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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-06-03

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:26 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:05 metamattj joined #dataverse
07:08 jri joined #dataverse
07:11 bencomp joined #dataverse
07:33 jri joined #dataverse
08:35 majesticc joined #dataverse
08:35 jeffspies_____ joined #dataverse
08:39 skay joined #dataverse
08:39 razor-work joined #dataverse
11:58 jri joined #dataverse
12:08 jri_ joined #dataverse
12:26 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:27 donsizemore @pdurbin: aaand, now I fixed a typo in my firewall config. but selecting Harvard takes me to your SSO page
12:32 pdurbin donsizemore: uh oh. Problem with Identity Provider The SAML assertion for "givenName" was null. Please contact support.
12:33 donsizemore @pdurbin: hmmm. my onyen works. let me ask Jan
12:33 pdurbin givenName is a required attribute for Dataverse:
12:34 pdurbin donsizemore: I'm thrilled that it's so close though. Once we get this working, can I ask people to try at!forum/dataverse-community ?
12:35 pdurbin donsizemore: you might want to have Jan fix the "Institure" typo at while you're at it.
12:35 pdurbin also, "Information URL" says "" but that's probably not what you want
12:36 donsizemore @pdurbin we would be delighted. i'm looking through the shib config to make sure i don't have something off before i pester him. and yes, i'll ask about the typo
12:37 pdurbin donsizemore: also, I could probably use your help improving the docs at
12:37 donsizemore @pdurbin I wasn't sure what to put for the information URL - should it maybe go to the github page instead?
12:37 pdurbin maybe ?
12:38 pdurbin some sort of "about" page from I would think
12:39 pdurbin here's where I argue that many Dataverse installations will probably want an "about" page:
12:39 pdurbin something like
12:47 jri joined #dataverse
12:53 pdurbin donsizemore: at this is what I see which is to say that only the "eppn" attribute seems to be coming through
12:56 donsizemore @pdurbin i don't hit the description null bug on phoenix.
12:58 pdurbin donsizemore: good, I guess. Neither of our internal QA servers is running 313317a
13:00 pdurbin I guess if we can't reproduce it on a second server it's not worth reporting.
13:01 donsizemore @pdurbin: i remember your telling me that 4.3.1 build 28-origin/develop-313317a wasn't mainline but included special Shib patches
13:01 donsizemore @pdurbin I was just thinking it might have to do with some difference between Shib accounts and local accounts
13:02 pdurbin I can't think of how local vs. shib accounts would matter.
13:03 pdurbin donsizemore: do you get a stack trace?
13:06 donsizemore @pdurbin I see a bunch of solr errors around the time Akio started testing; let me try to trigger it again on that box
13:07 pdurbin ok
13:08 pdurbin donsizemore: did you see what I was saying about help with docs? :)
13:08 donsizemore @pdurbin: actually, it just worked for my Shib account in the root dataverse, though I saw Akio trigger it twice. maybe I can blame him =) let me create a sub-dataverse and try there
13:09 donsizemore @pdurbin: i'll be happy to take a look through the Shib documentation =)
13:11 pdurbin donsizemore: sweet. Mostly I want to know how to configure the feed from InCommon, to have it documented as an example.
13:12 pdurbin the incommon wiki has stuff about checking the signature of the feed and such
13:14 donsizemore @pdurbin: okay, I couldn't trigger the upload bug, though I promise I saw Akio do it. maybe he wasn't putting in a long-enough description
13:15 donsizemore @pdurbin: the InCommon registration part Jan handled, and as the document notes is outside your scope. configuring for the feed was pretty simple, straight from
13:15 pdurbin I don't think we have a minimum length for description.
13:16 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:17 pdurbin which is linked from the top of the wiki page I link to from the guides
13:18 pdurbin djbrooke: I see you got a warm welcome at ... I'd be happy to introduce you to people here if you want. :)
13:24 djbrooke for sure! "here" as in IQSS here or this channel "here?" :)
13:25 pdurbin oh, I sort of meant this channel but whatever :)
13:26 pdurbin maybe we should have a page like that people could add themselves to
13:39 djbrooke anyway - hi everyone - I'm Danny Brooke and this is the tail end of my first week at IQSS! I'm going to be doing the project management/shepherding thing for Dataverse and also helping out by taking on things that the other folks on the team don't like doing
13:39 djbrooke enjoying the conversations so far, the 10% that I can follow at this point :)
13:40 djbrooke (and mad good idea on the people page!)
13:40 pdurbin djbrooke: we're thrilled to have you and please feel free to ask questions here because I'm sure others will benefit
13:41 pdurbin djbrooke: what I should probably do is put under source control and just let people make pull requests against a "people" page
13:45 pdurbin pameyer: morning. Will I be able to query the DCM at any time to retrieve the script? I mean that I'll ask for the script to be created with a POST but I'm hoping the DCM will provide me with an id for the script and that later I'll be able to do a GET on that id and get the script whenever I want.
