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IRC log for #dataverse, 2016-10-24

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:14 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:24 axfelix joined #dataverse
00:42 balo joined #dataverse
12:20 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:39 rhiaro_ joined #dataverse
12:39 yoh_ joined #dataverse
12:52 pdurbin joined #dataverse
12:54 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:56 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:57 teya joined #dataverse
13:00 teya Hello there
13:04 teya i have installed dataverse , its installed by another person and now i want to do some work on solr and when i checked the default port 8983 solr is not running , how can i checked on which port its running or is there a possibility that dataverse doesn't use it at all?
13:28 pdurbin teya: `netstat` or `lsof` I'd say
13:30 pdurbin teya: actually, maybe try running `ps -efww | grep start.jar` and looking for a line that looks something like "/usr/bin/java -jar start.jar"
13:34 pdurbin that should tell you if Solr is running, at least
13:44 teya pdurbin: i tried ps -efww|grep start.jar and it returns nothing
13:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:45 pdurbin It sounds like Solr isn't running. What happens if you try to start it?
13:46 teya but the dataverse is working without any error
13:50 teya pdurbin: i searched for solr in the server and i found only these "1- /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.8/webapps/solr 2- /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.8/webapps/solr/​META-INF/maven/org.dspace.modules/solr 3- /opt/apache-tomcat-8.0.8/wo​rk/Catalina/localhost/solr
13:50 teya the second one is for some other system so 1 and 3 may be
13:51 pdurbin teya: Could it be that someone configured your Dataverse installation to point to an instance of Solr on a remote host? This is how to configure that:
13:52 teya ok thats how it can be configure. but how can i see the current configuration?
13:53 pdurbin teya: for how to list all settings (or just one), please see
13:58 pdurbin teya: for all settings: curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings
13:58 teya sorry for my silly question but how can i run those api calls?
13:59 teya oh ok
14:00 pdurbin teya: someday we'll build what we're calling an "administrative dashboard" for this so you don't have to use the command line:
14:00 pdurbin "The Dashboard will allow administrators to manage their Dataverse installation's settings, permissions, and integrations, and also perform other administrative tasks."
14:00 pdurbin teya: for now you're stuck with the command line. Sorry!
14:01 pdurbin teya: you can also query the "setting" table directly with SQL if you prefer. It only has two columns ("name" and "content"):
14:02 teya thank you for this ! and can't wait to see that happen. but until that am going to nag you
14:03 pdurbin I'm used to it. :)
14:04 * pdurbin eyes donsizemore ;)
14:08 donsizemore @pdurbin zzzz huh whah?
14:09 pdurbin donsizemore: teya is trying to figure out where Solr is running
14:10 donsizemore @pdurbin oh. reading back i thought it was my long history of nagging you =)
14:11 donsizemore @teya a 'curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SolrHostColonPort' should tell you where dataverse is looking for solr
14:12 pdurbin now if only it would tell me where I put my keys
14:17 donsizemore @teya for general dataverse configuration you can find a bunch via
14:25 teya sorry guys, i tried curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:SolrHostColonPort the only thing i changed is my datavese is running on port 80  and i got 404 resource is not available
14:27 pdurbin teya: what's running on port 80? Glassfish or Apache?
14:27 teya Glassfish
14:28 pdurbin can you please try this: curl http://localhost/api/admin/settings
14:29 teya still 404
14:32 pdurbin teya: huh. Are you running v. 4.5.1 build 49-7e5e8c9?
14:33 pdurbin teya: also, are you interesting in helping us design what the administrative dashboard looks like?
14:34 teya its V3.0
14:34 pdurbin woof, that should have been my first question
14:35 pdurbin teya: DVN 3.0 works fine without Solr because it uses Lucene instead. It doesn't use Solr at all.
14:35 teya Oh , so is there any way i can index the content into another solr instant?
14:35 teya another i mean remote
14:36 pdurbin Well, you should upgrade from DVN 3.x to Dataverse 4. Then all of your data will be indexed into Solr.
14:37 teya and definitely  yes i love to help u on building the dashboard
14:37 teya ok thank you
14:37 teya how about installing a solr for the v3 , is that workable?
14:38 donsizemore and @teya i can give you a million precautions about what NOT to do in upgrading from 3 to 4 =)
14:38 donsizemore our 3.6 instance used solr, i thought
14:38 donsizemore @teya which version of 3 are you running?
14:39 teya 3.0 :(
14:39 pdurbin teya: do you feel comfortable leaving a comment at saying that you're interested in helping with the design and eventual testing of the administrative dashboard?
14:40 donsizemore @teya so you could look into upgrading to 3.6.3, which would a) get you into solr and b) put you in place to migrate to 4.5
14:40 pameyer joined #dataverse
14:40 teya sure i'll do that pdurbin
14:41 donsizemore @teya you can get the warfile from to test
14:42 teya donsizemore: other than upgrading it, do we have any option to use solr as it is? like installing solr on it
14:44 teya or is that almost imposable task?
14:46 teya or if there is any way to index the data not for dataverse consumption, but to get the data for another search engine. do u think its posable
14:47 teya ok i think the only option is upgrading it right??
14:47 pdurbin teya: the best option is to upgrade
14:47 donsizemore @teya the most straightforward way, if the most painful for you at the moment, would be to upgrade as phil suggests
14:48 dataverse-user joined #dataverse
14:48 pdurbin teya: please see which boils down to you emailing for help upgrading to DVN 3.x to Dataverse 4.
14:49 pdurbin I do believe donsizemore emailed that address a time or two. ;)
14:49 donsizemore @teya a guy here who has been with the project for a long time doesn't remember when they switched to solr, but even then you'd want to upgrade from 3.0 to whichever version introduced solr
14:49 pdurbin donsizemore: we switched to Solr in Dataverse 4.0.
14:49 teya ok guys thank you vary much, talk to u later
14:51 pdurbin teya: nice talking to you. Please don't forget to leave a comment on that GitHub issue about the administrative dashboard.
15:32 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
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16:38 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:44 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:01 donsizemore joined #dataverse
17:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:14 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:49 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:09 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:12 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
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21:23 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:44 sivoais joined #dataverse
23:44 skay_ joined #dataverse
23:44 JonathanNeal joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.