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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-03-01

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:09 xvx joined #dataverse
06:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:42 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:01 jri joined #dataverse
10:03 romainM joined #dataverse
10:04 romainM hello world
11:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:25 pdurbin romainM: hi
11:26 pdurbin jri: welcome back
12:06 xvx joined #dataverse
12:21 romainM hey pdurbin, long time no see !
12:24 romainM I have some questions for you about dataverse, tell me if you're available :)
12:35 bencomp joined #dataverse
13:45 bencomp exciting, 15 minutes to the developers' call!
13:55 pdurbin bencomp: congrats on the merges!
13:55 pdurbin romainM: shoot
14:14 romainM ok
14:14 romainM I've noticed that the "Terms of Access" field doesn't allowed line breaks
14:14 romainM is it intended ?
14:15 pdurbin romainM: you should be able to add line breaks by using HTML
14:15 romainM html is interpreted in fields ? if that's it, ok, I'm gonna try
14:16 pdurbin cool. should work
14:16 romainM ok it works
14:16 pdurbin \o/
14:16 romainM well, first easy point
14:16 bencomp my phone speaker quality is not so great
14:17 pdurbin bencomp: we can hear you. don't worry
14:17 romainM an other question, concerning facets
14:17 bencomp we didn't get the numbers of megabytes
14:17 pdurbin romainM: bencomp and I are on this call. you might want to join the next one: March 1st Dataverse Development Community Call - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/9bbeW4F500E
14:18 romainM yup, I saw that, but wasn't a good timing for me unfortunatly (just returned from a short vacation time and got multiple tasks to do :S)
14:18 romainM but I'll try to be there for the next one :)
14:19 pdurbin ok. what's your facets question?
14:19 romainM I've noticed the fields "dateOfCollectionStart" and "dateOfCollectionEnd" are not available
14:19 romainM but some other "datestart" and "dateend" data types are allowed
14:19 romainM (timePeriod, for example)
14:19 romainM (which got a start and end date)
14:20 romainM (dataset date range too, start and end date)
14:20 romainM intended or forgotten ?
14:21 pdurbin romainM: you seem to be asking about the "facetable" column (true or false) at
14:22 pdurbin "facetable" is what controls if you can facet on a field or not
14:22 pdurbin you wouldn't want to facet on "description" for example
14:22 romainM oh
14:22 romainM didn't know that
14:22 pdurbin I don't know that this is documented.
14:22 romainM then that's exactly the kind of amazing stuff I was expecting on dataverse
14:22 romainM ty :)
14:23 pdurbin romainM: I wouldn't recommend changing those booleans though...
14:23 romainM ah ?
14:23 pdurbin please open an issue if you'd like the boolean to change
14:24 romainM ok, I'll open it
14:24 romainM but first, I'll try to have the complete list of eventual datas my users will need
14:24 pdurbin right
14:25 pdurbin we want the community to work with us if the community wants a new metadata block
14:25 romainM (so it won't be today, or even this week, but I keep the idea in my head)
14:26 romainM we have nearly finished our metadatas template
14:26 pdurbin cool
14:26 romainM it seems we have everything needed on dataverse
14:27 pdurbin music to my ears
14:27 romainM the last question concerns the general ... view (?) of datasets
14:28 romainM is there a way to "custom" the datas we want to "show" when datasets are listing on the search view ?
14:28 romainM (like the facets, maybe ?)
14:28 romainM tried to find that, but no way for now :(
14:28 pdurbin romainM: you want to show datasets from a certain range of dates?
14:29 romainM hum
14:29 romainM no
14:29 romainM the users want to know if the IdRef could be displayed along with the dataset title, etc
14:30 romainM when you see the datasets results
14:30 romainM maybe a screen would help my speech ? :D
14:30 pdurbin romainM: I'm sorry, I read "datas" as "dates".
