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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-03-21

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:37 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:28 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:03 garnett joined #dataverse
03:09 garnett joined #dataverse
05:03 garnett joined #dataverse
08:10 jri joined #dataverse
08:14 bencomp joined #dataverse
09:53 xvx joined #dataverse
14:44 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:53 pdurbin pameyer: morning. You might be interested in . I hung out the developer this past weekend at LibrePlanet.
14:58 bricas pdurbin: our research data working group is dragging their heels a bit -- hope we can launch a live dataverse sometime soon though!
14:59 pdurbin bricas: nice! Dunno if you saw, but we just released 4.3 last week.
14:59 bricas i did which is why i thought to check back in here :)
15:01 pdurbin bricas: "University of New Brunswick" according to
15:02 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:02 bricas indeed.
15:02 pameyer pdurbin: thanks, I'll take a look
15:02 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:04 pdurbin bricas: thanks. I just added UNB to our list of "trial" installations. Someday we hope to have you on the map at :)
15:04 pdurbin pameyer: I thought of you (and the SBGrid project) because he's talking pretty big data. The dataset he showed me could be rounded up to 1 TB.
15:06 bricas pdurbin: likewise :)
15:06 pdurbin :)
15:06 pdurbin bricas: well, if there's anything you need, please let us know
15:07 bricas patience? (hah)
15:07 pdurbin heh
15:10 pdurbin pameyer: do you know if Bill is still blocked? He seemed to be having trouble with SWORD on Friday and I was so busy at SpinachCon I didn't get a chance to follow up in the afternoon.
15:11 pdurbin SpinachCon was great, by the way:
15:19 iamtimmo joined #dataverse
15:50 pameyer pdurbin: he's unblocked enough that he's got a war ready to put on the demo site
15:50 pameyer not sure if the blockage was SWORD-related or otherwise
15:51 pdurbin pameyer: he was getting a 401 (unauthorized) error:
15:51 pdurbin I suggested using a superuser api token.
15:54 pdurbin Hmm, this page is new: Dataverse and iRods - National Data Service - Confluence -
16:12 iamtimmo joined #dataverse
16:21 mjturk pdurbin: yeah, it is, did you get pinged about that?
16:21 mjturk pdurbin: i'm now more on the outside of that work, but i suggested the dev talk to you and come to IRC, not sure if that happened and i missed it
16:26 pdurbin mjturk: the iRods thing? It was the first hit when I searched for this:
16:27 mjturk pdurbin: specifically the NDS web page about it, yeah
16:27 pdurbin ok
16:28 pdurbin It was pointed out to me that is written in Clojure and I pointed out that it might be possible to call into the SWORD Java client library linked from
16:29 pdurbin mjturk: the thing about that NDS page is that it seems to be all about DVN 3.x not Dataverse 4.
16:29 pdurbin Anyway, yes, if anyone needs anything, I'm happy to chat about it. :)
16:29 axfelix hey, speaking of which, are there plans to add oai-pmh support back into 4.x?
16:31 pdurbin axfelix: yep! about "harvesting" is linked from "current projects" at
16:31 axfelix super, thanks!
16:31 pdurbin axfelix: why? :)
16:32 axfelix working on a new canadian data portal and we're pretty much building it against OAI for lack of any widely-support options across platforms we like better
16:33 axfelix (and I know UBC uses dataverse 3.x's OAI for their campus-wide search for the same reason, and I think this is what's keeping them from going to 4)
16:33 pdurbin yeah, OAI is tried and true, I guess. maybe there's some newer stuff out there
16:33 axfelix I could certainly envision it being improved upon, but when you're spitballing "how can we scrape dataverse, dspace, and fedora platforms" ...
16:33 axfelix it's pretty much the first/only thing that comes to mind
16:34 pdurbin right. standards are important, even if they're old. nothing wrong with tcp/ip :)
16:34 axfelix indeed!
16:50 pameyer am I remembering correctly that resultSets are an optional part of the OAI standard? so if you want to query, and OAI endpoint might or might not support it?
16:51 axfelix that sounds right to me
17:02 pdurbin pameyer axfelix: I didn't know you two were students of OAI-PMH. You know way more than I do. :)
17:03 axfelix eh, it comes up a lot, like I said, it's just the de facto way of doing this stuff, and I'm usually the guy whose job it is to write a small scrape/parse implementation :)
17:03 pdurbin gotcha :)
17:04 pameyer my knowledge is limited to I tried to use it for a query that needed a resultSet, and the endpoint didn't support it
17:04 pameyer but I guess all students start somewhere :)
17:05 pdurbin there's also something called "ResourceSync":
17:21 LyndsySimon joined #dataverse
17:52 xvx joined #dataverse
17:54 bmckinney joined #dataverse
18:04 jri joined #dataverse
18:12 metamattj joined #dataverse
18:22 pdurbin bmckinney: hi! Are you still blocked on SWORD stuff?
18:27 bmckinney Hey!, nope!
18:28 pdurbin phew
18:28 bmckinney i pushed some updates to our dataverse instance today: bibtex, upload bug fix, initial support for filesystem importer
18:29 bmckinney i'll let you know more on the last one after Pete and I run some tests later today
18:29 pdurbin filesystem importer sounds quite interesting :)
18:30 bmckinney we also upgraded our db to 4.3
18:30 pdurbin nice
18:34 pdurbin I did that in my shib branch
18:34 pdurbin Which I'm desperately trying to finish so I can move on to other things. :)
18:43 bmckinney quick question: is there a way to view the actionlog (api or otherwise)?
18:44 pdurbin bmckinney: has the most discussion about this but right now you have to just query the database directly. There's useful data in there for sure.
18:45 bmckinney pdurbin: cool, thanks!
18:47 pdurbin sure. I'm still generally interested in which I link to in that issue
19:08 cnk joined #dataverse
19:50 pdurbin pameyer bmckinney: Gustavo added the settings we use on the demo site to the action items section of the agenda.
19:50 pdurbin
19:52 xvx joined #dataverse
20:09 pdurbin there! posted my update on shib:
20:13 bmckinney pdurbin: thanks, got the testing-only message added
20:13 pdurbin bmckinney: cool. the other setting is for a popup but I guess it hasn't been documented
20:18 * pdurbin adds ":StatusMessageText has not been documented" to
21:45 xvx joined #dataverse
21:54 bmckinney left #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.