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IRC log for #dataverse, 2015-12-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:13 garnett joined #dataverse
08:39 jri joined #dataverse
15:58 dunn joined #dataverse
15:59 dunn [15:17] <pdurbin> dunn: well, parts of the code use this: [15:17] <pdurbin> but mostly we use JSF [15:25] * pdurbin looks at [15:25] <pdurbin> dunn: do you like freemarker? [15:26] <pdurbin> once Java EE 8 is out I was thinking about trying [15:27] <pdurbin> I played around with it at
15:59 dunn thank you it really helps to know my way and the things around the project.
16:00 dunn in term of template engine and coding in java for now i will just follow team footsteps
16:00 pdurbin dunn: sure. if you think more of this should go in the dev guide, please let us know
16:01 dunn what i really want to contribute to dataverse is developer documentation because that is where i am at.
16:01 pdurbin dunn: great. would you like a Google Doc to scribble in? We have an area where people can make docs and comment on them
16:02 pdurbin for templating, I'm not sure what I want to use for
16:02 dunn i will try to add more details instruction to it like we did in this project OneBusAway
16:02 dunn yes include me in google doc
16:04 dunn i am hoping to be able to explain to developers the components and how the install script put them together to welcome the new devs
16:05 dunn and also i would like to show how to compile and run the project on Netbeans the basics.
16:05 dunn so that is what i have been doing my little part :)
16:06 dunn after that my next task here is template stuffs
16:06 dunn thanks pdurbin.
16:07 dunn
16:25 pdurbin dunn: can you please request access to ?
16:33 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:34 dunn did it
16:36 pdurbin dunn: can you edit now?
16:57 dunn yes working
16:58 pdurbin great. a central place to brainstorm
16:58 dunn thanks so much
16:58 dunn you have doc for building and deploying the app anywhere?
16:58 pdurbin that "FRD" folder is linked from
16:58 dunn ok
16:59 dunn i have been editing doc on 4.2.1 tag and master branch when i am happy i will request pull
16:59 pdurbin building like with Jenkins? have you seen ?
17:00 dunn ok
17:01 dunn right now i right click on the project in netbeans and select build or run is that right?
17:02 pdurbin yep. that's fine. I think by default netbeans will redeploy the app when you save a file. that's what I do
17:04 dunn does netbeans restart glassfish too or just redeploy app/war?
17:05 pdurbin you *can* restart glassfish from netbeans if you want. it's under "Services"
17:05 dunn thank you
17:08 pdurbin sure
17:08 pdurbin dunn: so what does the dev guide need the most?
17:10 dunn here is what i want to do for the dev guide and hope you can help accomplish
17:12 dunn give a short description of the project such as .... this project has 2 components to work together 1) the webapp / war 2) solr . solr is connected to the webapp and searching the contents ... etc
17:13 dunn - after successfully set up you can right click on netbeans select build to rebuild your code changes
17:14 dunn run to deploy in dev
17:14 dunn env
17:14 pdurbin that makes sense
17:14 pdurbin dunn: can you please put that in the google doc?
17:15 dunn and this i consider bug because following the instruction i had this error ERROR: Error creating bundle cache. (java.lang.Exception: Unable to create bundle cache lock file: /Applications/NetBeans/glassfish-4.1/glassfis​h/domains/domain1/osgi-cache/felix/cache.lock (Permission denied))
17:16 pdurbin right, the osgi-cache permissions thing
17:16 pdurbin please add that as well
17:16 dunn so i resolve by changing all dirs under domain1 to my ownership it was root/admin which choke Netbeans
17:16 pdurbin makes sense. good fix
17:17 dunn i think the install script is the cause but i need to read the script better to be certain or with your help
17:17 pdurbin I think you're right.
17:18 pdurbin we should fix this, of course, but we could also have a "troubleshooting" section of the dev guide
17:18 dunn if you look at this you will see that i spell out what works such as version compatibility is a HUGE thing.
17:19 dunn
17:19 dunn let me do this part
17:19 dunn since i am at it, and a way to contribute for me
17:19 dunn Dataverse  This instruction targets Dataverse version 4.2.1 and Mac. I found the combination that works -> GlassFish 4.1 comes with NB 8.0.2 - Java 7 JDK - Mac El Capitan - EnterpriseDB postsql 9.3 (comes with pgadmin nice interface) - and DataVerse 4.2.1.
17:20 dunn another example is:
17:20 dunn Because JDBC driver for Dataverse 4.2.1 only supports PostgreSQL 9.1 hence download is (Installer version Version 9.1.19) - You can install PostgreSQL with homebrew alternatively, I found it easier with enterpriseDB, you will also get pgAdmin.
17:20 pdurbin that's fine but we just released 4.2.2 and are currently working on 4.2.3 which requires Java 8
17:22 pdurbin dunn: I'm looking at and there are some good ideas in here. Thanks.
17:23 dunn i learnt from this project and i want to do the similar thing and year DVN is much like it
17:24 pdurbin because it's java, you mean. yeah
17:24 dunn yes but it was mainly with Eclipse and Tomcat :)
17:25 pdurbin yeah
17:25 pdurbin very similar
17:26 dunn so my plan again is to target dev doc and gradually bring it up to date with java 8 dependencies.
17:26 dunn for now still learning DVN.
17:26 pdurbin yep. sounds great. I really appreciate it
17:27 pdurbin I want Dataverse to be as easy as possible to contribute to.
17:27 pdurbin to hack on :)
17:28 dunn here at the library i am looking forward to see them go live. but that is out of my scope
17:28 dunn talk to you later have a great holiday and see you next year!
17:29 pdurbin dunn: you too!
20:27 pdurbin left #dataverse
23:08 garnett joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.