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IRC log for #dataverse, 2017-04-04

Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
04:33 djbrooke joined #dataverse
07:32 andrewSC_ joined #dataverse
09:36 axfelix joined #dataverse
10:49 axfelix joined #dataverse
11:16 donsizemore joined #dataverse
12:03 donsizemore @pdurbin testing vagrant now...
12:13 donsizemore @pdurbin yup, uploads fail:
12:13 donsizemore [2017-04-04T05:12:54.892-0700] [glassfish 4.1] [WARNING] [] [javax.enterprise.resource.​webcontainer.jsf.lifecycle] [tid: _ThreadID=52 _ThreadName=jk-connector(5)] [timeMillis: 1491307974892] [levelValue: 900] [[   /editFilesFragment.xhtml @84,65 fileUploadListener="#{EditData​filesPage.handleFileUpload}": java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: edu/harvard/hul/ois/jhove/viewer/ConfigWindow javax.el.ELException: /editFilesFragment.xhtml @84,65 fi
12:14 donsizemore @pdurbin probably a result of ==> standalone: Copying additional configuration files...  ==> standalone: sh: /home/glassfish/glassfish4/glassfish/domains​/domain1/config/../../conf/jhove/jhove.conf: No such file or directory ==> standalone: done!
12:15 donsizemore @pdurbin i think this was in that trouble ticket i sent in
12:19 pdurbin donsizemore: hi! Good morning.
12:20 pdurbin Did the jhove.conf move on me?
12:26 andrewSC joined #dataverse
12:26 donsizemore86 joined #dataverse
12:28 donsizemore86 ./scripts/deploy/ ../../conf/jhove/jhove.conf $GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish/domains/$​GLASSFISH_DOMAIN/config/jhove.conf
12:29 donsizemore86 i bet it's just a relative path dealy from vagrant
12:31 pdurbin donsizemore86: do you feel like creating an issue and a pull request?
12:31 donsizemore86 @pdurbin sure thing. helping akio for a sec tho
12:32 pdurbin No problem. I wonder when it stopped working.
12:35 donsizemore86 I blame March Madness
12:35 pdurbin man, I had Kentucky going all the way
12:37 pdurbin donsizemore86: I invited Michiel to join us:
12:46 djbrooke joined #dataverse
12:48 Michiel43 joined #dataverse
12:48 soU joined #dataverse
12:48 Michiel43 hi guys, thanks for looking into it
12:50 pdurbin Michiel43: welcome! Thanks for the bug report!
12:50 Michiel43 could you point me to a stable commit that doensnt have this issue so i can test my requirements in the meantime?
12:51 pdurbin I'm running `vagrant up` now. Soon I should be able to tell you exactly where to find server.log but I think it'll be in /home/glassfish somewhere.
12:51 donsizemore86 @pdurbin it's in "additional configuration files" but i've got some other stuff going on in the office so my attention isn't full
12:52 pdurbin Michiel43: according to I was able to get `vagrant up` to work on 7e5e8c9
12:54 pdurbin Michiel43: ah, donsizemore86 already replied on the mailing list with the location of the (Glassfish) server log, which is /home/glassfish/glassfish4/glassfi​sh/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
12:55 Michiel43 ehm, how do i get there easily? :P
12:56 Michiel43 (im installing from 7e5e8c9 in the meantime btw)
12:56 pdurbin first, you do `vagrant ssh`
12:57 pdurbin then you'll have to sudo to root (sudo -i)
12:57 donsizemore86 @pdurbin it looks fine from within the vagrant VM:
12:57 donsizemore86 [root@standalone installer]# pwd /dataverse/scripts/installer [root@standalone installer]# ls -al ../../conf/jhove/jhove.conf -rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1408 Mar 24 06:22 ../../conf/jhove/jhove.conf
12:59 pdurbin I can reproduce the bug and I have a stack trace so I'll go ahead and create an issue.
13:00 donsizemore86 @pdurbin it's the sed line 1050 in the install script
13:03 pdurbin I just opened
13:03 pdurbin donsizemore86: you think that'll fix it?
13:04 Michiel43 do you still need my log? otherwise ill go ahead and delete that vm
13:04 pdurbin Michiel43: I'm good. Thanks. Sorry to ask and then do it myself. :)
13:06 pdurbin donsizemore86: scripts/installer/install hasn't been touched in a while... I'm still confused why this broke
13:06 Michiel43 no problem. nice to see it taken up so quickly :)
13:06 pdurbin Michiel43: come to think of it, that commit I mentioned was probably just me logging in to the Vagrant environment, not necessarily uploading a file. Who knows how long this has been broken.
