagrant=1 or some such, and leaving out certain tasks if it's set. similar to the demo=1 switch we discussed last week?
18:48 donsizemore the 4.2.2 vagrant deployment, BTW, came right up =)
18:48 pdurbin sure! sounds great
19:05 donsizemore pdurbin: testing now
19:20 pdurbin cool
19:22 dunn joined #dataverse
19:27 jri joined #dataverse
19:32 donsizemore pdurbin: do a vagrant destroy, git pull, vagrant up?
19:37 * pdurbin kicks it off
19:42 donsizemore pdurbin: i tossed out the shib stuff via vagrant.vars and punched firewall holes, as i wasn't expecting one to be enabled for a vagrant simulation *blush*
19:42 dunn hi there, i am still having version issue with postgresql-jdbc against java7 on OSX. I am using enterpriseDB postsql 9.1. I have downloaded different version of postsql-jdbc to the project but still getting error
19:42 dunn Severe:   java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/postgresql/ds/PGPoolingDataSource : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
19:43 dunn attached
19:44 dunn can you please point me where this update needed to be?
19:45 dunn i think it may have to do with the install script, looked at the script modify it to pick up new jdbc but still i got no where.
19:45 dunn thanks for any help.
19:47 dunn earlier i ran into GlassFish directory write permission not allow, I resolved that by changing the root owner my ownership (the user of Netbeans).
19:49 dunn should I not use DBenterprise for postgresql
20:01 pdurbin donsizemore: it didn't "just work" but I'm doing 8 things right now. I'll get back to you. :)
20:04 pdurbin dunn: hmm. I'm not sure why you're seeing "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0". It almost sounds like a Java 7 vs Java 8 thing.
20:04 dunn ok thanks pdurbin i will try 8
20:04 dunn bye!
20:05 dunn it maybe even 6
20:05 dunn will try both
20:30 jri joined #dataverse
20:40 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:11 dunn pdurbin: ok i finally found the combination that works WHEW :) -> GF 4.1 comes with NB 8.0.2 - Java 7 - Mac El Capitan - EnterpriseDB postsql 9.3 - and DVerse 4.2.1 - I have been adding to my fork, hoping to write more note and submit a pull request later.
21:11 dunn Thank you so much for your precious time, programmers are too busy. Thanks again!
21:12 dunn have a great day bye!
21:15 cnk joined #dataverse
21:21 pdurbin dunn: it works? great!
21:29 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:55 dunn i really hope our library will have it production and join the network soon :) like Diaspora.
21:55 dunn thanks pdurbin.
23:30 bencomp joined #dataverse
23:52 cnk_ joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.