14:30 romainM understandable
14:30 romainM :)
14:31 romainM for now, we can see the title, date of publication, author and some other infos with the "resume" of datasets
14:31 pdurbin romainM: maybe you point to an example at or
14:31 romainM users wanted to add this data
14:31 romainM ah
14:32 romainM just look at the main page
14:32 romainM where datasets are displayed
14:32 pdurbin romainM: I'm wondering if you mean the "cards" from the *dataverse*/*browse/search* page or if you mean the dataset page itself
14:32 romainM nono, just the general view
14:32 romainM of the search results
14:32 pdurbin it sounds like you're talking about what we call "cards" ... the search results
14:32 romainM you got some metadatas shown for the datasets
14:32 romainM hum
14:32 romainM got a doubt now
14:33 romainM wait, gonna picture it
14:34 pdurbin I'm not sure what an IdRef is.
14:35 pdurbin searchbot: lucky IdRef
14:35 searchbot pdurbin:
14:36 pdurbin romainM: is IDRef a DDI thing?
14:36 bencomp no, an XML thing
14:36 romainM hum
14:36 bencomp afaik
14:36 romainM maybe I'm talking about the wrong field name
14:37 romainM sorry
14:37 romainM the author identifier
14:37 pdurbin oh, oh. ORCID id?
14:37 pdurbin hmm, I think we support multiple
14:38 romainM yes, this
14:38 romainM (sorry, they wrote idref in my mail, so I just said that, my bad)
14:38 romainM (I should never trust them !)
14:38 pdurbin ORCID, ISNI, LCNA
14:38 romainM the request was to know if it was possible to display the author id along with the author name
14:39 pdurbin in the card
14:39 romainM in the dataset search results resume
14:39 romainM if you call this a card, yes
14:39 pdurbin :)
14:39 romainM I'm not sure if card is the right word :S
14:40 pdurbin romainM: if you include a screenshot with a github issue it would help a lot
14:40 pdurbin or you can email the suggestion to the google group
14:40 romainM
14:40 romainM this must be more accurate
14:41 romainM (dat paint skill)
14:41 pdurbin heh
14:41 pdurbin romainM: that blue part is the citation
14:42 pdurbin romainM: here's more about the citation:
14:42 pdurbin which links to
14:43 pdurbin bencomp: thanks to your pull requests our code coverage is going up!
14:45 romainM ok, gonna read that, thanks
14:45 pdurbin romainM: I'm just trying to say that the blue part is special
14:45 romainM yep, it's a standard so ... not very custom
14:46 romainM that's it ?
14:46 romainM *customizable
14:47 pdurbin well, maybe you could say the citation is based on "best practices" or something. some thought has gone into the format of the citation. I'm not sure it's actually a standard. I'd ask on the mailing list since this isn't my area.
14:47 romainM ok
14:48 romainM so that's not a "permanent" thing, and may be changed if enough people want to do so etc
14:48 romainM I think I get it
14:48 pdurbin I think.
14:48 pdurbin Again, I'm not the expert in this area.
14:48 romainM I'll wait for their answer then
14:49 romainM I'm not too
14:49 pdurbin romainM: you are welcome to propose changes to the cards in general.
14:49 romainM ok, so the "whole" thing is a card then
14:49 romainM good to know :D
14:49 pdurbin yeah
14:50 pdurbin romainM: I guess they're called "result cards":
14:51 romainM god, I'm doing what I blame my users not doing ... read the doc
14:51 pdurbin hhe
14:51 pdurbin heh
14:52 romainM well, thanks for your patience with me
14:52 romainM and the answers
14:52 romainM I'll see with my people what we will do then
14:52 romainM before opening any issue
14:53 pdurbin ok
14:57 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:00 bencomp pdurbin: :) (we muted)
15:01 pdurbin bencomp: I was talking about UTF8 encoding DataVerse 3.6.2 - Google Groups -!topic/dataverse-community/_rLFOPsjXxE
15:01 bencomp I know
15:01 pdurbin bencomp: thanks for helping!
15:01 bencomp you're welcome
15:04 pdurbin huh. I wasn't aware of
15:06 pdurbin bencomp: so what did you think about the call?
15:06 bencomp we prefer skype over this phone call :)
15:06 pdurbin bencomp: could you hear me ok?
15:07 pdurbin pameyer: could you hear me ok?
