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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-02-08

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:33 yoh joined #dataverse
04:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
09:19 bencomp joined #dataverse
10:26 balo joined #dataverse
17:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:02 xvx joined #dataverse
18:11 dunn79 joined #dataverse
18:13 dunn_ joined #dataverse
18:14 dunn_ hello there, for example i have been editing this page
18:15 dunn_ today, i would like to edit this page
18:16 dunn_ but i can not seem to find it anywhere in my fork here
18:16 dunn_ is the page not in source files of the project, can you please advise?
18:17 dunn_ my focus is on
18:17 dunn_ thank you!
18:18 pdurbin dunn_: hi! one moment
18:23 pdurbin dunn_: it sounds like you forked the repo *before* I pushed that 2884-install-guide-reorg branch.
18:25 dunn_ ok so that is good. I will update my repo so that i can contribute with pull requests. Thank you Philip!
18:29 pdurbin dunn_: since you seem to be working on the Dev Guide you should probably keep an eye on
18:30 pdurbin we haven't created a branch yet for Dev Guide changes but I'm sure we will eventually
18:38 dunn_ thank you!
18:41 dunn_ pdurbin, I have not had time to explore user/admin manual, but can I convert pdf or xsl or csv files to JSON using dataverse? Thanks!
18:41 dunn_ ours is here:
19:06 pdurbin dunn_: you can converts csv files to XML (DDI) with Dataverse:
19:06 pdurbin convert*
19:17 dunn_ got it thanks. one more please in this page - What is Rserve Server, remote data frame service ... ?
19:19 dunn_ (I am looking into the install script resulted in the above question. The script can be a bit more descriptive in the server names and usernames and passwords, though they are working very well as current)
19:19 pameyer dunn_ : rserver is a way to run R on data in dataverse through apache
19:20 dunn_ R means remote right?
19:22 pameyer programming language focused on stats
19:22 pameyer
19:23 pameyer R because it came after the "S" language
19:23 axfelix left #dataverse
19:23 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:25 dunn_ Thanks I got it.
19:26 pdurbin pameyer has it right. thanks!
19:26 pdurbin dunn_: you can read more about rserve and friends at
19:27 pdurbin pameyer: unlikely I will call in to the meeting. I just finished feeding my kids and the neighbor kids and after I clean up this kitchen I plan to get them outside
19:28 dunn_ Yep. Thanks for the info.
19:29 pdurbin sure
19:30 pameyer pdurbin: hope they enjoy the snow
19:31 pdurbin one would think that a snow day would mean *less* work :)
19:35 pameyer if you're one of the kids playing in the snow, it probably does :)
19:36 pdurbin maybe I'll make 'em shovel
19:37 pdurbin or at least try to
20:10 balo joined #dataverse
20:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:55 garnett joined #dataverse
21:10 axfelix_ joined #dataverse
21:11 axfelix_ joined #dataverse
21:11 pdurbin pameyer: phew! phone battery died but I heard a good deal of that call (i assume it's over). back inside and warming up
21:14 pameyer pdurbin: at one point, there were two of you on that call
21:14 pdurbin I have spies everywhere.
21:15 pameyer I'd thought you learned how to be two places at once  - I'd like to learn :)
21:15 pdurbin the one thing was being called a migration but it sounded a bit more of a "sync" to me
21:16 pameyer I didn't pick up on anything that had things going in both directions
21:17 pdurbin oh, that's true, one way sync
21:18 pdurbin but the idea is that the non-Dataverse system is the source of truth, right? and it sends periodic updates to Dataverse?
21:18 pameyer now I see what you're thinking
21:19 pameyer batched might make more sense than periodic
21:19 pdurbin sure
21:19 pdurbin but the non-Dataverse system doesn't go away, it sounds like. that's what a migration is to me
21:20 pameyer so the question is how often do we want to propagate info from non-dv to dv, right?
21:20 pameyer I'd been assuming one-off's for testing; but that's an *assumption*
21:21 pdurbin yeah. and to be clear, this non-dataverse system is *not* the prototype, which *is* being migrated
21:21 pdurbin it's some *other* system...
21:22 pameyer there is another system; but I'd been using them interchangably in this context
21:23 pameyer so my saying there wouldn't need to be two-way communications might've been wrong
21:23 pameyer prototype is getting migrated - but not in the next two weeks
21:24 pdurbin I don't see an action item about the sync stuff. I do see "API integration" under LINCS. I guess I'll leave a comment.
21:26 pdurbin done
21:42 pameyer one thing I put on the list - do you have recommendations for a dev system?
21:43 pdurbin oh. hmm. well, my laptop is out of warranty and I just ordered a new one. I can forward the specs to you
21:46 pameyer I'd been assuming that netbeans + glassfish with a laptop keyboard might not be the way to go - but I haven't tried it for long periods
21:47 pdurbin I have an external monitor. Just got a new retina screen one. Love it.
21:47 pdurbin pameyer: I just forwarded you an email about this. Did you get it?
21:48 pameyer pdurbin: got it, thanks
21:48 pdurbin sure
21:49 pameyer I like the nvidia gpu's - but that's mostly for other reasons
21:49 pameyer I don't *think* there's opengl lurking anywhere in dataverse
21:49 pdurbin doubt it
21:50 pdurbin netbeans doesn't fit very well on a laptop screen. needs room to breath
21:52 pameyer and a SSD.  my old laptop with a spinning disk wasn't very happy running netbeans
21:53 pdurbin nor glassfish, probably
22:39 axfelix_ joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.