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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-01-10

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:44 djbrooke joined #dataverse
08:17 jri joined #dataverse
09:21 cdsp-rmo joined #dataverse
09:41 petrichor joined #dataverse
09:53 cdsp-rmo djbrooke , pdurbin : issue #3563 is open ;)
11:20 pdurbin cdsp-rmo: thanks!
13:41 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:49 djbrooke joined #dataverse
13:53 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:28 andrewSC joined #dataverse
14:28 andrewSC hi all
14:28 andrewSC I've got two feature requests that I'd like to get you guys' thoughts on
14:47 pdurbin andrewSC: shoot
15:08 andrewSC_ joined #dataverse
15:10 pameyer joined #dataverse
15:11 andrewSC pdurbin: hey sorry, just got out of a meeting
15:11 pdurbin no worries, there's always code to write :)
15:12 andrewSC so I haven't checked the repo to see if these have been requested or not but the first feature I'm thinking of is a kind of "pre pub" where a group of users are allowed to submit datasets but they go to some sort of admin queue for approval/editing before being in a public/live/published state
15:12 andrewSC pdurbin: lol
15:12 pameyer andrewSC: you might've been listening in on a meeting I was in last week :)
15:12 andrewSC The second is more of a nitpick I received that has to do with not being able to specify the page number you want to go to when browsing a dataverse (short of manipulating the url)
15:13 andrewSC pameyer: ;) I do *do* contract work for the NSA ;))) hahaha
15:13 andrewSC or I should say our lab is contracted by the nsa to do research, of which i participate in
15:13 pameyer :) - I was trying to make the case that I wasn't the only user who'd want that type of workflow
15:14 pdurbin andrewSC: please go ahead and open an issue for your pagination nitpick. For the other, have you seen this?
15:15 andrewSC oh interesting
15:15 andrewSC is this a newer feature?
15:15 andrewSC as we're on 4.3.1 right now
15:16 pdurbin Nope, but this related feature is newish:
15:16 pameyer it's not a feature yet; but that's why we were talking about
15:17 andrewSC oh this is interesting
15:18 pameyer andrewSC: if you take a look at; could you give us your take on if a dataset should be editable by the user who submitted it for review?
15:18 andrewSC so how do you guys dev? You work out the documentation (which includes detailed instructions on how a feature works?) then meet and decide to implement/change it or not?
15:20 pdurbin andrewSC: how we dev is changing
15:21 andrewSC gotcha
15:21 pdurbin andrewSC: you're welcome to read through
15:23 pdurbin Sorry I don't have a more coherent write up to link you to.
15:23 andrewSC pdurbin: no worries
15:25 andrewSC I'm a little curious, and this is totally OT, but what's the purpose of the develop branch? After reading the docs it seems like you could just create feature branches, merge into master as you go along, then cut releases when need be
15:25 andrewSC is it so when people clone they're getting something that's "stable"?
15:25 pdurbin well, have you see this?
15:25 pdurbin that's from
15:38 djbrooke joined #dataverse
15:45 djbrooke Hey andrewSC - for requirements, a github issue will be created, and when it's defined enough, it's moved to "ready" on our waffle board: That issue then moves through the columns, eventually to Done at which point it is merged to develop. When we want to do a release we tag develop.
15:46 djbrooke Then develop is merged to master so that the develop branch can keep moving forward
15:46 djbrooke Oh - yes, and each github issue moving across the board should have its own feature branch
16:26 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:37 andrewSC_ joined #dataverse
17:36 andrewSC pdurbin: sorry for the delay, I actually hadn't seen that... Each team uses git differently and I'm not an evangelist so whatever works for you guys, I'm happy with :)
17:37 pdurbin we've tried a few things
17:37 andrewSC mhmmm
17:37 pdurbin andrewSC: did you see the comments from djbrooke above?
17:37 andrewSC I did
17:37 pdurbin great
17:38 andrewSC :)
17:57 axfelix joined #dataverse
17:59 pdurbin axfelix: ping. OJS question
17:59 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:01 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:55 andrewSC pdurbin:
19:01 andrewSC pameyer: Sorry, getting back to your question about if a dataset should be editable by the user who submitted it for review. I think it should. However, the ability to edit the dataset should only occur after it's been rejected. That way there's a clear back and forth between the curator/admin and the user submitting the dataset. Instead of a back and forth between the two of "Hey, just edited the dataset,
19:01 andrewSC let me know"
19:01 andrewSC does that make sense?
19:03 andrewSC love that you guys are thinking about this btw... It's a pretty big headache within our org and how academics, researchers, and mgmt collaborate
19:08 pameyer andrewSC: it does make sense (at least, I think it does)
19:09 andrewSC cool
19:09 pameyer right now, from my testing it looks like a user can edit a dataset while it's being reviewed - and this is something I think makes sense to change
19:09 pameyer completely agree that they should be able to fix the problems identified in a review :)
19:10 andrewSC :))
19:18 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:27 pdurbin andrewSC: thanks for opening that issue. So you're with pameyer in thinking that the dataset should be "locked" or whatever (no editing allowed) until it has been reviewed and rejected.
19:31 andrewSC pdurbin: npnp, and yes. Simply to keep the noise down because I can totally see people going and making updates mid review and the reviewer either not refreshing their page or otherwise
19:32 andrewSC I'm having trouble seeing why you wouldn't want to lock the dataset after submission
19:32 pdurbin ok
19:33 andrewSC I'd love a strong argument for not locking it honestly...
19:33 pdurbin pameyer: is there already an issue tracking the "locked dataset" idea? If not, maybe you and andrewSC can get on the same page and create one.
19:33 andrewSC I just can't think of it
19:33 pameyer pdurbin: there isn't an issue yet, sounded like dbrooke wanted to ping some people locally first
19:34 pdurbin andrewSC: oh, here's where we list "in review" as a feature: . I'm not sure if you've seen that "features" page.
19:34 pameyer but this is a chance to collect some more info; so I'll open one and let him delete it later if necessary
19:34 pdurbin pameyer: ok, sounds good
19:34 andrewSC pdurbin: can't say I have, thanks for the heads up :)
19:37 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:37 pameyer andrewSC, pdurbin: I was wrong, there is an issue for this already
19:37 pameyer
19:39 pameyer I'd think it makes more sense to have SUBMITTED -> REVIEWED -> PUBLISHED, and SUBMITTED - ( send back to user with feedback ) -> DRAFT; with SUBMITTED uneditable
19:39 pameyer … and the all-caps are states/constants/enums, not me shouting
19:40 andrewSC pameyer: was hoping it was shouting tbh
19:40 andrewSC hhahaha
19:41 pameyer :)
19:44 * pdurbin adds a comment and some labels
19:45 andrewSC you know what was neat? Seeing that update on my DOM live :)
19:47 axfelix joined #dataverse
19:51 pameyer *copy/paste from chat logs*
20:04 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
20:48 axfelix joined #dataverse
20:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:03 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:23 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:31 djbrooke joined #dataverse
21:45 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:01 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:05 jgautier joined #dataverse
22:08 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
22:23 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:37 garnett joined #dataverse
22:44 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:47 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:11 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:13 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
23:25 jhand joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.