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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-01-14

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:53 yoh joined #dataverse
03:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:14 garnett joined #dataverse
03:56 metamattj joined #dataverse
06:36 metamattj joined #dataverse
11:38 bencomp joined #dataverse
12:47 bencomp sorry, pdurbin, I was in a rush yesterday
12:51 bencomp I'm a bit surprised to see my PRs closed (again) before I had a chance to respond
12:52 bencomp my comment is NOT meant personal in any way
12:53 xvx joined #dataverse
13:24 pdurbin bencomp: in this case, all the pull requests were automatically closed when I deleted the 4.3 branch (after creating the develop branch from it). I wanted to get rid of the 4.3 branch because the desire from the team is to get away from release branches and have code get merged into develop ("next release") instead.
13:25 pdurbin After creating develop I was staring at the 4.3 branch thinking, "Now what? What happens to this old 4.3 branch that really is no different from develop and barely different than 4.2.3?" So I deleted it. 4.2.3 is the last from the "release branch" model.
13:31 bencomp so it is a team decision? that's good to hear :)
13:31 pdurbin yeah, hour long meetings on Monday and Tuesday
13:31 pdurbin on Tuesday we decided we want a "develop" branch
13:31 pdurbin so I created it on Wednesday
13:32 pdurbin bencomp: any objections to a "develop" branch?
13:32 bencomp no, I preferred it when it was there in the beginning
13:32 bencomp no wait, you first pushed to master all the time
13:33 pdurbin maybe you're thinking of the "develop" branch in DVN 3.x
13:33 bencomp probably :)
13:33 bencomp or the git-flow model that we discussed before (and that you linked in 2863)
13:34 bencomp pdurbin: is 4.2.3 due soon?
13:35 pdurbin yeah, we're hoping to deploy next week
13:35 bencomp cool
13:38 pdurbin bencomp: I'm still catching up on your comments and pull requests.
13:59 pdurbin bencomp: ok, I left some comments. The hardest part, I think is that we have a desire for branches to be tested before they are merged into develop. But who does this testing? And where?
14:03 bencomp thanks
14:03 bencomp yes, testing is good
14:03 bencomp let me have a look at the failing build
14:12 bencomp 100 lines of code changed is not scary, is it?
14:13 pdurbin did it introduce any regressions?
14:13 bencomp no
14:13 pdurbin you tested everything you touched?
14:15 bencomp no
14:15 bencomp do you on every push?
14:15 pdurbin I test code that I touch before pushing it.
14:15 bencomp I'll be back in a bit
15:56 metamattj joined #dataverse
16:20 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:09 cnk joined #dataverse
19:10 garnett joined #dataverse
19:29 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:44 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:45 pameyer pdurbin: it looks like we're both looking a the same google doc
19:45 pameyer I'm at computfest; so my edits may be sporadic - just fyi
19:45 pdurbin I probably should have signed up for computefest.
19:47 pameyer they might still have openings.  the classes I've been to have been busy, but not standing room only busy
20:08 garnett joined #dataverse
20:40 bencomp joined #dataverse
21:54 garnett joined #dataverse
22:20 bencomp oof, messed up my branches and almost wanted to replace one PR with another new one
22:25 axfelix joined #dataverse
23:14 pdurbin it happens
23:14 pdurbin bencomp: any thoughts on making more clear?
23:16 bencomp err, do you mind if I have a quick look tomorrow? it's past my bed time ;)
23:16 pdurbin heh. good night!
23:17 bencomp thanks! :)

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.