13:07 pdurbin Well, we mention Vagrant in our Installation Guide so I kind of want it to work. :)
13:07 Michiel43 well, 4.5.1 is installing atm. ill let you know
13:08 pdurbin Michiel43: ok. There's also a demo site at that you're welcome to play with
13:31 pdurbin Michiel43: is there a specific feature you're interested in testing? Does the demo site help?
13:31 Michiel43 well, id like to insert and maybe harvest my own data
13:32 Michiel43 so i cant do that publicly
13:32 Michiel43 but maybe im better suited in creating a full development install
13:33 Michiel43 on that topic: are there templates or best practices for creating plugins?
13:34 pdurbin Michiel43: we're still figuring out how best to foster a plugin ecosystem. What sort of plugin are you interested in developing?
13:36 Michiel43 i want my users (researchers) to design their own queries over multiple datasets (i.e. tables)
13:36 Michiel43 so probably some visual tool using metadata
13:37 pdurbin When you say "queries" is this still in the context of harvesing and defining harvesting sets?
13:38 Michiel43 no, its in the context of generating output
13:39 Michiel43 see my previous forum question: i want to use DV as an interactive data catalogue
13:39 pdurbin this one: DataVerse as interactive data catalogue? - Google Groups -!msg/dataverse-community/ZQUQhVLiSoo/TLzpq45fAAAJ
13:40 Michiel43 yes
13:40 pdurbin Michiel43: is the data tabular?
13:40 Michiel43 yes
13:42 pdurbin You mentioned tables. Are you aware that tabular data is stored in "datatable" and related tables?
13:43 pdurbin Assuming the file is successfully "ingested" that is.
13:44 Michiel43 hmm that looks useful
13:46 Michiel43 i take it that makes it possible to perform live queries etc?
13:48 pdurbin We don't expose the ability to perform live queries directly against the database. You can query "Variable Name" and "Variable Label" at which hits the seach engine Dataverse uses, which is Solr.
14:01 Michiel43 fyi: file upload doesnt work in the earlier version either
14:02 Michiel43 i think ill resort to installing the ide version
14:03 pdurbin Michiel43: I just pushed a new branch
14:03 pdurbin gimme a sec and I'll test it
14:09 donsizemore joined #dataverse
14:11 pdurbin Michiel43: from within Vagrant, can you please give this a try: cp /dataverse/conf/jhove/jhove.conf /home/glassfish/glassfish4/glassfis​h/domains/domain1/config/jhove.conf
14:11 pdurbin After you `vagrant ssh` I mean.
14:13 Michiel43 i dont have the version installed you just pushed
14:13 Michiel43 i can do it on yesterdays
14:13 pdurbin yesterday's is fine
14:15 pdurbin donsizemore: I don't feel like touching the installer so I'm implementing a workaround.
14:30 pdurbin Michiel43: seems like a good fix to me. Did the `cp` help?
14:31 Michiel43 sorry my vagrant was corrupted
14:31 Michiel43 do you think its fixed in the new commit?
14:35 pdurbin Well, it's two commits, but yes, I just tested it. It's in a branch though (3745-vagrant-cannot-upload-files). The pull request hasn't been merged yet.
14:39 Michiel43 i see, ive cloned the jhove.conf commit, lets see how that works :)
14:40 Michiel43 my working day is drawing to a close here, ill play around and let you know how it goes
14:41 pdurbin cool, no rush. thanks again for the bug report. I had no idea it was brooken
14:41 pdurbin broken*
14:47 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:54 djbrooke joined #dataverse
14:57 donsizemore joined #dataverse
16:01 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:01 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:03 pdurbin donsizemore: I have SAML questions.
16:06 donsizemore @pdurbin i may not have answers, but i can help find out?
16:07 pdurbin maybe you can test something for me
16:07 donsizemore @pdurbin absolutely
16:07 pdurbin Step 1. Can you please log in to using Shibboleth/SAML?
16:11 donsizemore done.