13:45 donsizemore joined #dataverse
13:53 bencomp djbrooke: welcome! and sort of goodbye - I am in my final days at DANS as service manager for DataverseNL. I'm glad to see the manager position has been filled. (I also understand that conversations between pdurbin and pameyer are hard to follow for new people ;))
14:37 pdurbin bencomp: sorry :)
14:41 bencomp pdurbin: oh, go ahead :) though it is a bit confusing for like a second when I see "DCM" - is that Dataverse Community Meeting or Data Capture Module?
14:45 pdurbin bencomp: oh yeah... I was thinking that DCM sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on why. :)
14:45 pdurbin I keep thinking of "BCM" because I used to work at Berklee College of Music :)
14:50 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:51 donsizemore @pdurbin I pulled our mini-federation out of the dataverse-test shib config, if you want to try to log in again?
14:54 pdurbin same thing. let me try a different browser
14:56 pdurbin donsizemore: same as before... only "eppn" is coming through, like before:
14:56 pdurbin standup meeting in a few minutes
15:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
15:12 bmckinney71 joined #dataverse
15:20 bmckinney71 left #dataverse
15:21 bmckinney joined #dataverse
15:22 razor-home joined #dataverse
15:22 razor-work joined #dataverse
15:25 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:54 metamattj joined #dataverse
17:30 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:32 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:43 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:09 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
19:16 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:22 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:24 pdurbin djbrooke: and idea for you (from Leonid, who's back): since postgres is running if you run `ps` from terminal we may be able to find the directory it's using for pg_hba.conf
20:03 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:04 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:05 pdurbin pameyer bmckinney I just pushed some experiements. I hope you don't object. First:
20:05 pdurbin Which I needed for
20:06 pdurbin I'm basically stubbing out the DCM endpoint I need with Flask for now.
20:09 iamtimmo Folks: I'm getting the following when attempting batch import of DVN 3.6 studies into DV 4 during migration:
20:09 iamtimmo Unexpected Error in handleFile(), file:<ddi-filename>, caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: Error parsing (DOI) IdNo: 10.7281/<doi-localpart>. ':' not found in string, caused by message: Error parsing (DOI) IdNo: 10.7281/<doi-localpart>. ':' not found in string at line:​s.ImportDDIServiceBean.parseStudyId​DOI(
20:09 iamtimmo I get a similar message when importing into another DVN 3.6.3 instance.
20:10 iamtimmo Do DOIs require the prefix "doi:"?
20:10 iamtimmo This is not enforced during input.
20:11 pameyer pdurbin: what do you want me to do with my un-pushed commits from yesterday?
20:12 iamtimmo also, NB: the <doi-localpart> replaces the real localpart, as this is a pattern that I recorded in my notes.
20:12 bmckinney pdurbin: fine by me!
20:12 pdurbin pameyer: uh oh. Should I have pushed to a branch other than master? Or pushed to a fork?
20:13 pameyer I asked before I looked - probably won't be a problem to merge your two files in
20:13 pameyer I wanted to do some more cleanup before I pushed
20:13 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:16 pdurbin iamtimmo: I'm staring at ImportDDIServiceBean but I didn't write this code. If it's truly a migration issue you might be best of emailing!forum/dataverse-migration-wg . Or there's always
20:17 iamtimmo pdurbin: It's really a question about what is the proper syntax for filling that field.
20:18 pdurbin pameyer: I'm not trying to rush you. Please take your time. I'm just trying to make it all a bit more real.
20:18 iamtimmo if you choose agency DOI, are you meant to put "doi:<doi>" or just "<doi>"?
20:19 pdurbin iamtimmo: hmm, the tooltips are not so clear
20:19 iamtimmo The 3.6.3 UI doesn't enforce any restriction, but import to DVN 3 or DV 4 apparently do.
20:19 pdurbin iamtimmo: you *are* talking about "Other ID", I assume.
20:19 iamtimmo pdurbin: yep
20:20 iamtimmo other id with other id agency set to DOI
20:21 pdurbin iamtimmo: this one has an Other ID of "SD 1" - ... I'm really not sure what the rules are.
20:24 iamtimmo pdurbin: thanks. seems there are no rules on entry in the UI. I'm going to assume the rule is "doi:<doi>" since I will need to transform the problem entries to get them ingested.
20:24 pdurbin ok
20:25 pdurbin djbrooke: iamtimmo is also migrating. Different installation:
20:26 iamtimmo pdurbin: I have a mostly successful migration running (a few issues like these imports), but it's inside our firewall. Still a few little quirks to iron out.
20:26 iamtimmo Hi djbrooke. Welcome and nice to meet you!
20:27 iamtimmo pdurbin: I'll be in Boston/Cambridge next week for the connecting repos to pubs meeting. Will you be there?
20:27 djbrooke Likewise!
20:28 iamtimmo djbrooke: Thanks! :-)
20:45 pdurbin iamtimmo: nice. Yep. Gotta run and get my kid to soccer practice now though. Have a good weekend!
20:45 pdurbin iamtimmo: well, to be clear, not at whatever that meeting is but I'll be at my desk. :)
20:45 iamtimmo pdurbin: okie dokie.
20:45 pdurbin left #dataverse
22:35 garnett joined #dataverse
23:04 garnett joined #dataverse
23:33 pdurbin joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.