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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-07-22

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:14 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
14:33 Anuj joined #dataverse
15:49 iqlogbot joined #dataverse
15:49 Topic for #dataverse is now Dataverse: | logs at
16:07 kaitlin joined #dataverse
18:07 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:23 astrofrog joined #dataverse
18:25 astrofrog hi - anyone around?
18:28 astrofrog @pdurbin - are you around?
18:33 bsilverstein astrofrog: pdurbin is out for today! anything I might be able to help with?
18:34 astrofrog bsilverstein: one of my collaborators made me an admin on but I don't see any files there
18:34 astrofrog even though she has many files
18:37 bsilverstein astrofrog: hmm, silly question but were you able to see them before being made admin? (on the same account)
18:37 astrofrog I wasn't logged in before she made me an admin unfortunately, will check with someone else on the team
18:38 astrofrog they were always an admin so they don't know (and they don't see the files either)
18:39 astrofrog I can give you my username if it would help
18:39 bsilverstein huh, if the files aren't appearing for them [original admin] on the Dataverse / Dataset, they may not be published
18:39 astrofrog there are three people involved, sorry
18:39 astrofrog the original person sharing the data sees the file
18:40 astrofrog files
18:40 astrofrog another person has always been an admin on the project but doesn't actually see the files
18:40 astrofrog and I was made an admin and I don't see them
18:40 astrofrog the files are not published but if the owner sees the files, the other admins should too right?
18:41 bsilverstein ah, got it. does the original data owner know what the access permissions are for the files / if they are published to the data set?
18:41 bsilverstein usually there is a step after uploading files where you can review them before publishing them (publishing enables others to see them if they have access)
18:41 astrofrog they are not published
18:42 astrofrog but we want to collaboratively check them before publishing them
18:42 bsilverstein gotcha. I think we actually just put out a privateURL feature to help do exactly that
18:42 astrofrog ah ok, we'll check
18:42 bsilverstein so the data publisher can generate a private link to share & review with collaborators
18:43 astrofrog ah I see, so being an admin is not enough
18:44 astrofrog it would be nice if that worked, since then any of the admins could press the publish button
18:45 bsilverstein very true! I'll make note of that and send the idea along, sounds like a good option
18:47 bsilverstein any luck with the privateURL? it's a fairly new installment though if it's gone live for harvard it should work
18:52 astrofrog how does one get a private URL?
18:52 astrofrog we've tried to look but can't find it
18:53 bsilverstein one moment -- I actually haven't utilized the feature myself before (I'm a lowly development intern) but I'll see how it's working real quick
18:53 astrofrog thanks!
18:55 ANuj joined #dataverse
19:01 bsilverstein astrofrog: ah! my mistake, privateURL isn't live on the harvard dataverse version. totally got mixed up, just double checked. guess that's part of next release
19:03 bsilverstein however it is an option to restrict any / all of the files in the unpublished dataset so that even if they are published only assigned users can view them
20:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:13 axfelix joined #dataverse

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