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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-08-18

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:41 garnett joined #dataverse
02:24 telnoratti yeah np
02:27 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:18 axfelix joined #dataverse
03:54 axfelix joined #dataverse
08:23 jri joined #dataverse
09:40 jri_ joined #dataverse
10:28 jri joined #dataverse
11:27 jri joined #dataverse
12:17 jo-pol joined #dataverse
12:19 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:34 jo-pol Added logging to all methods of classes I refactored, for example Built and deployed my war, see the tail of my adventures at!topic/dataverse-community/NWjflRYiVrk Told asadmin to set-log-levels to finest for my classes and it replied it did. Added a dataset to the root dataverse. Result: /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfi​sh/domains/domain1/logs/serv
12:36 jo-pol Any sugestions how I can let my loggin show up?
12:39 pdurbin jo-pol: hi! one moment please
12:40 pdurbin jo-pol: it looks like what you wrote after "Result" got cut off:
12:42 pdurbin anyway, I think I'll try to make sure what I wrote at works for me
12:46 jo-pol Result: /usr/local/glassfish4/glassfish/​domains/domain1/logs/server.log only shows some info lines of that event: 'nothing to persist' by the SolrIndexServiceBean class and 'retreived version: id:' by DatasetPage.
12:49 pdurbin jo-pol: ok. Thanks. I just created an example of changing logging levels to fine in Please take a look at
12:50 pdurbin note how after the change, in server.log you see "FINE" for stuff like "queryToPassToSolr" when visiting the home page
12:51 pdurbin here's the corresponding "logger.fine" for queryToPassToSolr:
12:52 pdurbin this is what I ran to make change the logging from info to fine: ./asadmin set-log-levels​ch.SearchIncludeFragment=FINE
13:00 jo-pol the curl command raised an exception, but after some search with the web interface I got
13:00 jo-pol '[glassfish 4.1] [FINE] [] [​arch.SearchIncludeFragment]'
13:00 pdurbin good! right? it's working? :)
13:03 jo-pol your example yes, I'll double check spelling errors in my classes
13:03 pdurbin \o/
13:03 * pdurbin dances
13:04 jo-pol for half of the story
13:06 pdurbin jo-pol: you can also turn up logging for the whole package
13:15 jo-pol \o/
13:15 jo-pol misspelled the packe for CreateDatasetCommand
13:17 jo-pol it did not seem to get past the service beans, but at least now I can debug by adding more logging
13:18 bsilverstein joined #dataverse
13:22 pdurbin jo-pol: great! Do you want to chat about too? I see you mentioned it at
13:39 jo-pol Figured that one out while waiting for the above answers, make of scripts/installer/Makefile seems to work fine.
13:42 pdurbin great!
13:51 pdurbin bsilverstein: mornin'. How's your pull request coming? :)
14:01 bsilverstein pdurbin: good! will probably need your blessing on the final draft of the installation guide blurb
14:01 bsilverstein also to meet [after standup?] with you, Danny & mike to sync up everyone on the requirements for grandfathered users and how close we want it to implementation
14:02 pdurbin no consequences, I say :)
14:03 pdurbin bsilverstein: did you push the blurb already?
14:03 bsilverstein yeah, that whole framework already exists so it'd likely fit better in an "act II" so to speak of this feature
14:03 bsilverstein I have not pushed the blurb yet but I have a working draft at the bottom of the google doc
14:04 bsilverstein also I don't know where I'd navigate to edit the *actual* installation guide, heh
14:05 pdurbin bsilverstein: the question is if you'd like to learn Sphinx or not:
14:05 pdurbin an intern from last year wrote that guide
14:06 bsilverstein would it be in my best interest to mess with all that if I'm just shoehorning a couple paragraphs into one section?
14:06 bsilverstein legitimate question -- not trying to dump the responsibility :D
14:07 pdurbin bsilverstein: it's really up to you. I'm happy to copy and paste something and commit it for you.
14:08 bsilverstein pdurbin: first order of business is to make sure my blurb is A+ then I'll get back to you
14:09 pdurbin sounds good
14:09 pdurbin the Linux kernel now uses Sphinx:
14:10 bsilverstein neat! maybe I will look into learning it yet
14:10 bsilverstein future-proofing my own linux fluency
14:36 pdurbin :)
14:37 * pdurbin looks at
14:37 pdurbin looks like Linux has been using Sphinx since the end of May
17:04 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:25 donsizemore25 joined #dataverse
18:01 axfelix joined #dataverse
18:05 garnett joined #dataverse
18:40 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:28 telnoratti Can running the script that says "YOU (THE HUMAN USER) SHOULD NEVER RUN THIS SCRIPT DIRECTLY" be used to just configure glassfish if I'm trying to spin up another glassfish instance for HA?
19:31 garnett joined #dataverse
19:32 pdurbin wow, HA
19:40 telnoratti Yeah I'm setting up dataverse on AWS, partly as self-education and partly to establish a reuable model for future deployments we do in AWS. I've been trying to automate it with cloud formations using at least one auto-scaling group.
19:45 pdurbin telnoratti: it's like you're reading my mind:
19:55 telnoratti Oh that's convienent. I'm happy to share anything I've done, though it doesn't work quite yet.
19:56 pdurbin telnoratti: are you using Ansible, Puppet, Chef, or similar?
19:57 telnoratti None, I was using cloud-config and docker
19:57 pdurbin interesting
19:58 telnoratti Then depending on AWS's hosted services where possible
19:58 pdurbin telnoratti: are you aware of the existing Dataverse Docker effort?
19:58 telnoratti I am not
19:58 pdurbin
20:00 telnoratti Ah interesting, I came across something else that was a year old
20:01 pdurbin the author has stopped by this channel. and he hangs out in a gitter channel if you have any questions
20:23 telnoratti This may be too specific for me to use directly, I could probably benefit from his scripts though
20:23 telnoratti thanks
20:23 pdurbin oh sure
20:25 pdurbin telnoratti: please feel free to open an issue about adding a warning to the glassfish setup script
21:02 garnett joined #dataverse
22:07 telnoratti There is a warning if you haven't set environment variables that it's expecting. I was wondering if I could ignore it
22:07 telnoratti and if that script was all the configuration I needed

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.