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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-08-08

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:11 axfelix joined #dataverse
02:55 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:21 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:23 axfelix joined #dataverse
05:32 axfelix joined #dataverse
06:32 jo-pol joined #dataverse
07:51 jo-pol joined #dataverse
10:18 jo-pol joined #dataverse
11:18 jo-pol New to glassfish (and IRC) I wonder how I need [re|un]deploy to test my code changes ( ) on our variant of
11:18 jo-pol Would the following command be enough on a running system: /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy /vagrant/shared/dataverse-4.4.war
11:30 jo-pol I could go trough trial and error, but I'm afraid restarting glassfish, or worse having to create a fresh virtual box, to be sure of a healthy state would take me too long
11:32 jri joined #dataverse
12:07 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:18 donsizemore @jo-pol you'll want to to:
12:18 donsizemore @jo-pol /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin listapplications
12:19 donsizemore @jo-pol /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin undeploy dataverse-4.4 # (or DVN-web, or whatever)
12:19 donsizemore @jo-pol /usr/local/glassfish4/bin/asadmin deploy /vagrant/shared/dataverse-4.4.war
12:20 donsizemore @jo-pol then do a stop-domain and a start-domain
12:36 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:37 jo-pol @donsizemore thanks, I'll try
12:37 donsizemore @jo-pol whoops, i think list-applications is dash-èd
12:39 jo-pol @donsizemore, saw that one allready somewhere, but it is good I know have them all in context now
12:55 jo-pol @donsizemore is it normal to get tons of SQL exceptions on creating tables up to inserting rows?
12:57 donsizemore @jo-pol yes, as long as they end with "already exists" - that came up at the most recent dataverse community day. it's an artifact of the glassfish deployment
13:02 jo-pol ok
13:06 jo-pol start-domain threw java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException, retried with sudo, then I got: There is a process already using the admin port 4848 -- it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server.
13:06 donsizemore @jo-pol which distro/platform are you using?
13:08 donsizemore you'll either want glassfish running as root or preferably as unprivileged user 'glassfish' (which must own the domain1/ hierarchy)
13:09 jo-pol joined #dataverse
13:10 donsizemore (and do a 'ps -ef |grep java' to see if glassfish didn't exit properly before)
13:12 jo-pol need to digest that one, Jan created the dataverse-ansible variant and is not available at the moment.
13:13 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
13:15 jo-pol crossposted, grep only returns solr and openjdk after another stop-domain
13:18 donsizemore do a 'netstat -na |grep 4848' and see if anything returns?
13:18 jo-pol when stopping twice its says: glassfish/domains/domain1 is not running.
13:19 jo-pol tcp6 is listening
13:23 jo-pol on my mac I have a line in /etc/hosts which says: to access with a browser on my mac
13:27 donsizemore so this is running in vagrant, on your mac?
13:30 jo-pol indeed I have dataverse running in vagrant. I'm developing other systems too that also need solr, dtap and whatever. So can't have all instances for each one on my mac.
13:48 jo-pol is the vagrant instance
14:01 donsizemore @jo-pol so it sounds like it takes two stop-domain commands to halt glassfish? perhaps its returning a prompt before it finishes shutting down?
14:02 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:17 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:18 jo-pol To mee it sound like the second stop-domain confirms glassfish is no longer there. The netstat seems to sugest tcp6 somehow gets in the way.
14:28 donsizemore @jo-pol if you're running centos in vagrant it's doing a 6-to-4 conversion under the hood. do *one* shutdown then look in /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/​domains/domain1/logs/server.log to see why it's not shutting down
14:29 donsizemore @jo-pol if you shut vagrant down, is anything on your Mac listening on port 4848?
14:35 jo-pol did a 'vagrant halt' and netstat returns
14:35 jo-pol 8d72c14b1fb871f1 stream      0      0 8d72c14b14848189                0                0                0 /.dbfseventsd
14:35 jo-pol so that seems to be in the way of port 4848
14:37 jo-pol it seems to be related to dropbox
14:39 jo-pol stopped dropbox and the culprit is gone
14:42 jo-pol restarted vagrant and 'asadmin list-applications' shows 'dataverse-4.4  <ejb, web>'
14:45 donsizemore @jo-bol you can always move dropbox (or glassfish) to another port
14:45 donsizemore @jo-bol that's why the dataverse-ansible ports are non-standard, requires elevated access to listen <1024
14:47 jo-pol I'll continue tomorrow, thanks so far
14:48 jo-pol left #dataverse
16:01 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
17:41 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:26 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
18:26 dataverse-user left #dataverse
18:50 sivoais_ joined #dataverse
21:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
21:16 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:21 sivoais joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.