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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-03-07

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
04:25 garnett joined #dataverse
05:47 xvx joined #dataverse
05:56 garnett joined #dataverse
06:56 xvx joined #dataverse
06:58 xvx joined #dataverse
08:04 jri joined #dataverse
11:31 searchbot joined #dataverse
11:36 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:49 bencomp joined #dataverse
15:09 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:09 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
15:14 dataverse-user Hello, I created a password for glassfish and am now having trouble running dataverse - is there a file where I need to update this new password?
15:20 pdurbin dataverse-user: hmm, I don't use a password in dev. Maybe bencomp bricas jri or pameyer knows. Or you could ask in #glassfish. Or email
15:21 bencomp dataverse-user: sorry, I don't know. we do have an admin password for GlassFish and it doesn't affect DVN or Dataverse
15:22 bencomp that is, a password for the administrative interface, I don't know about the glassfish (linux) user
15:22 jri Same thing for us, the Glassfish password doesn't change DVN application behaviour
15:23 dataverse-user Okay, thank you - my problem must be somewhere else
15:24 pdurbin dataverse-user: is your trouble that glassfish won't start? anything interesting in server.log?
15:42 bmckinney joined #dataverse
15:47 dataverse-user glassfish starts fine, but when I go to http://<ip-address>:4848 I get a "This webpage is not available" (I'm running this on a VM and trying to access it remotely)
15:49 pdurbin what if you ssh into the VM and run `curl http://localhost:4848`? when I do this I see stuff about glassfish
15:50 dataverse-user just ran the curl command on my vm but nothing printed
15:52 pdurbin huh
15:54 dataverse-user I did look in server.log but did not see any errors
15:55 pdurbin dataverse-user: I gotta run to a meeting but if you don't get an answer here please try!forum/dataverse-community or
15:55 dataverse-user okay, thank you for your help!
16:06 jri dataverse-user: Have you run the "asadmin enable-secure-admin" command ?
16:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:11 jri access should be also in https
16:11 dataverse-user Hi jri, yes I had run enable-secure-admin
16:12 dataverse-user I finally got it to work by messing with the firewall on my vm
16:12 dataverse-user thank you!
16:12 jri Oh ok, that was my next question :)
16:20 pdurbin dataverse-user: great! oh, you can pick a nickname for this chat room if you want. :)
16:21 pdurbin bmckinney: I was all excited about but I think I'm going to back out of it. Too buggy and it's a "nice to have".
16:29 dataverse-user left #dataverse
16:29 bmckinney pdurbin: bummer!
16:29 lakoepni joined #dataverse
16:30 pdurbin bmckinney: part of the problem is that I don't have a good way to iterate quickly on shibboleth stuff. I keep having to deploy to where I have the whole stack set up (shibd, etc.)
16:30 bmckinney durbin: testing my dev playbook on yosemite this morning:
16:31 bmckinney lots of bsexec related errors that need a workaround
16:31 bmckinney works on mavericks though
16:31 pdurbin cool. I should open the box with my shiny new laptop in it :)
16:32 bmckinney pete just brought in mine - another good testing opportunity
16:34 pdurbin nice
16:36 pdurbin bmckinney: check out this thread: NativeSPMacInstall, homebrew -
16:39 pdurbin lakoepni: hi! are you the one formerly known as "dataverse-user"? :)
16:39 lakoepni yes :)
16:39 pdurbin cool. welcome back :)
16:39 lakoepni Thanks :) Actually have another question if someone is willing to help..
16:40 lakoepni I'm at the point in the installation guide where it says to go to <host>:8080 to login to dataverse. Now that glassfish is working, when I go to 8080 I get a webpage that says "Your server is now running" but no dataverse application
16:41 lakoepni I installed dataverse last Friday but I don't understand how it works - is there a way to start & stop the application?
16:41 pdurbin lakoepni: so you're at ?
16:41 lakoepni yes, that's right
16:43 pdurbin what does `asadmin list-applications` show?
16:44 lakoepni I get "Nothing to list. No applications are deployed to this target server."
16:45 lakoepni is that something that dvinstall should have taken care of?
16:45 pdurbin yeah
16:48 pdurbin lakoepni: this has an example of using "asadmin deploy" if it's useful:
16:49 pdurbin the installer uses a different technique. it copies the the war file to an "autodeploy" directory:
16:54 pdurbin bmckinney jri pameyer speaking of the installer, it sounds like it's going to be worked on a bit this week. I can let you know when a new branch exists. You're welcome to review the list at and indicate if you'd like something to be addressed. Or open a new issue.
16:55 lakoepni thanks!
16:55 pdurbin I'm not trying to say that all that stuff will be worked on. But I assume that list of issues flagged as "installer" will get looked at.
18:14 cnk joined #dataverse
18:37 garnett joined #dataverse
19:13 garnett joined #dataverse
19:32 michbarsinai joined #dataverse
20:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
22:04 garnett joined #dataverse
22:09 michbarsinai \part

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.