15:09 pdurbin bencomp: well, I hope it was a good use of an hour
15:09 pdurbin I was a little distracted by romainM ;)
15:12 * romainM is innocent
15:13 pdurbin heh
15:19 bencomp we could hear you better than some others, pdurbin
15:19 bencomp it's clear my phone is not the best for long speakerphone conversations
15:20 bencomp Eleni showed me the releases roadmap last week
15:20 bencomp but that was the first time I saw it too
15:24 pameyer pdurbin: I could hear you mostly ok
15:24 pdurbin phew. at some point I picked up the receiver. after someone said they couldn't hear me well
15:24 pdurbin hopefully that helped
15:25 pameyer audio is frequently a problem with these
15:26 pameyer I learned that not allowing multiple accounts with the same email was a feature, not a bug
15:26 pdurbin pameyer: heh. it's for password reset:
15:27 pameyer does the case where the admin is also a user come up?
15:28 pameyer but that makes sense
15:28 pdurbin superusers can reset their passwords too if that's what you mean
15:28 pdurbin unless they're using Shibboleth
15:28 pdurbin then they'll have to talk to their identity people
15:28 pameyer I ran across it when I tried to use the same email address for an owner of a root dataverse, and a normal user account.
15:29 pameyer fortunately I've got multiple addresses
15:29 pdurbin yeah, "plus addressing" helps
15:29 pdurbin
15:30 pameyer yup
15:33 pdurbin bencomp: I could mostly hear people
15:39 romainM about the password reset thing, we've run accross a strange problem
15:39 romainM no password reset email can be send to the user email adresse
15:40 romainM *adress
15:40 romainM **address (damnit french)
15:40 pdurbin romainM: what do you see in server.log?
15:41 romainM my admin sys a seen nothing "strange"
15:41 romainM I asked the log in case
15:41 romainM waiting it
15:41 pdurbin romainM: do you get *any* emails? such as when you publish a dataset?
15:43 romainM gonna try
15:43 romainM it seems that ... nope
15:44 romainM a conf problem then ?
15:45 pdurbin romainM:
15:47 romainM doh
15:47 romainM will see that with him
15:47 romainM ty
15:47 romainM asadmin get server.resources.mail-resourc​e.mail/ Enter admin user name> admin Enter admin password for user "admin"> server.resources.mail-resource.mai​l/ Command get executed successfully.
15:48 romainM (I hidden the username/password for the command)
15:48 romainM but the rest it what we got
15:48 romainM *is
15:48 romainM it seems the conf was fine
15:49 pameyer romainM: can the system send *any* email? outside dataverse?
15:49 romainM yep
15:49 romainM my admin sys just emailed me to show me it works
15:51 pdurbin romainM: I have to run to a standup. if pameyer can help, great. if not, please email . you might want to try increasing logging levels:
15:52 romainM ok, ty
15:52 jri Hi pdurbin, I've tried to increase "​dreset.PasswordResetServiceBean"
15:53 jri not changed anything
15:53 jri there is an another class that could be useful ?
15:54 pdurbin jri: maybe try increasing all of ... I hope that works but I'm not sure.
15:55 jri :D
15:55 jri ok !
15:56 jri Email will not be sent because the :SystemEmail setting is null.]]
15:56 pdurbin NICE
15:56 * pdurbin added that
15:57 jri the concerned class is
15:57 pdurbin jri: please see
15:59 jri Ok, problem solved √√√
16:00 jri thanks
16:00 romainM ty pdurbin
16:00 romainM happy standup then :D
16:16 pdurbin :)
16:17 pdurbin romainM: you're welcome
16:21 pdurbin romainM: this sounds like an issue. Do you want to make an issue for it?
16:22 romainM about the mail problem ? I can if you want
16:22 pdurbin please
16:22 pdurbin romainM: and please include the logging info from jri
16:23 romainM ok
16:24 pdurbin romainM jri: if you think the last bullet I added to is sufficient, you don't need to create an issue
16:24 pdurbin "Emphasize the need to set the :SystemEmail or you will not be able to send mail"
16:27 romainM hum
16:28 romainM that's enough to understand the problem I guess
16:28 romainM but maybe a single issue is better
16:28 romainM I dunno
16:29 jri Or just add a line in the info log level if SystemEmail is not present
16:29 jri personaly logs is the first thing that I check, before google and issues
16:30 pdurbin romainM jri: please feel free to open an issue about that that better captures the problem. and please feel free to propose a solution
16:30 pdurbin jri: good instinct on checking logs first :)
16:30 romainM I open the issue and add jri solution, problem solved :)
16:33 romainM "and please include the logging info from jri " which logs ? We had no warning or other things in logs no ?
