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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-07-18

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
07:55 majestic joined #dataverse
12:58 bricas hey y'all. i'm looking for some help with shib integration. i feel like i'm pretty close to getting it all working.
12:58 pdurbin bricas: happy to help. what do you need?
13:03 bricas pdurbin: so i've gotten the metadata exchange and all that done with my institution, that seems to let me login -- however after i login i get basicall a blank account screen and clicking anywhere still forces me to login again
13:03 pdurbin bricas: hmm. Did you get it all working with the IdP at ?
13:04 pdurbin bricas: oh, actually... first... Is your root dataverse published?
13:04 bricas no actually i've done nothing with the actual dataverses yet
13:04 pdurbin please see
13:08 bricas okay. will try that.
13:12 bricas is there any harm in just publishing it as-is -- i assume most everything can be edited post install? (this will be our production installation so if things need to be customized before hand i need to let people know :)
13:13 pdurbin no harm. you can change stuff later
13:15 bricas Error – This dataverse was not able to be published.
13:15 pdurbin huh
13:16 bricas welp. i dun messed something up. :)
13:16 pdurbin I'm going to guess there's a stacktrace in server.log
13:19 bricas looks like solr stuff -- i'm *trying* to use solr5 on a remote server which may be a non-starter. i was hoping i could just plunk in the solr5 config from that PR i saw and be on my way :)
13:20 pdurbin oh, yeah, I've never tested with solr 5. may not work at all
13:21 bricas it's throwing 404s for /solr/dataverse/solr/update and /solr/dataverse/solr/spell
13:21 bricas let me consult the PR
13:21 pdurbin bricas: I'd suggest using Solr 4.6.0
13:23 bricas oh dang, it seems to add an extra /solr/ in there. /solr/dataverse/spell works just fine
13:27 bricas so i'm guessing that dataverse currently assumes that solr resides at $SOLR_URL/solr ?
13:28 pdurbin bricas: right:
13:34 mjturk joined #dataverse
13:42 pdurbin bricas: I've never even installed Solr 5. I can't support it.
13:44 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
13:46 bricas pdurbin: ugh. i guess i'll install 4.x -- thought maybe i could just change the paths to include /solr but i can't be bothered. :)
13:47 pdurbin using Solr 4.6.0 will keep you in sync with all the other installations
13:49 bricas are there known issues with newer 4.x solrs?
13:50 pdurbin dunno
13:51 pdurbin I don't think anyone is actively working on
14:14 bricas i think ideally things would be working towards 5.x/6.x instead of the latest 4 since it's basically obsolete.
14:14 bricas i'll give the latest 4.x a shot and see what breaks :)
14:24 pdurbin sounds good :)
15:10 bricas pdurbin: there we go. i guess dataverse doesn't do multi-core setups at all (even 4.x)
15:14 pdurbin bricas: by mult-core to you mean SolrCloud?
15:17 bricas pdurbin: erm, i guess i'm not 100% sure about the terminology, but i think just multi-core:
15:17 bricas it just means i can have more than one thing indexed on the same solr instance
15:18 bricas for multicore, urls would be something like localhost:8983/solr/corename/spell instead of localhost:8983/solr/spell which indicates a single-core instance
15:20 bricas a super quick fix for dataverse would be to have the endpoint stored in the config and not just the server so i could use any multi-core instance and even test the 5.x stuff
15:20 bricas of course, that breaks everyone else's dataverse install until they update their config :)
15:20 pdurbin well, we don't want to break everything :)
15:22 bricas well, it's a very simple fix. is there any sort of automated upgrade process that happens when a person installs the new war file?
15:23 bricas you could just tack on /solr to their config value and everything is peachy.
15:24 pdurbin not a bad suggestion. please feel free to open an issue for this
15:24 bricas will do!
15:25 bricas btw, login still doesn't work. i get this error though:  The SAML assertion for "Shib-Identity-Provider" was null. Please contact support.
15:25 bricas which i saw was a requirement in the docs, but i'm unsure how to make that happen.
15:31 pdurbin bricas: did you have any trouble with the steps in ?
15:33 bricas no generally, though my shib install didn't automatically generate certs so i had to do that
15:34 bricas also, at this point i guess i'm stuck on the required shib attributes
15:38 bricas i have a feeling that particular attribute is something i can't control and have to ask my IdP about
15:53 bricas pdurbin: do you know if that attribute is something i need to ask the IdP about?
15:59 pdurbin bricas: I *thought* "Shib-Identity-Provider" was *always* sent. I'm wondering if you have the "Location /shib.xhtml" stuff set up properly:
16:03 bricas I have exactly exactly what is in the docs
16:04 bricas a quick googling shows this:  The built-in variables can be disabled (to avoid duplication with the extractor) with the content setting of exportStdVars="false".
16:04 bricas
16:09 pdurbin bricas: I'd be curious to know what you see at your equivalent of
16:11 bricas
16:14 pdurbin for me it's Identity Provider:
16:15 pdurbin
16:37 bricas well. i'm stumped for now.
16:39 pdurbin bricas: does help at all?
16:59 bricas pdurbin: i'll add the extra logging and see what i can see
17:00 pdurbin cool
17:02 bricas
17:04 pdurbin bricas: "shib values" should have some data in it, like this:
17:05 bricas oh. hrmm.
17:06 pdurbin you added `attributePrefix="AJP_"` right?
17:06 pdurbin
17:07 bricas <ApplicationDefaults entityID=""
17:07 bricas REMOTE_USER="eppn persistent-id targeted-id" attributePrefix="AJP_">
17:08 pdurbin ok. good. I was just noticing that I mentioned AJP_ at
17:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:20 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
17:25 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse
17:30 pdurbin bricas: did you restart shibd and httpd after adding AJP_?
17:35 bricas indeed.
17:38 pdurbin hmm
17:38 pdurbin bricas: is it working with the IdP at ?
17:39 bricas hadn't tried. i guess i should!
17:40 pdurbin :)
17:40 pdurbin if you would try it it would be great
17:50 bricas same error, oddly enough. :)
18:06 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:30 bricas pdurbin: i'll have to work at this later, but, any thoughts as to why the env vars aren't being passed?
18:43 pdurbin bricas: nothing is jumping out at me. Sorry.
18:44 pdurbin bricas: oh, do you have SELinux disabled?
19:00 skay_ joined #dataverse
19:10 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:43 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:22 pdurbin SELinux needs to be disabled for Shibboleth to work

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