16:11 donsizemore (sorry, in a meeting)
16:13 pdurbin Step 2. Click "Log In" at and pick the same institution you used for Step 1. Are you prompted to log in again? I am, unfortunately. I see the HarvardKey screen again, even though I just used it for the Harvard Dataverse. This is not Single Sign On.
16:13 axfelix joined #dataverse
16:15 donsizemore i'm signed in automatically
16:17 pdurbin orly!
16:18 donsizemore it sees me as which should be my EPPN
16:18 pdurbin But why is there a difference between HarvardKey and whatever your thing is called?
16:19 pdurbin Onyen
16:19 donsizemore i didn't sign out of harvard's dataverse, so my SSO session should've still been active?
16:20 pdurbin I didn't sign out either. But there's a difference between HarvardKey and Onyen, apparently.
16:21 donsizemore if you'd like i can ask jan? i can't imagine UNC's security/interoperability settings being open beyond the boundaries of campus
16:22 pdurbin If Jan can solve this riddle it would be fantastic. I'm at a loss.
16:22 donsizemore @pdurbin i'll ask jan
16:22 pdurbin I'm also wondering if there are other Service Providers besides Hathi Trust that I could test with.
16:23 knikolla joined #dataverse
16:24 knikolla o/
16:24 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:24 pdurbin I'll give you a case where Single Sign On "just works" for me. If I log into and then visit I don't get the HarvardKey prompt. This is what I want. Single Sign On. Don't keep asking me to sign on if I just signed on. :)
16:25 pdurbin donsizemore: please meet knikolla who works on OpenStack stuff, especially the auth stuff from what I understand. Keystone, if I'm not mistaken.
16:26 knikolla hi. yep, keystone is the identity service for openstack.
16:26 donsizemore65 joined #dataverse
16:27 pdurbin knikolla: do you already have something that I can log into with HarvardKey? An equivalent to but something OpenStack-y? :)
16:29 knikolla pdurbin: nope, we still haven't rolled out support for saml into our openstack cluster.
16:29 pdurbin oh, ok, no problem
16:30 pdurbin knikolla: do you figure you'll limit SAML logins to just Harvard and BU?
16:30 pdurbin or can donsizemore65 (UNC) play too? ;)
16:30 pameyer joined #dataverse
16:31 donsizemore65 @pdurbin i can play, but i'm about to head out for some lunch. got here at 0700
16:31 pdurbin bon appetit. I'm getting hungry too
16:32 knikolla pdurbin: we plan on supporting incommon, so whoever is a participant there.
16:33 pdurbin knikolla: oh! Harvard Dataverse (and donsizemore65 's UNC-CH Odum Institute Dataverse) are already listed at . It would be nice if you join the club. :)
16:34 knikolla pdurbin: i think that's our goal :)
16:34 pdurbin Both of our installations of Dataverse are also a part of the more narrow Research & Scholarship club (category), which I highly recommend:
16:35 knikolla pdurbin: oh cool.
16:36 knikolla that's a long list
16:37 pdurbin knikolla: would you be able to try the same test? Log into with your BU credentials and then visit to see if you're asked for your BU credentials again? donsizemore65 and I are seeing a difference. I'm prompted by HarvardKey to log in again but Don isn't prompted by UNC's "Onyen" (UNC's equivalent to HarvardKey) to log in again. I'd be curious to
16:37 pdurbin know what you see.
16:38 knikolla Problem with Identity Provider The SAML assertion for "eppn" was null. Please contact support.
16:38 knikolla pdurbin: i figure authN is fine, but I fail at authZ for dataverse :P
16:39 knikolla pdurbin: oh, i need to register first, right.
16:40 knikolla pdurbin: or no?
16:40 pdurbin knikolla: Hmm, you shouldn't get that error because BU claims to be part of the Research & Scholarship category: . BU's IdP I mean.
16:41 knikolla pdurbin: interesting.
16:42 knikolla pdurbin: i've not had the opportunity to federate anything with BU's IdP yet. so I don't know.
16:42 pdurbin knikolla: do you know the people who run BU's IdP?
16:43 knikolla pdurbin: nope.
16:44 pdurbin no problem, the contact address is according to
16:47 knikolla pdurbin: yes, that's the email for all it help, lol. I can try sending an email.
16:48 knikolla pdurbin: it's interesting though. usually 'eppn' is a good guess for the attribute to use.
16:48 pdurbin knikolla: I'm trying to decide if the fact that BU's IdP doesn't work with the Harvard Dataverse is a blocker for us. Does it only matter if what we comes up with works for Harvard? Which institutions are we trying to support?