16:38 romainM issue published
16:38 romainM if you know what logs to had, feel free to tell me :)
16:38 romainM I'm leaving now, have a nice day
16:39 pdurbin romainM: thanks!
16:39 pdurbin jri: please feel free to add comments to the issue romainM opened: No email sent at all from Dataverse (SystemEmail not set is the problem) · Issue #2980 · IQSS/dataverse -
17:54 cnk joined #dataverse
18:08 pdurbin "Canvas Network datasets are available to researchers on Harvard's Dataverse service as Canvas Network Dataverse: ."
18:42 pameyer everytime I see references to anonymized data I wonder who's worrying about how effective the anonymization/de-identification is
18:43 pdurbin heh
18:43 pdurbin pameyer: be glad you work with x-ray crystal structures :)
18:43 pameyer it does simplify things on the privacy side :)
18:46 pdurbin pameyer: hey so how does 1pm look for our Friday meeting? Instead of 2pm.
18:50 pameyer 1pm looks ok to me
18:51 pameyer I'm changing the title of that google doc from "Spring"...
18:59 pdurbin lol
18:59 pdurbin I must be thinking Spring. So warm out.
19:01 pdurbin pameyer: also! One of those meetings conflicts with SpinachCon which is organized by shauna so I wanted to see what you wanted to do for that one: . Liz and I are planning to go.
19:01 pdurbin shauna: is this still the best link for that event?
19:03 pameyer pdurbin: we could skip that week or reschedule - either way works for me
19:04 pdurbin ok. we can decide closer to the time. see how things are going
19:17 xvx joined #dataverse
19:19 pdurbin pameyer: you can let Bill know about Friday?
19:31 jeffspies____ joined #dataverse
19:35 shauna pdurbin: yup that's the best link for it
19:36 pdurbin shauna: ok. thanks. at least there's a gnu with spinach in his teeth :)
19:38 pameyer I just assumed he was one this channel - I'll let him know
19:39 pdurbin pameyer: thanks
19:41 bmckinney joined #dataverse
19:49 bencomp joined #dataverse
19:53 pdurbin bmckinney: my new laptop arrived and I'm wondering if I should use your Ansible scripts to set it up.
19:56 xvx joined #dataverse
19:57 bmckinney might be useful (or not) - i'm still chugging away at them a bit
19:57 bmckinney btw, i'm using launchctl for solr and postgres
20:07 pdurbin bmckinney: maybe you could upload them as a comment to
20:10 bmckinney pdurbin: sweet - i'll share something by monday at the latest (still a little rough and i'm testing on a mac mini with yosemite)
20:11 pdurbin bmckinney: no worries. I can always just keep doing what I'm doing instead. just thought I'd mention it. also, Michael (who opened that issue) may be interested. or not :)
20:11 bmckinney pdurbin: would be good to integrate your homebrew stuff too
20:12 bmckinney yeah, i think a "get a developer up and running on a macbook <15 mins" would be useful
20:12 pdurbin have you heard of ?
20:13 bmckinney ah, saw the announcement at one point but didn't look closely
20:14 pdurbin recently merged: Add Java based project support by pcssi · Pull Request #276 · hashicorp/otto -
20:14 pdurbin anyway
20:14 pdurbin probably too fancy and new for us
20:14 bmckinney maybe i need to learn this just so that i can put the cool robot logo on my laptop!
20:14 pdurbin shauna: we are onboarding bmckinney as a new contributor :)
20:15 pdurbin bmckinney: dunno if you saw me and pameyer talking about an upcoming meeting conflict:
20:24 bmckinney pdurbin: no problem with moving the meeting time
20:24 pdurbin for Friday. great. 1pm is it
20:38 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:45 metamattj joined #dataverse
20:52 pameyer joined #dataverse
21:32 bmckinney left #dataverse
21:35 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:10 xvx joined #dataverse
23:22 axfelix joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.