16:49 djbrooke joined #dataverse
16:50 knikolla pdurbin: we probably can make it work. have a different attribute to use for the mapping in BUs case.
16:50 knikolla or are they not sending any assertion at all?
16:52 pdurbin knikolla: would you be able to email me what you see at ? You should sanity check if for private information first.
16:54 knikolla pdurbin:
16:55 knikolla attributes section is empty
16:55 pdurbin interesting. thanks!
16:55 knikolla therefore not much to sanity check
16:56 knikolla pdurbin: i wonder if anyone from bu used bu's login before
16:56 knikolla with dv
16:57 pdurbin dunno
16:57 pdurbin obviously, it's a terrible user experience
16:58 pdurbin knikolla: do you mind if I put that output into a GitHub issue?
16:59 knikolla pdurbin: sure. i'm going to grab lunch now. talk to you in a bit.
16:59 pdurbin ok, see ya
17:07 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:19 pdurbin knikolla: when you get back, here's the issue I just opened:
17:20 djbrooke joined #dataverse
17:26 pameyer joined #dataverse
17:32 djbrooke joined #dataverse
18:13 donsizemore joined #dataverse
18:14 donsizemore @pdurbin i'm back if i may be of service
18:18 pdurbin donsizemore: if you want you could read through that issue I just created and see if it makes sense
18:20 djbrooke_ joined #dataverse
18:28 pameyer joined #dataverse
18:48 donsizemore @pdurbin makes perfect sense. i went back and forth with several Id Mgmt groups when we went live with 4/Shib. They'd release *some* attributes, but not all in R&S; a very manual/non-standard affair.
18:48 donsizemore @pdurbin BU can release the R&S attributes only to your SP if they don't want to share them with the world
18:49 pdurbin oh sure, just like we do with Harvard
18:49 pdurbin one off side deals
18:49 pdurbin in smoky back rooms
18:49 donsizemore @pdurbin smoky ~XML~ rooms
18:49 pdurbin heh
18:50 pdurbin smoky back rooms are not automatable
18:50 donsizemore @pdurbin changing the error boilerplate to "please contact your institution's Identity Management group" is >:-)
18:51 pdurbin heh, true, and I guess Dataverse has that data in her hands
18:51 pdurbin I think you showed me this a while back. Proposed something along these lines.
18:51 donsizemore @pdurbin I suggest "and give 'em what for!" using the <blink> tag
18:51 pdurbin heh
18:53 pdurbin donsizemore: yeah, you pointed out something called the InCommon Federated Error Handling Service at
18:54 donsizemore @pdurbin i did? i mean yeah, i did!
18:55 donsizemore and now that you remind me of it, i do love their linking to a given institution's support page
18:55 pdurbin yeah
19:09 pameyer joined #dataverse
19:42 donsizemore joined #dataverse
19:46 pdurbin knikolla: did you have a change to read through the issue I created?
19:51 djbrooke joined #dataverse
19:58 knikolla pdurbin: yes i did. sorry, got caught up in meetings. tuesdays are not good for productivity.
19:58 knikolla looks good to me.
20:07 pameyer joined #dataverse
20:14 pdurbin knikolla: awesome. Thanks. I'm writing down a user story having to do with auth. Any objection to Google Docs?
20:15 knikolla pdurbin: Google Docs sounds good to me.
20:23 pdurbin knikolla: please take a look at this. It's a stab at an agenda for tomorrow:
20:32 knikolla pdurbin: looks good to me.
20:34 pdurbin Cool, I gotta run. See you tomorrow at 10:30.
20:34 pdurbin soU: nice talking to you at :)
20:36 pdurbin pameyer: thanks for the bug fix for
20:37 pameyer pdurbin: thanks for finding the bug first
20:38 pdurbin heh, sure
20:38 pdurbin The earlier you find bugs the less expensive they are.
21:17 pameyer joined #dataverse
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21:23 axfelix joined #dataverse
21:25 garnett joined #dataverse
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22:07 pameyer joined #dataverse
22:14 djbrooke joined #dataverse
22:21 djbrooke joined #dataverse
23:06 djbrooke joined #dataverse

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Connect via to discuss Dataverse (, an open source web application for sharing, citing, analyzing, and preserving research data) with users and developers.